Chapter 3

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As we give Kevin a tour around, showing him where things are located and introducing him to some of the people who have grown here and gotten close with, Melody can't keep her mouth shut about Matt. She keeps telling me about the date they've had and how awesome it was. Sometimes, Melody likes to say things like that just to tell how lonely I am. It's not like I need men in my life, but sometimes, I wonder if I'd ever settle with someone who loves me deeply as much as I do. I roll my eyes at her, basically ignoring how Matt was being so sweet and that he has a way with his words.

Believe me, I have gone to countless dates and while the men I went on a date with were cute and awesome, there wasn't really a connection between those I dated. No sparks, no chemistry, nothing. At times, I even blame myself for having a high standard and expectation but that thought fades as I watch men, who are really not my type and completely way out of my league, and consider them as a potential boyfriend, or husband. I can even see myself with them in the future, so that couldn't be it, right? I may have some expectation and preferences, but really all I want is someone that will cherish me. Sadly, I haven't found that person yet.

"So you're already taken, then?" Kevin asks as he takes a sip of his coffee. His mug has a colorful splash design and it says More coffee, less talk. I already peg him as that person who always drinks coffee as if it's his daily energy drink. But hey, there's nothing wrong with that. No shame. I always drink coffee and it's required for me to drink so. Unless I want to stay bored and get nothing done, then yeah, I should skip drinking coffee.

"Not really," she giggles as looks at me, winking. Kevin looks confused. "Well, Matt and I go on dates, treat each other more than friends... but we're not official yet."

Tugging a couple strands of her hair, she groans out loud and glares at me. "If you're really interested at him, answer him already. Don't keep making him wait or lead him on. One day you're going to regret not answering him quickly." I scold her and Melody just makes a face, crunching her nose up and exaggerating the expressions I make. "Yeah, don't listen to my advice, too. You're going to come crying on me one day, trust me."

After we give Kevin a tour, he goes back to the training department on the third floor and Melody and I head back to our respective stations. Melody seems to be overthinking. Her nose is still scrunched up in confusion, and her eyes are trained on the ceiling, which means that she's thinking real hard. My words probably got to her head and she's now processing it. A few seconds later, Matt is beside her and is asking her if they could go on break together, not even bothering to give me an invite. Oh, well. It's not like I do something productive on my breaks. I usually just sit around and scroll through my Instagram feed, and that's it.

My Outlook is opened and a minute later, a small notification appears on the the right down corner of my computer, indicating that I've received another email. I immediately open it up and read it. It's only an invitation to a party this Saturday. It's going to be held on the 5th floor and we shouldn't wear something rather too formal, but somewhere along casual and formal. They could have said semi-formal, but that's okay. I'm not judging. Apparently, they are going to introduce the new CEO who will take over the company, and I can't wait anymore. Technically, I would have to wait though, til' Saturday. Melody and I also haven't decided what gift we'll send to Mr. McKenzie.

"Why don't you just take the assistant position, Pierce?" Melody suddenly asks me. I spin my chair around to face her and she does the same thing. There's a confused expression on her face and Matt waits for my answer, too.

I just shrug, not really knowing why. "I guess I just don't feel it. I'm happy here. I really don't need another promotion, though."

"You do know that Mr. McKenzie will just keep pushing you to take the position, yeah?" She has a point. Mr. McKenzie gets along with everyone, and he makes sure we're comfortable with our environment and job. Sometimes, if there are issues, whether it be personal or business, he'd like to give a helping hand. The first week I spent after getting hired, I was really emotional becaus I was miles away from my parents and I was even put on a program to improve my scores - I knew I was being a burden but I couldn't help but feel sad and emotional, but he stepped up and talked to me and after that, I make sure to always greet and thank him whenever I see him. I nod my head at my best friend while Matt just looks at her with an awe-struck expression drawn across his face.

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