Chapter Seven

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   Salvationpaw ducked as Gorsepaw attempted to "slash" her face. She head-butted his underbelly and he fell to the floor. "That was a nice move, Salvationpaw." Gorsepaw croaked.

"Are you okay?" Salvationpaw asked while helping him up.

Gorsepaw nodded and went back to the hunter's crouch, ready to attack. They had their claws sheathed, so they couldn't do serious injuries to each other. Salvationpaw leaped toward Gorsepaw and Gorsepaw ran under her. As he ran under her, Salvationpaw landed and whirled around, finding Gorsepaw on his hind legs and ready to knock her down. Salvationpaw rolled to her left and shot her left paw out to connect with Gorsepaw's pelt. He tried to dodge but he didn't do it in time. Gorsepaw lashed out with his hind leg and missed as Salvationpaw dodged again by jumping over him. She landed on Gorsepaw's back and he hit the ground with an "oof".

They both panted as Salvationpaw won again, for the third time. "Why do you always win?" Gorsepaw whined.

She shrugged. "I guess I can fight better than you. No offense." Gorsepaw looked at her and meowed, "None taken, it might actually be true. I'm trying to beat you but I still lose. Can you get off me?"

Salvationpaw realized that she was still standing on Gorsepaw. She jumped off his back and Gorsepaw got up and shook his pelt. They heard a rustling from the bushes and saw a cat come out. It was Halfswoop, and it seems that he was on a border patrol, since there was a whole group behind him. Halfswoop looked a Salvationpaw with admiration in his eyes. "We were watching the whole fight, and you were amazing Salvationpaw! You too Gorsepaw."

   Salvationpaw licked her chest fur in embarrassment. "Uh... thanks." Hollowpeak came out from behind Halfswoop. He paced toward her and touched noses with her. "I'm proud of you, I'm sure you'll be one of the best warriors in the clan!"

Gorsepaw padded next to Salvationpaw and meowed, "Why don't we go back to camp? We've been training since sunhigh, and I'm starving. Salvationpaw nodded and they went back to camp with the border patrol. They arrived in camp and they headed toward the fresh-kill pile. Gorsepaw picked a shrew while Salvationpaw picked a rabbit. Salvationpaw loves rabbits. If there was a rabbit in the pile, she would take one. If there wasn't a rabbit, she would pick a piece of prey that looked appealing to her.

She headed to the apprentice's den and sat by the entrance to the den. She gulped down the rabbit in huge chunks. She was hungry, and she didn't even realize it while she was training with Gorsepaw. It has been four moons since she has been made an apprentice. She also couldn't help thinking about the prophecy. She still didn't know what it was, but she was hoping it was about helping the clans. She wanted all the clans to live in peace. To be there for each other when they needed it the most, even if they were rivals.

To Salvationpaw, being a warrior meant to protect the clans, even if they were in a different clan. She also thought that the warrior code was fair. The warrior code helps all the clans be fair and to be right. The clans wouldn't be clans without the warrior code. After a long moment pondering, Salvationpaw heard Lightningstar yowl, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join under the High Boulder for a clan meeting!"

The clan gathered around and Salvationpaw wondered what the meeting was about. "Today is an important day," Lightningstar meowed his voice ringing across the camp. "Today, we are naming new warriors. Tinypaw! Salvationpaw!" Salvationpaw and Tinypaw scampered up toward Lightningstar and Lightningstar jumped down from the boulder. She remembered that she would become a warrior today! This was the best moment in. Her. Life. Being a warrior was her dream, to help others. She couldn't do that when she was an apprentice.

"I, Lightningstar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these two apprentices. They have worked hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Tinypaw, Salvationpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

   Tinypaw looked up at Lightningstar. "I do." Salvationpaw bowed her head. "I do."

   "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Tinypaw, from this moment, you will be known as Tinypelt. StarClan honors your energy and kindness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Lightningstar touched his muzzle to Tinypelt's head, and Tinypelt licked his shoulder.

   "Salvationpaw, from this moment, you will will be known as Salvationwing. StarClan honors your fighting skill and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Lightningstar rested his muzzle on Salvationwing's head and Salvationwing licked her leader's shoulder.

   "Salvationwing! Tinypelt! Salvationwing! Tinypelt!" The whole clan chanted. The whole camp was filled with congratulations from every single cat. Salvationwing looked at the whole camp, all of the cats. She felt proud. The chanting died away and the clan broke apart.

   Salvationpaw saw Lightningstar looking at her and he beckoned her with his tail. She followed her leader and they went into his den. They sat down facing each other, the dim light of the den showing in every corner, and no one could hear them. "I have something very important to tell you." Lightningstar said quietly. Is this about the prophecy? Salvationwing waited for Lightningstar to continue. "I suppose Mossneedle told you that you were part of a prophecy?"

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