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Shikamaru and Naruto sat where they met Asuma at yesterday waiting on said Sensei and the energetic pup and his master. They didn't talk much about last night, but it's because neither was sure on what to do. Yoshino was definitely not accepting their relationship anytime soon and Kurama and Inari most definitely won't be back for another six months. So they both decided to just wait.

They would become shinobi, they would protect this hateful village, they would bode their time for now but honestly for Shikamaru, he was wanting a change in scenery, as long as he was with the blonde.

Naruto wanted to leave this village since he turned five. Since he was abandoned by the third. He became numb on his 10th birthday, no matter the beating his would sit there with his eyes closed while Kurama healed him. He felt a presence in the trees and looked to his immediate left, and twinkled his nose.

He didn't know who it was but the scent was sweet, like dango. He could here a coat flap in the distance and he scrunched his eyes. Shikamaru has his eyes close laying in his lap.

"You felt that too?" Shikamaru Said and Naruto looked down to his boyfriend.

"Yeah, he smelt like sweets." Naruto said frowning, nobody in the village smelt like that, with the exception of Shikamaru but he smelt sweeter almost divine and Naruto figured it was because he was his mate.



Shikamaru sighed, he liked Kiba don't get him wrong but he wanted to chill and Kiba being his loud and boisterous self meant that his silence was gone.

"Hello Kiba, Akamaru." Shikamaru sighed and he rolled to his side, still in Naruto's lap. Akamaru joined Shikamaru to lazing around.

"You feeling better Naruto?" Kiba said resting his head on Shikamaru's feet. Naruto questioned why Kiba and Akamaru Gravitated towards him. He chalked it up to his aura, his aura was not one of malice like Kurama, it was gentle and calming, soothing.

"I am, thank you Kiba." Naruto Said smiling.

Asuma walked up and saw his Genin. All cloud watching. The closer he walked to his Genin, he felt such a gentle Aura. One like a mother, he saw them all around Naruto and concluded that Naruto was excluding his Aura unconsciously.

"Sorry I'm late, a little scarecrow didn't want me to leave." Asuma voice rang out but nobody scrambled.

"What are doing?" Kiba asked, and Asuma smiled.

"Survival test, pass this and you all become a Genin."

"What a drag." Shikamaru sat up which woke up Akamaru and Kiba slide off his legs.

"Explain the rules while I fix up my mate." Naruto Said, Asuma tilted his head, why Naruto's chose such a animalistic word to describe Shikamaru.

"It because he has animal instincts. Kiba calls his partners mate too, I don't mind as much as you thought I would." Shikamaru Said when he saw the look of confusion on his face. He liked the answer and decided not to push.

"You three against me. Come at me with the intent to kill. Whoever can take these Kunai's from me pass."

Naruto and Shikamaru knew this was a test on teamwork so imagine their surprise when Kiba threw a stink bomb and dragged Naruto and Shikamaru a little ways away hiding in the bush.

"Look, I faked everything in the academy. I'm not stupid but I have to act like I am." Naruto frowned.

"Why?" Kiba looked to Akamaru Who whimpered.

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