Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Bitch, it's payday today!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I clock out on the login company webpage. My voice earns a few heads turning my way but they can go fuck themselves. Wyatt's door opens, and his head pops out and he arches his brow at me, glaring. I guess I must have interrupted something. He shows me his cellphone, a call on the screen, and I shut my lips tightly, adding a zipping gesture with my fingers and he closes the door. Technically, I really don't have to do the clocking in and out on the webpage since I'm already a secretary, but I got so used to it that when I first arrive in the office and get my computer setup, that's the first page I pull up.

It's been four days since I moved my stuff here on this spot where I do and talk to clients who would like to have a schedule so they can talk to Wyatt for business stuff, and it's been four days since I left my old station and I miss Matt, Kevin and Melody. Matt took my spot so he doesn't have to stand up and walk just to see his lover, he can just turn his seat around and tada, there she is. She and I have been talking through Skype for Business, and sometimes, we make a group chat so we can add Kevin and Matt. Fortunately, we have all access to that and we can still talk freely. It's just different since I got used to talking to them personally, face-to-face, and the fact that I can no longer do that makes me sad. My schedule is the same as Wyatt's schedule. Wherever he goes, I go. I always go with him.

Surprisingly he hasn't done anything that will harm me or that will put me into shame. No, he hasn't done it yet. And that's what bugs me. I've known him since high school – for four years I went to the same school as him, and I learned all his fiasco and successes, his traits and what he likes to do in his free time (#1: always bully Pierson Matthews). But he never dares to lay a finger on me or spew some shits. I've been expecting that since I started being his secretary, but all he ever does is to tell me what I should work on, what I should be doing, and what I should consider when it comes to his schedules. He always brings me to his meetings, which is boring, and the only time he will talk to me is if there's a pending work he should be doing, like a meeting with this and that person, or if I see any conflicts with his upcoming schedules. That's it.

My computer makes a sound, a notification, and my best friend's face pops up on the corner of my desktop, indicating that I've received a new message from her. Sooooo where to? It reads, and I rapidly punch my keyboard to reply to her, telling her there's a pub I just recently noticed where we can go have fun and drink. She reminds me that I'm not allowed to get that drunk since it's "hard to move my big fat gay ass", according to her. I grumble as I remember what transpired the last time I got drunk.

As I'm about to fix my stuff and get my bag after shutting off my computer, Wyatt's door opens and he gets out. He arches the bag in my hand and crosses his arms across his chest, giving me a look.

"Where are you going?" Wyatt asks me as he eyes the bag in my hand. He makes that expression where he shows disappointment and confusion, and honestly, I feel confused too. It's already my off, and the clock shows 9 in the evening.

"Um, with my friends, and we're going to a pub just near here... why?" I respond.

"We've got a dinner with Mr. McKenzie and you need to come with me," he tells me as he shuts the door of his office. From the tone of his voice, his decision is made and there's no room for any arguments. But still, that doesn't stop my mouth from asking him why and that it's past dinner time. I also tell him that this dinner isn't on his schedule and I'm not aware of the changes made. "What is your job? Secretary. My secretary. That means... if I want you to go with me, you will go with me. Unless there's something important you need to attend to. That's in the contract you signed. Is going to the pub with your friends considered as emergency, urgent?"

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