Chapter 4

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"I don't know what to do anymore." Louis whispered though Harry had heard him as he was waking up. He felt that cool cloth against his forehead like the night before. It soothed some of the heat radiating from him but everything hurt still. He grabbed the glass of water off the side table and sat up making his friends push back a little to give him room. The bin was pushed into his arms as soon as the water passed his lips. As soon as it went down his throat his body pushed it back up. even though he had thrown up many times in the past 12 hours he could never get used to the gag reflex. Louis sighed standing up along with Niall who took the wet cloth."I'll go get a new cloth, and a new bin." Niall offered grabbing the bin and walking out of the room. Zayn and Liam were sprawled over each other on the couch both fast asleep from their hour shifts of taking care of Harry. Louis turned away going to walk out of the room before Harry moved his shaky hand into the grasp of Louis's weakly gripping on."What is it Harry? You going to be sick again?" Louis asked softly. Even though he was exhausted he couldn't help but feel bad for Harry as he was constantly exhausted because his body was overworking itself. Harry shook his head slowly careful not to make quick moves that would make his heart pound. "What's the matter then?" "Louis I still see her." Harry croaked staring up at Louis with once lively green eyes. Louis's eyebrows knitted together not following what Harry was saying. "I still see Lucy.""Harry she's been gone for almost three years now." Louis said as gently as possible not wanting to upset the already terribly sick Harry. He gave the sick boy a sympathetic smile knowing hallucinating and dreaming of his dead sister must be hard for him. He had loved Lucy with all his heart."I know she has." Harry whispered because his achy throat would not allow his voice to rise any louder. He licked his lips and stared at Lucy who was gripping the end of the bed, her eyes wide with fear. He was so lost as in why the other's couldn't see her there. He looked back up at Louis. "But I just keep seeing her, she looks scared.""It's probably your fever Harry, I'm sure wherever she is she's fine. Go back to sleep." He said softly brushing Harry's curls from his sweaty forehead gently resting his hand there. "Your still burning up Harry. You're going to be checked into the hospital soon if this fever doesn't let down."Harry wasn't even fazed by the fact that Louis said hospital. In a average situation he would freak, but he had never felt so ill in his life, maybe a trip to the doctor will be good. He closed his eyes letting his grip drop from Louis's hand. He felt the cool rag from Niall again as he gently drifted back off to his very troubled dreams.He was back in the dying forest, right back where he started. Lucy was ahead of him laying face first in the rotting leaves and mud. A pool of thick blood surrounded her from the wound in her neck. He ran forward no longer feeling the pull on his body. He jumped over the fallen trunks and branches of the dead trees, the twigs snapping harshly under his feet."Oh Lucy." He sighed dropping to his knees besides her. He gently reached over and cupped a hand over her small, bony shoulder. He turned her over slowly until she was facing up at him. Her green eyes had darkened and were as wide as saucers. He was about to lean down and try to stop the blood flow but she let out the most horrific scream he had ever heard. He let go of his grip on her dropping her back into the blood to put his hands over his ears."Oi! Stop the screaming your alright!" He yelled at her trying to calm her down. Her eyes started to flip over and he started to scream in horror as they turned into pools of infinite black as her body became as stiff as a wooden board. Arms wrapped around his mid-section making him scream even louder as they tightened their grip making it hard to breath in and out. Claws from it's hands dug into his torso staining his white t-shirt bright red, his screams becoming painful cries. The creature reached around his neck and hissed into his ear. His blood ran cold as it sunk it's sharp teeth into the flesh of his neck.He screamed even louder than Lucy had as pain ripped through his body. He could feel the blood leaving him into this creatures mouth. His head spun as it was quickly draining him, his screams becoming painful moans. The fiery pain in his body was becoming intense that he just had to bite down and try hard not to scream as loud as he could even though he was sure his body couldn't muster it.The creature shoved him off and he fell to the ground like a stone statue. He couldn't move through the pain surging through his body. He was all alone on the floor of the forest. He let out the most loud scream his body could muster. If only someone could save him before it all faded to black....His screams rang throught the small hotel room like a echoing cave. His body felt like it was on fire he was burning up so bad. He could hardly breath at how stuffy everything seemed to breath. It was like all the heat was built up into a energy ball and being pressed down onto his chest. He coughed and sputtered for air clawing at the thick blankets that covered him and letting out yells."It's 106 get him to Paul!" He heard Louis scream and suddenly he was out of those constricting covers and in someone's arms. He was curled up in a small ball his head falling helplessly against them as they practically ran down the hallway. He was passed into someone else's arms which were presumably Paul's he opened his eyes. "It's going to be okay Harry. Your going to be okay.""So Louis and me will run out first to distract the girls, then Paul, Harry, Zayn and Niall climb into the car and go straight to the hospital alright?" Liam asked them all and they nodded. Harry stayed shaking and moaning in pain in Paul's arms as they headed downstairs to the lobby of the hotel. He could already hear the noises of the fans awaiting outside groaned as his fiery head surged with pain."My head." He moaned. Louis and Liam ran out as they stayed inside for a bit. Harry's torso was wrapped up in a jacket and a beanie slid onto his mop of curls, his barefeet having to hang over Paul's arm. He coughed as the stuffy air overwhelmed him again wanting to just crawl under something and die. After a few minutes they headed out into the cool night air and Harry was placed down in the back seat curling