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"Kiba you look good." Kankuro gaped at Kiba. It was their last day there and Kankuro wanted to take him out for breakfast before they left a little after lunch.

Kiba wore a tank with a fishnet shirt and shorts that he made rips in to make him look hot, well Naruto helped him get hot, he wanted to make an impression on his last day here.

"Lead the way." Kiba smiled as he took Kankuro's hand.

Kiba has been on Kankuro's mind since he laid eyes on the brunette haired hazel eyed boy. He wondered why the boy hated to be called by his clan name Inuzuka, he didn't asked and just stopped calling him by his clan name. His father said it's a respect thing but Kiba has no intentions of ever belonging to that clan again. They reached a place that Kankuro says in the best in town and Kiba had to believe him.

Kankuro talked about Suna and his relationship with his dad, Kiba tried to smile but he started crying. Kankuro's eyes widened as he saw his pup cry. He brought Kiba to the side he was on and started consoling him.

"I'm sorry." Kiba shook his head, he just recalled everything his mother said to him as he was leaving.

"I'm leaving mom, you don't love me, you put me with the dogs like I'm an animal."

Tsume looked at her son, no his son. He looked so much like his father she couldn't stand the sight of him. She carried Kiba when Orochimaru captured her and inserted demon wolfs blood in kibas blood stream, making her son a wolf demon. Her husband came to save her but ended up dying by the snakes hands.

"You are a animal, you are a wolf, you belong in a kennel. You're a demon."

Kiba knew his mother didn't love him but why did it hurt so much?

"Your father died, I lied when I said he was on a mission. He died saving us. I kind of wish he didn't, you would be dead and he would be alive."

Kiba looked at Tsume, he couldn't even call her mother anymore, she made it perfectly clear she hated him.

"Goodbye Tsume, thanks for insulting me. Thanks for everything up until I turned 6."

Kiba left his clan and never looked back.

"That's what happened, that's why I hate the name Inuzuka. I am no longer apart of that clan even though I'm a master at those Jutsu."

Kankuro understood now, he understood why he was drawn to Kiba. His determination and personality. He was like him although his life was on the better side, Kiba still came out stronger and dare he say better than he did with his father being in his life and supportive every step of the way.

"Kiba, I'm sorry for all that you went through. If I may, I'm a little happy, I don't think I would've met such a beautiful, strong and determined person if your life was rainbows and unicorns."

Kiba's wolf was doing summersaults as he smiled brightly. He wrapped his arms around the bigger male and Kankuro chuckled deciding to clear the air.

"So what I'm saying Kiba, whenever we get serious enough, I would proudly wear your mating mark." Kiba kissed his cheek and ran his tongue down Kankuro's neck.

"Your unmarked skin taste amazing. I will visit Suna whenever I can." Kiba Said purring.

Kankuro pulled Kiba's lips to his, He was not allowing Kiba to head back to Konoha without having a taste of him. Bringing their lips together they move slowly with one another. Kiba quickly gets in his lap pulling the man deeper into the kiss. Kankuro smiled and pulled away warning such an adorable pout from Kiba.

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