Chapter 10

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“Are you sure this plan is going to work?” Zayn asked skeptically as they looked around the corner of a hallway to see if anyone was coming. Once they we’re sure they weren’t they dashed across into the next hallway. Niall turned around to him with a shrug.

“I’m not.” He answered truthfully crossing the next hallway narrowly avoiding a nurse’s gaze. Their feet were feather light on the ground since they had removed their sneakers to avoid the rubber noise they tended to make. Zayn sighed at the answer pressing his back to the wall and moving slowly against it. “But really Malik what other choice do we got? Now c’mon the map over there says we’re a few hallways from where they keep the uniforms.”

“Alright, Louis and Liam better be there when we are.” Zayn said following after his blonde friend through the hallways as stealthily as possible.

Meanwhile a floor away Liam and Louis were preoccupied with searching for the late night Janitor. He had the keys to every room to the whole building. That’s exactly what they needed as well. Louis ran across the Hallway to the corner Liam followed but stopped in the middle of the hall pointing.

“Wait- isn’t it him right there?” He asked aloud before Louis pulled him behind the wall clamping his hand over Liam’s lips. He glanced around the corner noting that the janitor did not notice Liam in the slightest. He let out a sigh of relief before removing his hand from Liam’s mouth.

“Liam you got to stay quiet.” He scolded the younger boy who nodded, eyebrows furrowed. “You stay here while I go convince him I’m a doctor.” He got up and turned the corner as Liam sat back against the wall. Louis tucked his shirt into his pants and popped up the collar a bit more. He licked the palm of his hand and slicked his hair back to make it more professional.

“You better be good at acting Louis.” Liam grumbled to himself watching his friend approach the elderly janitor slowly and carefully. Louis was making sure he walked straight rather than slouched over and disorderly. 

“Sir?” He asked. The janitor didn’t respond to him. He poked the man and finally got a response as the janitor turned around and removed ear plugs.

“What can I do for you son?” He asked him leaning on the handle of the mop he was using. Louis swallowed quickly hoping it wasn’t noticeable.

“Well you see sir, I’m a new doctor at this here hospital and I don’t happen to have the key. Would you allow me to borrow yours?” He asked hoping it was as smooth as it sounded to him. The janitor shrugged and unclipped his key ring picking out the correct key and holding them out to Louis. 

“Sure here ya go.” He said jingling them once for Louis to take them from his grasp. Louis was shocked. Could it have really been that easy to obtain a pair of keys? T.V makes this look so much harder than it really is.

“Reall- I mean thank you Sir.” Liam smacked his hand against his face in exasperation of Louis’s screw up. Louis sighed and grabbed the keys before turning around and starting to walk rather fast towards Liam as the younger boy was motioning to move faster before the old man figured out their lies. It was unlike Liam for sure but he had to help Harry and Lucy. Louis stopped mid- step in the hallway.

“What are you doing?” Liam whisper yelled at him still motioning him to move. Louis gave him a sheepish lopsided smile before turning back to the man.

“Uh, where is the room anyhow…? I am new after all.” Louis asked him. Liam couldn’t resist face palming again. How could Louis forget to ask where the room is for the key he was given? The old man squinted at him suspiciously but not questioning it however.

“Um. It’s downstairs like it’s always been. But since your new here it’s room 187.” He answered slowly. Louis nodded and took off the rest of the way towards Liam. “Those damn kids I will never understand what goes through their heads.”

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