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"Kiba wake up." Kiba moaned and snuggled into the warm pillow as he heard a voice Call him.

"Five more minutes." Kiba wrapped his arms and legs around the pillow and nuzzled into the body of the pillow.

"Today's the day we go to the Akatsuki." Kiba opened his eyes and saw himself wrapped around his boyfriend, Said boyfriend didn't mind, he loved having Kiba in his arms, or wrapped around him like a spider monkey.

"Wake up, you ready to demolish a village?" They could hear Naruto's excitement through the door.

"We are up, meet you down for breakfast." Kiba Said pulling his mate to the bathroom to shower.

Naruto hummed and made breakfast, if he was going to demolish a village he was going to do so looking cute. He wore his battle Kimono that Shikamaru got him for his birthday, it was black with cherry blossoms on them and it stopped at the knee. His weapons and sealing utensils visible to the naked eyes. His Kanji for seal visible as well as his diamond. He was going to show Konoha just who they lost.

Shikamaru woke up to his lovers voice, he smiled and showered to meet his mate downstairs. He walked out the shower his raven hair still wet, he put on a dark green long sleeve shirt with black style pants. He ties his hair in his normal pineapple style and walked downstairs. Wrapping his arms around his mate he kissed the top of his head.

"Get a room." Kankuro Said walking down, the stairs. He wore a brown long sleeve shirt and black pants, he wore his traditional makeup but no hat.

"Smells Good Naruto." Kiba Said walking down in black shorts that used to be pants, he wore a long sleeve brown shirt.

Naruto chuckled and plated everybody's plate. They sat and had breakfast together not talking about what was to eventually happen, Kankuro would not take part in demolishing the village since he would be a wanting Nin to Konoha and Kiba didn't want to raise pups on the run.

Nobody knew how long one will be in the Akatsuki, but it didn't matter, they were heading there now to talk them about leaving the tailed beast alone. They all grabbed the last minute items and walked to the arena, ready to finally leave this village. What they didn't know, is that Orochimaru is also planning an attack.

Yoshino and Tsume sat in the stands talking, Yoshino talking about how she was carrying another child, who's father was a civilian man, after Shikaku left her she found a man with similar views as her. Tsume laughed as she talked about dating this man from the Mist. She wasn't able to have children because of the demon blood in her uterus, but that didn't mean she couldn't have sex.

Shikaku and Inoichi sat with one another holding hands. After his divorce with Yoshino, Shikaku saw himself bearing his soul to Inoichi, who comforted him in more ways than one. Shikaku was Bi, he's had a crush on Minato back when they were growing up, but he's always wanted his teammate, he just needed an heir which Yoshino messed up, so although their clans Jutsu won't die, the Clan will, but Shikaku didn't care anymore, he wanted to see his son, the one he hasn't seen in a year.

Tsunade sat in anticipation, she knew soon she would be listing three amazing Shinobi as rouge, but what could she do? They hated everything about this village, they wouldn't conform to the rules so she had to something, before the council did.

Raza was ready to leave, he hated Konoha. He wanted to head back to the hot desert and promote his children anyway, he would miss Kankuro but he knows, his life is with the former Inuzuka. He always supported his children and he won't stop now.

Orochimaru had a rather lewd dream of the blonde Kitsune on his knees begging to be fucked and to be made a mother and it aroused him so much that he was late to the final round, he didn't much care, none of his shinobi made it to the finals but he wanted to stay and see his Kitsune fight.

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