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Kiba woke first as he wrote his note for Kankuro explaining everything. He wanted his mate to follow him, but if he couldn't, he could be content on visiting him. He went to the kitchen to start breakfast for Naruto. It was October 10th and he wanted this to be the best birthday Naruto has ever received, cooking and humming he could feel two presence in the living room, their chakra matching Naruto's but their Aura's don't. He didn't move from the kitchen however, if those people wanted him dead, he'd be dead by now.

Shikamaru was the second to wake up, he laid in bed not realizing that his body had changed overnight since sleep still clouded his mind. He looked at his blonde who slept so peacefully, he wondered if Naruto always slept like this, or if he slept like this because he was around. He hoped it was because he was around, he didn't want anybody to see Naruto like this. He yawned and felt something furry on his back. He frowned and felt behind him to feel 6 tails.

He then remembered Naruto marked him so he pulled himself from Naruto and looked in the mirror. There was Shikamaru, his raven hair grew but still held their same curliness to it. His eyes were still raven but you could see splotches of red in his eyes. He looked and saw he had a little more muscle definition, he saw that his fingernails and canines extended. His fox ears and tails were black laced with red. He like it, he felt like he looked hot.

Naruto awoke last as he felt Kurama and Inari's presence downstairs, they always came back for his birthday, Inari always wanted Naruto to feel loved on his day. He immediately looked to his now Kitsune mate. He licked his lips as he saw Shikamaru run his hand over his body. Slowly creeping from the bed and wrapping his hands around his mate Naruto placed his head on Shikamaru's bare back.

"Happy birthday Naruto." Naruto smiled.

"Thank you, shower please?" Shikamaru nodded.

"Anything for you."

Kurama and Inari sat on the couch and felt the presence of a wolf demon, they could only conclude Naruto found another lost soul and befriended him. Said wolf demon walked out the kitchen and bowed.

"Will you be joining us for breakfast?" Inari stood up and held out his hand.

"I'm Inari, and that is my son Kurama. Thank you for asking, we would." Kiba shook his hand and nodded.

"Naruto has told me all about you both. He allowed me to stay here, after my clan disowned me because I'm a wolf demon, names Kiba." Kurama nodded.

"Naruto knows better than anybody how that feels." Kurama Said looking away.

"It's not your fault Kyu." Naruto said walking downstairs with Shikamaru.

"Happy birthday." Kiba, Inari and Kurama Said in unison.

"Thank you, is breakfast ready?" Kiba nodded and Shikamaru went to set the table.

Naruto smiled at being surrounded by those he loved most, after breakfast Naruto, Shikamaru and Kiba sat on the couch while Kurama took the recliner and Inari took the love seat. They watched a movie that Kurama brought. The movie stopped playing but Inari cleared his throat.

"Naruto, I know you heard me and Kurama talking about you and Shikamaru moving to the village." Naruto smiled in the crook of Shikamaru's neck.

"I did, however our lovely Hokage is sending us on one last mission in a months time." Naruto Said and Shikamaru elaborated.

"She having us infiltrate the Akatsuki, and destroy it. Then once that's finish we won't even be allowed to come back."

Kurama and Inari chuckled a little and Kiba rolled his eyes.

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