Chapter 5

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Liam jumped at the sudden shaking and yawned once he realized it was Louis. Louis still held onto his leg tightly though and Liam could feel his hands shaking heavily. He looked down at Louis who looked back up at him with wide blue eyes filled with fear. "Why did you wake me up?" Liam asked him groggily still not fully awake. Louis just shook his head and pointed his finger towards the bed Harry was laid in. Liam rolled his eyes and looked up. His eyes widened at the sight before him, he looked over to where Niall and Zayn were sitting to see them looking with the same twisted face of horror.Before them stood Lucy Annabelle Styles. The little girl they had attended the funeral of almost three years back. The girl's name who was forever engraved into the shiny grave stone sitting under a oak tree in a graveyard in Holmes Chapel. The girl who was supposed to be resting for all eternity and was clearly not. She looked at them all curiously with her shining green eyes they hadn't seen in a long time. Her pink lips curled into a small smile."Hi guys. Please, please don't be scared of me." She begged them softly. Somehow they all nodded knowing they shouldn't be scared of just a little eight year old girl. Lucy looked practically the same as before besides she was as pale as a china doll with a soft baby pink on her cheeks. She seemed to give off a white glow that illuminated the room.Suprisingly though, chills of fear didn't consume them. The dead child actually gave off a sense of warmth. Maybe the fact that she was as innocent as a human being could have been. Or that they had known her when she was alive and adored her. She was just so full of life when they had first met her and then it almost seemed she was gone the next minute. Zayn took a swallow being the brave one of the group and stood up walking towards Lucy."Lucy? How are you...?" He trailed off staring at her with eyebrows pulled together. She looked up at him with a missing teeth smile and threw her arms around his waist nestling her face in his stomach. A small smile formed on his lips and he patted the top of her silky golden brown hair, she was freezing to the touch, but yet it made sense seeing she was no longer living. She looked up at him with her dimpled smile and he smiled more. It wasn't so scary anymore and the other boys inched closer in curiousity."I missed you guys." She said softly, her ghostly voice seeming to resound from the walls. She looked over at her brother in concern as he started to cough. She pulled away from Zayn, her small fett not making one sound as she walked over to besides the bed and grabbed her brother's hand in her much smaller ones. "Oh gosh, it's getting so much worse.""You know about this illness?" Louis said pulling up his chair besides the bed on the otherside. He was no longer feeling scared, more or less intrigued on what was plaguing his best friend. Lucy looked at him and then the others with a slow nod."I've known all along. I've been here for every second of it. I can tell you the doctor's are wrong it isn't some flu." She whispered stroking Harry's hand with her thumb. He was totally out of it at this point, his fever taking over but a small smile came to his lips and she smiled as well."Well what the hell is it then? A parasite?" Niall questioned her. She shook her head at him looking at him with her green eyes. Something flashed before them but it was to quickly gone for Niall to tell what it was."I can't tell you." She admitted looking at the tiled floor. Their jaws dropped. Their best mate and her older brother was laying in a hospital bed too sick to move or hardly hold a converstaion and she was refusing to tell them what it was?"Why the hell not?" Louis demanded loudly. She flinched away from him, scared of his loud reaction and squeezing Harry's hand tighter for comfort. Louis noticed this and his face softened along with his tone. "Please Lucy just tell us. Please." She bit her lip and looked up at him with slightly tear filled eyes."Please Louis I can't. I really I can't. I want to, but please believe I can't." She whispered softly looking back down. He swallowed roughly and nodded excepting the fact there was something holding Lucy back from telling them. She looked back up at them all, straight faced and tears gone. "I promise though, I will not let this get worse. He's using up my energy and he will continue until I fix this.""Are you sure?" Liam asked her and she nodded wincing a bit as Harry squeezed her hand back. They didn't know as she held his hand he was draining a lot of her energy. Every pain and ache he felt was all redirected back at her."It only hurts a bit. I'm just feeling what he does." She explained softly. Her ghostly figure fazed for a moment like a skipping DVD. "He needs the energy more than I do." Suddenly the door began to open and the boys looked over to see the doctor walk in. "Who are you boys talking too?" He asked them with a raised eyebrow. They all looked back at where Lucy had been. It was now just a empty space leaving them speechless and wanting answers. That could have been a hallucination right? They were all tired. But they all had seen her. Harry was right after all, Lucy had been there all along."Just Harry was awake for a bit, but it seems he's back to sleep." Zayn explained to him quickly to cover up their awestruck faces. The doctor nodded coming to look over Harry. He scribbled a few things down on a clipboard he was carrying as he checked the machines that surrounded the ill boy."It looks like his temperature has gone down to 103 which is better. His heart rate is normal and blood pressure which is good. He should make a full recovery boys." He explained giving them all a gentle smile. Niall looked up at him with pursed lips."Dr. Harris? Do you know anything about ghosts?" He asked seriously. Dr. Harris let out a chuckle and pulled up a chair, flipping it around but sitting forward on it resting his elbows on the back of it. He nodded."I sure do my boy. My old house was full of them. You could hear people walking the halls, people talking, a piano playing, even when you were all alone." He explained to them carefully. A shiver went down their spines at the thought of that happening. They were all so curious though as to why Harry's sister had suddenly started to make a appearance."Well you see Harry here had a younger sister Lucy. She was eight years old and got into a car accident along with him and she passed away." Liam started looking at them all then the Dr.Harris. "He's having night mares about her. He still sees her apparently but only since he got sick." The doctor nodded and Louis looked at them all with a sharp breath."We- We think we just saw her too." He said quickly. Dr. Harris raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly with a look of thought upon his slightly wrinkled face. He looked at them all clasping his hands together."Well you see when someone you dies that you know of, the people you love become ghosts inside of you and like that you keep them alive." He explained to them and they nodded with understanding. "So Harry is the one keeping Lucy alive. He still thinks about her often, he misses her which is understandable. But he is holding on so strong and he needs to let her go, so her soul can be lifted. He doesn't realize that if he stops thinking about her she'll be there besides him anyways.""So your saying we need to get him to move on?" Niall asked him. He nodded to them. "That's the only way he'll stop seeing her.""Precisely." Dr. Harris said standing up from his chair and heading towards the door. "Good luck with your ghostly issues." He left the room leaving the four boys deep in thought. Zayn broke it though."Well this means one thing." He sighed leaning his cheek on his fist."What's that?" Louis asked him."Harry is the only one that can stop this."They all looked at their curly haired best friend. He was hooked up to at least five different machines. His body as still as a statue and his skin pale as snow. None of them had ever seen him so sick and unlively. He could barely hold consciousness now. This was going to be a long process.

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