Chapter 2

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Harry opened his tired eyes, though they didn't seem so tired anymore. He didn't ache so bad right now nor was he where he thought he should be. Wasn't he on the stage floor? Or atleast shouldn't he be in bed somewhere? What had happened to the virus he was carrying? He was in a car, his mother's old car to be exact. He was sat next to his little sister Lucy. The only thing is that Lucy is dead. She's been dead for almost three years now. To see her sitting there in front of him almost seemed so surreal. Even though he was just seeing her little eight year old face for the first time in years he could still remember every detail of it.Her lightly tanned skin that was both natural and from playing outside all the time. Her pouty pink lips and button nose that was dotted with freckles. Her long, dark lashes that covered her green eyes identical to his own. Her wavy mid-back length light brown hair. The way her eyebrows drew together in concentration or the dimples that appeared when she smiled. She was missing two of her teeth at the time.Lucy was only eight years old but was simply full of life. She laughed at nearly everything, she used to dance around the house, and she always had a dress on because 'that's what princess's wore.' The fact that she was sitting there in front of him meant something. He was still just sixteen years old. Judging by the outside weather it must've been just after X-Factor.The boys had met Lucy because she had been to several of the live shows. They loved her just as much as Harry did, it was hard not to like someone like Lucy. They could see that besides music Lucy was practically Harry's whole world. He loved her to pieces and swore to always protect her from everything.He was the one in her life that once scared the monster's out from under her bed and out of her closet. He was the one that held her hand as they crossed the street, that took her to her first kindergarten class. The one that attended the tea party's along with Mr. Bear and Sir Duckling. The one that practically did everything for her because he wanted too. Because he genuinely cared about his baby sister no matter how annoying she got sometimes.Sometimes he wished she was still around to be annoying to him. To still push his buttons because that was way better than not having her at all. He missed her dancing and singing around the house. She had never got to see any of One Direction's songs, she had just made it past them on X-Factor and he was glad he saw that part in his life. He still missed her loads though. "Lucy." He said softly to her. She turned to him and smiled. Her smile was so bright because she was just so full of life at that point. Nothing ever broke Lucy, she just loved being happy and nothing more. Then he noticed her seat belt was off, that's what had have to have made her lose her life. He was about to tell her but her head whipped back forward and her eyes widened as she screamed. The car flipped, yet nothing was happening to Harry. Nothing hurt, nothing pierced his skin, nothing injured him at all. But for his mother and Lucy that was a different story. Lucy continued to scream as the windows bursted in and the glass flew around like a million tiny daggers. Then all of a sudden her screaming stopped and when he looked at her seat she was gone and fresh blood remained on the broken glass left in the frame.Once the car had stopped in a skid of sparks across the last of the highway all the way on the opposite lane Harry removed his own seatbelt and wiggled his way out from the window that was currently upside down. He glanced at his bleeding mother slumped in her seat but knew that she would be just fine. It was Lucy he was seriously worried about. It was almost Deja Vu because he had done this last time after waking up bruised and bloody in the flipped car."LUCY!" He screamed running over to the small field that parted the the lanes of traffic. Lucy laid in the cold snow and he practically jumped through the thick snow trying to get to her as fast as possible. Her body lay in a smooth bed of fresh powdered snow that was splattered with blood. He dropped to his knees besides her.Her eyes had grown distant and pale, almost like the color of shamrocks. Her neck was bleeding harshly and making a small puddle below her head matting in her hair that faned out aginst the snow. Her skin was littered with little cuts and bruises from the broken glass and being thrown from the car. Her lavendar dress was stained red from all the blood. Her chest rose and fell quickly with shallow gasps."Oh Lucy." He cried gathering her small body in his arms. He could feel the blood from her neck slowly soak into his clothes but he didn't care. He knew that's what would be her demise, that a ambulance couldn't get here in time. But the first time around he actually thought she ight have a chance. She never did. She looked up at him her small hand reaching up and gripping the fabric of his t-shirt."Help me Harry." She gasped and he could feel his heart shattering knowing that was exactly what he couldn't do. He had promised to always protect her and here she was dying in his arms. "It hurts.""Shh Lucy I know. You'll be okay, you'll be just fine. This will be over soon enough." He soothed her even though it was hard watching her slowly bleed out and lose life in front of him. She gave him a little and weak smile gently putting her small hand to his cheek. He put his hand over hers holding it to his cheek. Even