Chapter One

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Salvationkit woke up to a fresh morning in the nursery. "Wake up, little one." A voice said. The voice was sweet and calm. Salvationkit opened her eyes. She was almost blinded by the early morning light. As her eyes adjusted, she felt a tongue go over her fur, smoothing it.

Salvationkit looked up and saw a dark orange she-cat with green eyes, she was the one that was smoothing her fur. She looked over at her pelt. It was white with some black stripes across it. She shook her pelt and looked to the side. She saw another kit a mouse length away from her. The dark orange cat swept her tongue over that kit too. That kit shook his pelt. That kit was orange too, but it had some white streaks along his pelt. Salvationkit crawled over to the orange and white tom-kit and nudged him. He was small, about half her size.

"Wake up, Tinykit," the dark orange cat said. Tinykit let out a little mew a squirmed around a little. Finally, he opened his eyes and she saw that his eyes were yellow, more like golden. She wondered what color her eyes were.

"Dawntail!" A voice outside meowed. "How are our kits?" The cat outside looked at her, then at Tinykit. "Oh, they're fine." Dawntail said. "Kits, this is your father, Hollowpeak. Hollowpeak, the white tabby kit is Salvationkit and the orange and white one is Tinykit."

"They're lovely." Hollowpeak said. "Though, I wish Tinykit was a bit bigger, but he's fine." Hollowpeak touched noses with both of his kits. He had green eyes too, same as Dawntail. Salvationkit managed a squeak. Loud enough for any cat a fox length away to hear her. "She's a loud one," meowed another voice of the nursery. Salvationkit turned her head around to look at the cat. "She is," Dawntail meowed. "How are your kits, Dapplenose?" Salvationkit realized that the other cat's nose was white on the tips, and she has a white tail and her pelt was brown.

   Dapplenose glanced at her four kits in amusment. "They're all perfectly healthy. Dapplemist is going to check them later to make sure that they really are." Salvationkit glanced at the four kits snuggled up close to Dapplenose's pelt.

   "What are they're names?" Salvationkit squeaked. Dapplenose looked at Salvationkit, her yellow eyes bright with affection. "The gray tabby tom is Jaggedkit, the brown she-kit is Turtlekit, the dark gray tom is Gorsekit, and the gray tabby tom is Dewkit." She said, touching the kits with her nose as she said their names. "How about their father?" Salvationkit asked.

   "I'm their father," another voice called out from the outside. The nursery felt a little tight, now that there were 10 cats in here. Dapplenose just nodded at the cat. "Pineripple is their father."

   Salvationkit blinked at the large tom. His pelt was kind of like her's except his pelt was silver, not black, but he has the same stripe pattern like her. He had green eyes, like both of her parents. "Can I come in?" Another voice said. Great, Salvationkit thought, another cat, make that 11 cats now in here. Salvationkit couldn't see any sunlight at this point. Pineripple and Hollowpeak stepped out of the nursery so the cat could come in.

   "I have come to check on your kits, Dapplenose." The cat meowed. Dapplenose looked at the newcomer, then to her kits. "Of course, Dapplemist." Dapplemist moved closer to Dapplenose and her kits. She picked up Gorsekit and the dark gray tom-kit squealed in protest. Dapplemist put him down and did a series of movements. First, she put her ear to his chest. Then, she put a paw over his head. Finally, she paw over his chest at the same spot she put her ear at. "This kit looks good." She meowed happily.

   Dapplemist did the same thing to the other kits as she did with Gorsekit, and said, "They all look, and sound, perfectly healthy. Did you decide on their names yet?" Dapplenose told Dapplemist their names in the same order she told Salvationkit. "Those are lovely names." Dapplemist purred.

   "Why is it so crowded in here?" A voice asked. Oh no, not another cat.

   "We're looking at Dawntail and Dapplenose's kits," Hollowpeak answered. The cat looked at each cat, and eventually the cat's gave rested on Salvationkit. "May I take a look?" The cat meowed. Dawntail nodded, giving her permission. "Kits, this is Lightningstar, the clan leader." Dawntail meowed. The clan leader! I never knew I would get to see him this soon!

   The clan leader looked at each of the kits. "What are their names?" He asked. Dapplenose introduced her kits first, then Dawntail introduced Tinykit, and when she said that one of her kits was named 'Salvationkit', Salvationkit thought that she stiffened a little, as if she remebered something important, or that something was wrong with me. Salvationkit shivered as Lightningstar stared at her. "I don't mean to be rude, Lightningstar," Dawntail said. "But I think Salvationkit might be a little uncomfortable."

   Lightningstar snapped his gaze away from Salvationkit's and mewed, "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that." Lightningstar dipped his head. "I'll be going now, maybe Jaggedtail would like to see the kits later." He looked at Salvationkit once more and turned away. I wonder what Lightningstar was thinking about when he looked at me. It was like... like I might be important.

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