Chapter Three

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   Lightningstar padded out of his den and looked around at the whole camp. The hunting patrol just got back and was putting the prey on the fresh-kill pile. He tried to spot Jaggedtail but he couldn't find him. He was probably out in a border patrol. Lightningstar looked for the closest cat to him and he found Shatteredpaw. "Shatteredpaw! If you or Halfswoop see Jaggedtail, could you tell him to meet me in my den?" Shatteredpaw nodded and carried on with what she was doing.

He padded back into his den and sat down. He needed to think about the prophecy. Flowerpeak looked serious about it. He thought that the 'darkest cat' was a cat from ThunderClan, since Flowerpeak didn't want to deliver the message to a ThunderClan warrior and she was from ThunderClan.

Then, Jaggedtail came in. "Shatteredpaw said that you needed to talk to me." Lightningstar nodded and beckoned with his tail to come in. "There is something I wanted to talk to you about." Lightningstar meowed.

Jaggedtail sat down, facing Lightningstar, and put his tail over his paws. "A... a few days ago, a cat named Flowerpeak came to me and gave me a prophecy, and she was a ThunderClan cat." Lightningstar meowed. "The prophecy was Only the darkest cat can be defeated by the wings of salvation, and I think the 'darkest cat' is in ThunderClan. Why else would Flowerpeak give it to me instead of someone in ThunderClan?"

   Jaggedtail nodded in acknowledgment. "That makes sense. Who do you think the 'wings of salvation' is?" It's probably Salvationkit. "Maybe Salvationkit." He meowed. "Her name has Salvation in it, so maybe the 'wings of salvation' is her. How old is Salvationkit?"

   "Five moons," Jaggedtail answered. "Six in the next few days." Lightningstar just nodded. "I already have  a warrior name for her, and it's based on the prophecy."

   Jaggedtail thought for a moment, and he guessed it. Lightningstar dismissed him and padded along behind him. He spotted all the kits trying to find Salvationkit, so they were probably playing hide and seek. He sat down, watching with amusement. He tried to look for Salvationkit, too, but he couldn't find her anywhere.

   Finally, Dewkit yowled out that they gave up and they couldn't find her. "I'm up here!" She called. All of the kits looked up to her, and Lightningstar did, too. He saw Salvationkit on a branch of the tree. No kit has ever climbed a tree the soon before! Now he knew that Salvationkit was probably special, or maybe she was just lucky to not get hurt while she was climbing. He heard Dawntail tell her to come down and he heard Dapplemist yowl, "No Salvationkit! Don't jump off!" But Salvationkit was already on the ground on all four paws.

   A cat that jumped off of that height would most likely break their paws! Especially a kit's! He thought worriedly. Dawntail picked up Salvationkit and ran to the medicine cat's den, and Dapplemist check all of Salvationkit's paws. Lightningstar padded over to them and asked, "Is Salvationkit alright?" He said, having a worried expression on his face. Dapplemist nodded and said, "She doesn't look like she's hurt, so I guess she's fine."

   He noticed that Jaggedtail was behind him, but he didn't turn his head, he just looked at Salvationkit, then walked away toward the fresh-kill pile. He picked a plump mouse from the pile and headed toward his den. He ate the mouse hungrily. He hadn't eaten all day! Then, one question popped into his head. What will the 'darkest cat' even do?

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