Chapter 3

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Harry felt cool, dewy grass beneath the clammy palms of his hands. His blue-green eyes opened and looked at what was above him. He was under the coverage of a forest, sunlight gently poking it's way through the leaves warming the ground. His fingers curled up taking the dew of the grass as they slipped into his palms and his fingernails dug into the tender flesh. He squeezed his eyes shut not wanting to see the rest of this strange forest because he realized he was in another dream. That's what it had to be, he had fallen asleep, rather fainted in a hotel room in center New York City and now he was laying in some field in a forest.He felt like he was out of the scene in Twilight because this is exactly what this field looked like. But he wasn't a indestructible, glittery, vampire nor was there a Bella laying across from him staring deeply into his eyes. Not that she really could because of how tightly his eyes were glued shut. His ears perked up when he heard laughter. Laughter of a small child gently weaving in and out of trees like a spring wind.It made him feel safe, like someone was watching over him. His lips pulled into a smile as the laughter continued as if the child was having the time of their life playing in the field. His eyelids eased and peeled open squinting at the bright light above them. His eyes adjusted and made out those emerald green eyes staring down at him. That's why the laughter made him feel happy, it was Lucy's. Nothing in this world ever made him happier than her breezy laughter that seemed to be contagious. He pushed himself into a sitting position and was nearly the same size as her then. He was in his 18 year old body still but his sickness had disappeared again. Lucy was always a very small girl, even when she was alive when playing everyone was really gentle because she looked so fragile and delicate as if you hit her hard enough she would just break. She had this aura radiating from her that just made everythin seem so warm and happy."Hey Lucy Goosey." He greeted a smile growing on his face as he looked at his little sister. Her smile grew as well and she giggled softly at the nick name he had given her when she was just a toddler. She leaned forward placing a dandelion she had picked from the green grass in his loose curls of hair. "Oh why thank you princess." He pulled a daisy from the grass breakinf it's stem and tucking it behind her ear in the gentle waves of her golden brown hair. He pulled himself up and took her small hand in his own looking around."Where are we?" He asked in amazement looking around at the wild flowers and butterflies that danced together in the warm air. Everything had a warm feel to it and seemed to have a gold sheen gently covering it in a glow. She looked around as well though she seemed to be used to it looking up at him gently."It's my world." She said softly. Her voice echoed around the small field as though being repeated fifty times even though she said it with such a fragile voice. Harry assumed it was because of her spiritual being, or maybe that was just how she liked her voice to be in 'her world.' He looked down at her with a smile, she slipped her hand from his grip and started to run forwards bounding in the tall grass that hid most of her from view. "I bet you can't catch me." He ran after her."I bet I can!" He exclaimed following the trail of her lavender dress and hair blowing behind her as she ran. He made sure his pace was slow so she had time to run with her small legs, she always enjoyed winning, that made him feel like he was winning too. He loved that. But as they ran farther into the grass and into the forest everything around them was dead.The bark on the tree was turning a charcoal black and peeling from the trunks of the tree revealing it's inner rotting white flesh. The grass around their feet began to wilt over in a mess of rotting wisps of dying hair. The sticks snapped with every step and the leaves creating a mold smell drifting through the once flower fragrant air. Harry stared around in horror as the air filled with a fog and the sky began to darken. The air felt thick and pressed at his chest as everything began get dark."Lucy what's happening?" He asked her. She turned on her heel around to greet him with darkened eyes that seemed to have fear electrifyed through them. A chill went up his spine, everything seemed to grow extremely cold as Lucy trembled before him. Her golden skin turned pasty and pale."He's here." She whispered. He cocked a eyebrow looking around. He didn't see anyone around but he had that creepy sensation that they were being watched. Lucy didn't make any move to run but he had the overwhelming sensation to. "What do you mean 'He's here'?" Harry questioned her seriously still staring around the dead forest suspiciously. He didn't know what was going to happen but he feared the worst. He jumped when he heard Lucy's blood curdling scream behind him. He turned to see her crouching down on her knees holding her hands over a gash in her neck that was spilling blood all over the place. All he could think was the