into a ball. He used Zayn's lap as a pillow not even caring at this point. He wrapped his arms around his stomach.He launched up and reached for the nearest object happening to be a old fast food bag one of the boys had eaten out of earlier. His inside felt like they were being ripped out with each retch. The taste in his mouth was a mix of vomit and iron unlike before hand. He gripped the sides of the bag with all that he was worth his body launching more forward with every retch.He gasped for air as his burning body was on the brim of breaking down. Niall rubbed at him back noticing the orange-red liquid gently dribbling down Harry's chin as he came up before he retched again."Oh god he's puking blood!" Niall exclaimed as the others turned to see Harry. His hands were covered with it from wiping at his mouth constantly and his lips were like cherries as slick as they were. He dropped the bag and fell back again onto Zayn's lap his breath becoming shallow as he struggled to control the fire in his veins. He gripped the leather seats beneath him his nail's digging into the cow's skin roughly. "Can't we go faster!" Zayn screamed staring down at his friend. Harry's eyes were squeezed shut and his face the poster of complete pain. His body was racked with tremors shaking harshly through out him. Zayn watched Harry's chest rise and fall so fast it seemed like it was going to explode, but by the sound he was making it was like he was hardly getting any hair through his lips.They had finally got to the hospital and Paul grabbed Harry again, his limp body helplessly guarded by Paul's arms. Paul ran towards the doors marked 'emergency', his band mates following closely behind as they ran into the emergency room. "Help! Help! We need help! Now!"A gurney was brought over by a small band of doctors and nurses, Paul laid Harry's shaking body down on it. Harry immediately curled up into a small ball. The doctor's put a air mask over his his gasping mouth, finally getting him to get some air. They wheeled him quickly through double doors leaving Niall and Zayn and Paul behind in the waiting room."I don't think this is the flu." Niall sighed throwing himself down into a worried mess in a plastic waiting chair. Zayn threw himself down in the chair next to him his head falling into his hands."I don't think it is either Nialler. I really don't."***Harry awoke in a starchy bed of a hospital room. He couldn't really recollect how he had gotten there or really what had happened for the most part. He just rememeberd the fiery pain that pulsated through him and how badly he had gotten sick in the back of the car. Blood, that's what he choked on, his own blood. He could vaguely remember that because of how bad his head spun as he did so, but he could cleary recollect Niall screaming about it.His eyes peeled open slowly pulling apart to see the dimly lit hospital room. He could see his blonde friends slumped over in a chair pushed to the wall at the end of the room asleep on Zayn who was leaned over on Niall's lap. On the wall parrellel to the bed was Louis and Liam. Louis had his arms crossed around him as he leaned on Liam's shoulder and Liam's head leaned on his. Harry gave a weak smile appreciative on what his band mates were doing for him."Harry?" Louis asked yawning and rubbing his eyes. He gave Harry a toothy smile which Harry returned with a throaty cough. Louis pushed himself up from his chair and ran a hand through his bed head hair, shuffling over to the bed. "Your finally awake thank god.""How long...?" Harry trailed off not really able to form lengthy sentences with his scratched up throat that was diminishing his voice. He looked up at Louis with his dulled eyes."How long were you out?" Louis asked him and he nodded. "I don't know I would say 8 hours tops. They were running tests on you for four of those hours. They don't know what's wrong with you.""The flu." Harry mumbled confused. That's what he had wasn't it? That's what the other doctor had diagnosed him with and he was showing flu symptoms. So what else could it possibly be?"That's what the doctor's thought too Haz, but it doesn't seem that way anymore you were puking blood for pete's sake." Louis sighed sitting down on the bed besides Harry. "They can't figure that out either, they did several scans of your insides and they found no reason why you would puke blood." "It hurts." Harry whispered referring to all the pain his over worked body was in. Louis's ocean blue eyes flickered over to him and he gave Harry a soft and sympathetic smile gently patting his shoulder. "I know bud. The nurse put new pain killer in your IV not to long ago. It should take affect soon. But the doc's say this is sort of like a super flu, because your symptoms are flu-like but magnified in a way. Your temperatures are sky high and your getting sick more than normal." Harry felt a sudden warmth bask over him and he looked over to see Lucy standing over his bed looking back to how she did before the accident."Lucy." He whispered softly. Louis quickly looked over at him with a small smile. He brushed the hair away from Harry's eyes knowing he was hallucinating again and probably wouldn't even remember this conversation."No Harry it's your fever she isn't- Oh my god." He breathed looking at the small, very pale girl standing before Harry he had come to know as Lucy. He rubbed his eyes darting up from the bed and starting to back away from the bed slowly, he needed to help Harry though Harry seemed so content seeing his sister. He tripped backwards over his chair falling down on his butt."W-W-Wha-" He stuttered not knowing what to make of it. So Harry had really been seeing Lucy all this time, she just wasn't showing up for them. The thought scared him knowing the dead little girl had been roaming around for who knows how long. He didn't fully understand how he was seeing Lucy, as the happy eight year old she once was besides pale and tired looking, if she had been dead for three years come December."Hi Louis." She said softly in a voice that slipped from his mind months after the crash. But it brought back all the memories of her. The happy and ever lasting memories. Her pale lips pulled into a smile down at him, she was still missing her teeth. He could remember she lost one during a show and how excited she was when she got back stage and showed Harry. Louis grabbed onto Liam's leg and shook it roughly his wide eyes never leaving Lucy's pale form."Guys! GUYS! WAKE UP NOW!"

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