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Naruto has told his parents everything, they never really wanted to hunt the tailed beast they just wanted people to think they were. Naruto spent his time with his mother and father, telling them about how Raza missed them. Kushina still held a grudge about that ramen but Minato missed his friend as well.

Kiba was sitting on his bed wondering how he should approach this topic. He seemed to be feeling the effects of a heat coming and didn't know how to tell Kankuro. They have been with the Akatsuki for 4 months now, Kiba and Kankuro have been together for 7 months. He didn't know if Kankuro was going to be ready to do that with him or did he have to lock himself away soon.

He wondered if Naruto was also getting a heat so he got up from his bed and went to go find him. Shikamaru and Kankuro were on a mission to observe the Uzushiogakure with Nagato. Naruto somehow talked his parents into rebuilder Uzu and Kiba wouldn't mind settling down there with kids, and Inari would have more of those blessed children he talk about. He knocked on Naruto's door and heard a muffled come in and he did just that.

Naruto was in one of Shikamaru's jacket with his tails flowing, his hair was down and he looked to be cold. Kiba didn't blame him because he was currently wearing Kankuro's jacket because his scent kept him warm.

"Yes." Naruto answered and sometimes Kiba wondered if Naruto could read mines.

"Although my heat isn't approaching its here. It's my last day and Shikamaru is gone. In the book it says heats starts after your 16th birthday." Kiba frowned, he was older than the both of them though.

"You just recently started going into your wolf form. I was in my fox form every night. The more in sync you are with your true nature Kiba the better." Naruto's head shot up as he pushed Kiba out.

"Shikamaru's home and I need to cuddle with him so you need to leave. See you later." Naruto slammed the door and slid down door panting.

Kiba didn't get a word in edge wise but that was to be expected. Kiba walked past Shikamaru heading to his mate who he couldn't wait to lay with. Shikamaru turned around but didn't mind, he walked in and was immediately jumped.

"I'm sorry, I came back as fast as I could. How's your heat?" Naruto sighed breathing in the scent.

"Better, Kiba is going through the same thing." Shikamaru nodded as he began stripping them both out of their clothes.

"I stink, I'm taking a bath and since you are so clingy you're taking one too." Naruto nodded and Shikamaru walked to the bathroom.

"Welcome home." Kiba said wrapping his hands around his mate.

"I'm home, thank you. Are you okay?" Kankuro turned around and sat on the bed. He placed his hands on Kiba's waist and looked into those hazel eyes.

"I missed your scent. I have something to tell you." Kiba sat in Kankuro's lap and looked him straight in the eye.

"My heat is approaching." Kiba looked in his eyes as he saw Kankuro's wheels turning. Kankuro looked at him and nodded.

"You aren't ready for pups so, you'll just cling to me inhaling my scent for a week." Kiba was surprised on how he knew but chalked it up to Shikamaru.

"Yes." Kankuro nodded and kissed Kiba.

"You don't have to worry, I will let Leader-Sama know when you start so he won't send me on a mission." Kiba nodded and nuzzled into his neck.

"I love you." Kiba said softly, he was sure he loved Kankuro during the Chunin exams he was just so shy and he didn't want to say that in fear that Kankuro not love him yet.

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