Chapter 39 - revenge

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Tris POV:

its been 1 week and  a half since tobias has left for arizona. and he is coming home friday! im so ecxited today is wensday.. 

i feel like im in misery tobias hasent texted me for a 4 days! and with school and all uhhh i forgot i had school today! but its 7:00 and school dont start till 8:00.... they post poned the last day of school for today... so yay .... 

i get dressed and i put my hair in a pony tale and i put on some light makeup. i drive to school and park my car in the parking lot. i walk into school and go to my locker to get my stuff. i start putting in my locker combo 1 32 14  it unlockes and i open my locker door....

something green pops from my locker adn hits me in the face getting it all over my clothes... "what the fuck is this....? is this slime??"i say out loud  this stuff stickes to everything!! omg i wore really nice clothes today! i know who did this two! i still remeber when tobias told me she was gonna get payback on me ...
I march straight up to her at her lock.. "what the fuck christina? just because i got four before you doesnt mean you have to be a jelous bitch!" i say really loud "ok tris , i cant take you seriously with all that shit on you..." she says laughing im so fucking mad at her its not even funny! she starts to walk away and i tap her shoulder and she turns around and BAM! i punched that bitch in the face... 

"i guess you should really think about who you pull your pranks on.." i say then spit on her while shes on the floor...

i must of hit her really hard because omg she has a bloody nose and everything! oh shit i forgot something....

i walk back up to her shes still lying on the ground .. " oh and this is for messing with me and tobias's relationship..." bam i kick her in the stomach.. 

i fucking hate that bitch/.......

i walk away like a boss .... everybody is laughing and someof them are whispering to their neighbers..

i walk to my locker and get the rest of my stuff and walk out .... everybody moves out of the way so i can get through the hall..

i get home and change and go back to school ... shit i know im gonna get in really  big trouble....

tobias pov: 

 i feel really bad for not being able to text tris! its been four days.. i cant help it i got mad at my phone and slmed it on teh ground... christina textd me so you guys should really understand why i did that.. she said something like its time ... REVENGE..

and when she tected me i just couldnt help but think to my self oh shit .. i wish i was there for tris..... :( im coming home in two days anyway so its all good!!!!

hey guys what'd you think of this chapter??????????????

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