Fairy life

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                                                   20. Joy, the year of the Unicorn   

Dear diary, 

You probably wonder why I digress so much, but it is difficult to tell what you might or might not know about fairies. To understand my life story fully, you need to understand my cultural background and circumstances. 

Unfortunately, it was brought to my attention that humans these days don't know a lot about the fairies and our lives. Some humans and other creatures even believe that we don't exist. But I am here to tell you that we are real and that our lives are not exactly fairy tales. Ha-ha-ha "fairy" tales, such a funny name having in mind that humans don't believe in us. 

What I want to say is that although it sounds like our lives are perfect that is not exactly true.

Don't get me wrong I love being a fairy, I love spreading my wings and flying around using my magic to play around. But it is not all fun and games, sometimes our lives might seem, dare I say, human. 

Fairy lives are mostly free and closely connected with nature and that is an awesome feeling. It's like knowing your life purpose and accomplishing it, which is great, but also difficult. You are probably shaking your head and wondering what I am talking about. Well, it is difficult to explain, but I will use all my fairy might (which is substantial by the way) to try to help you understand.

Let's take me for example, I am what I like to call a fire fairy, and I know what you are thinking but no, I am not the fairy of fire. This is just how I like to refer to myself since fire is passionate and my domain is considered as one of the most passionate domains, I guess you could say I was a fiery fairy. I am the flower fairy. 

Oh, please, stop laughing and keep reading! I am not the fairy of all the flowers in the world, I am just the fairy of flowers with strong colors and unusual shapes. Strange, I know. But what you have to understand is that there are many of us fairies since we live such long lives that the jobs have to be carefully divided between us. 

The main job of every new fairy that is born is to make the world more beautiful with her mere presence. Being a fairy of all flowers in the world would be an impossible task even with all the fairy magic we possess. 

Take a look at the flower, any flower. Pay close attention to it. Notice its unique texture, shape, and color. Notice the fragrance of that flower. It might remind you of another flower with some of its features, but let me assure you that flowers are like snowflakes. They are all unique and there aren't any flowers in the world that are completely the same. Trust me, I know. 

When a new fairy is born there is a special ceremony, I am not allowed to reveal the details (sacred rites and all that), during which the decision is made about their future. The decision is always made by consulting magic. In my case, actually, my whole generation was destined to be what you might see as flower fairies. But in that category, there are many subcategories. 

Yeah, yeah I know you are now holding your head and saying "This is too complicated. I don't get it! " 

Well, I am here to remind you that the same is true for the human world. Humans have doctors who are then divided into many subcategories such as pediatricians, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists and so on.

Well, I was lucky enough to be destined to be the passion fairy. Hm, I guess it can't be called luck because it was always my destiny to become one. Passionate personality equals passionate job and at the time of our birth, the magic knows, even before we ourselves know it. So I was destined to be a passion flower fairy. 

You might ask "What does that even mean, you strange little fairy?" 

That means, that while my sisters and friends might make friendship flowers or gentle flowers I make the flowers that express passion. For example, the red rose that you can see today was my invention. Not the original red rose, that was another fairy, but the one that you admire today.

 I know you might think that was an easy one to make but trust me, it took me such a long time to perfect that one. The gentle texture of the petals, the perfect shape of the flower, the gentleness, and grace and all that in the same flower. I know, I know I am a genius! 

Oh, and another thing that is so perfect about my invention are the thorns. They fit perfectly with the image of the flower's passionate nature because the rose looks at the same time so vulnerable and yet so passionate and strong. That combined with its perfect smell makes it one of the most passionate flowers ever created.

It's such a fun and rewarding job and I love each second of it, but it is not always so easy since you also need a lot of patience, and we passionate living beings lack the necessary patience. 

Even now as I am writing this I am not sitting down and writing as you have probably imagined me doing. I am flying around my house and using my magic to write this down. 

So, fairy lives are very fun and rewarding but also somewhat busy. We enjoy every moment and avoid doing what we don't like because we think that if we do that we are offending Mother Nature. Wasting the time you have to enjoy the beauty of life is the biggest sin you can commit against life. 

That is why I am firmly against getting married just because your family and friends expect you to do that. That is not the fairy way. Well, that shouldn't be the fairy way! It is much worse than the arranged marriages in some human societies because we live much longer and I must admit we are much less used to living in pain than humans are. 

The pain is mostly emotional in our case but still for a fairy that is much worse than death. In death, you become part of Mother Nature, but this way you lose the connection with nature, with yourself. You forget who you are and that is terrible because in that way the world loses one bright light that is your joy and creativity.  

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