car accident, but why was that happening again?"LUCY!" He screamed trying to run towards her but the more he ran the farther he was going back. Trees were flying by him as he got further and further away. Dark, maniacal laughter was filling the air where his sister's giggles once were. She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face. "I need you Harry." She cried and he could feel the pressure on his chest increase. No air was passing into his lungs. As he struggled to stay conscious and to get to Lucy she collapsed completely to the ground. He collapsed so his knees gasping for air before everything went black. **He woke up in his bed gasping for air still. Everything felt like a thousand degrees and a sheen of sticky sweat masked his whole body. His breaths were coming in shallow gasps as he tried to control all the pain throughout his body. His eyes were squeezed shut as he gripped the sweat drenched sheets tightly in his palms groaning in pain as some one dabbed quickly at his head with a cool cloth, it did nothing to sooth the heat though. A thermometer presumably was ripped from his lips."It's at 105.5 if it get's any higher we have to bring him to the hospital." He heard Zayn's voice practically yell at the person dabbing at his forhead. For the first time he realized that tremors were racking his body that was trying so desperately hard to fight the virus attacking his body, but it clearly losing the battle as his temperature was staying spiked. His eyes opened wide and he shot up a surge of pain going through his body. Then he noticed through his shaking and gasps for precious air between coughs the iridescent green eyes staring back at him. Lucy who dropped to the floor, but only him out of his bandmates noticed it.The ground around her was still the same dying grass that it had been in her world. They were to overworked at trying to make him breath and get his temperature down. He watched his sister lose all color on the floor of the hotel room, she looked like she did when she was lying in her casket. He let out a terrified scream making his mates jump backwards from him as he pressed his back against the head board."LUCY!" He screamed just wanting to know that his little sister was okay. Not wanting to relive her death over and over again. Her face looked so pained and troubled and that's exactly what he didn't want. Liam practically pounced on him with the wet wash cloth pressing it against his flaming forehead. He felt Louis's hand on his back rubbing circles between his shoulder blades trying to calm him down."He's halluncinating!" Louis exclaimed with worry even though Harry was sure what he was seeing was real. His stomach did a 180 inside of him and his flushed cheeks suddenly lost their color. "We got to break this fever soon guys."I think he's going to be sick." Niall siad shoving the bin from the side of the bed into Harry's arms. Harry's fingernails dug into the plastic as he ducked his head into the bin and got sick. Surprisingly Louis continued to rub his back even with each retch his body forced out of his system. The thing is he had hardly anything in his system to begin with. His stomach stopped it's tyrant and he shakily put the bin down on the floor again before collapsing back into his pillows. His body was so exhausted and exhaustion was consuming him as Liam continued to dab at his face. He laid there trying to catch his breath through his coughs that burned his throat. His muscles ached badly and his joints everytime he moved. His head surged everytime a sound passed his ear drum, but his exhaustion was making it hard to wince. His head was continually dabbed at and Zayn got him to swallow some liquid medicine he was too weak to object. After around 15 minutes he steadily regained his breath and the world started to cool down a bit. Louis stuck the thermometer back in his mouth and let out a sigh of relief after it beeped and he looked at it."Guys it's going down, 104.6 right now. He's cooling down." They all breathed a breath they all seemed to be holding in. "We're going to have to get him out f those sweaty pajamas if we don't want horrible chills." Harry much to his displeasure was ripped from the comfort of his bed and placed on his shaky legs."Put your hands up Harry." Niall instructed him. He knew it was sort of childlike somewhere in the back of his mind but he was too disoriented at the moment to really grasp the picture of what was happening. They peeled off his sweaty shirt throwing it to the side and he stepped out of the cotton pants. He allowed them to slip a new dry shirt over his head and he stepped into the fresh pair of pants his legs ready to collapse underneath him.Seeing as Harry was hardly able to move they got Liam to pick him up over his shoulder. Harry groaned as his feet left the floor but he soon felt the comfort of the bed but this time the dry side of the bed. They pulled up the duvet up and over him, his achy body sinking into the mattress. The exhaustion swept over him like never before and he feel asleep not having it in him anymore to think about Lucy

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