though she was young she grasped what was happening."I love you Harry. You're a great big brother." She said softly. He could feel the tears running down his cheeks. That's all he wanted to be to her, he just wanted to be the greatest big brother he could have ever been. To fulfill that before she could pass was what he considered his greatest achievement. "I love you too Lucy, your a pretty amazing little sister yourself." He told her. She smiled up at him before her clouded eyes fell close. He knew what happened next but that didn't make it any easier when her little hand slipped from his grasp no longer able to hold itself up. Her shallow breaths stopped all together."LUCY!" He screamed shaking her even though he wouldn't get any response. He just wanted to have his baby sister back. Eight years old wasn't old enough to die. Her limp body shook but she made no response back because she was gone and that killed him inside. He clutched her body to his chest sobbing. "LUCY! OH GOD LUCY!" His tears blinded him and as quick as the crash happened it all went black.He sprung up in bed and wrapped his arms around the nearest available object. It did happen to be a human being. They wrapped their arms around Harry's back as he clung himself around them crying into the nook of their neck. It had just been a dream, but he had lived the events of that day over in his mind perfectly. "Lucy." He croaked the aching in his throat returning with the Headache and stomachache. Why did he have to relive something like that? Wasn't watching his sister die before him once enough? "Harry she's gone." It was Louis. Louis was the first one to hear the news of Lucy's death. He was the one that truly saw what Harry was like without her around. He had witnessed Harry lose a big part of his life before him and he still wasn't completely the same three years later. He was the one that let Harry cry freely into his shoulder because of nightmares he had weeks afterwards. Now he feared they were starting again. "It was just a nightmare.""I-It was so real." Harry stuttered pulling away from Louis's comforting grasp and wiping at his eyes furiously with the back of his hand. That was three years ago why couldn't he just move on? The thought of Lucy lying there in the snow, blood surrounding her was just to vivid a thought."He's alright?" Liam asked from the doorway and Louis nodded as the other boys came in the room taking seats around Harry. He patted Harry's shaking shoulder. "You were screaming pretty loud." Louis looked at Harry."Look it was your fever, Lucy isn't here anymore you know that." He told Harry softly and Harry nodded. Lucy wasn't exactly a easy idea on them either. They got to meet this bright and happy little girl and the next thing they knew she was dead and they had to attend her funeral. A child should never be in a casket."I do, but I guess I just miss her is all." He sniffed looking down then back up at his roomates. "W-What happened? You know after the whole stage incident?""You fainted and we had a doctor come look at you." Niall told him. "He said to bring you back here because you have a real bad case of the flu and you need your bed rest if you could ever hope to get better.""What does he mean Real bad?" Harry asked. "You had a 105 degree fever at the time. It broke for a little while earlier but it went back up and it's probably 104 right now if not the same as before." Zayn explained. "Oh if your wondering we cancelled the show tonight.""That's exactly what I didn't want to happen." Harry sighed dropping his aching head down into his clammy hands. "I thought I could've made it through-""You risked your health for us? C'mon Harry that's just stupid." Liam told him. "You should've just told us how you were feeling so we could've come straight to the hotel and you could've laid down. How are you feeling by the way?""To be completely honest?" Harry asked and they nodded. He took a breath. "Like absolute shit. I honestly don't think I've ever been this sick this before. Everything hurts. I mean everything." "Yeah well you should be getting your rest." Niall told him standing up followed by the others. "We just want to make sure your okay. If you need anything just call us. If you don't mske it to the bathroom to pray to the porcelain gods either there's a bin besides the bed and a glass of water on the bed table if you get thirsty." Harry nodded and laid back down in his bed. He wasn't going to admit it to his friends, but once they were gone he let out a breath. He was truly afraid to go back to sleep. He sat up looking around to see if there was anything he could reach to do with his time. Then he noticed a pair of green eyes staring at him, he rubbed at his eyes as they moved closer to him.He opened up his mouth to let out a terrified yell but a cold hand clamped over his lips. They were chilling and very strong for the size of them. He noticed the smoky transparent color of them and tried to pull them away but his fingers just slipped through them. His eyes widened as he struggled back and forth but his terrified gasps were muffled through the ghostly hands. His eyes fell close not wanting to see teh monster before him."Help me Harry." The voice said in his ear. That voice, that childlike voice, he knew it. It had to be Lucy. But why was she doing this to him? Couldn't he be just left alone? He didn't have much time to speculate before the hands left his mouth and he fainted from witnessing what he just did.

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