Chapter 28 [Last Chapter]

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Wyatt grabs my waists, pulling me closer as he rests his forehead against mine, his breath fanning my face as we slowly sway to a sweet classic song he put on. His lips slowly quirk into a smile, and his eyes shine brighter as it meets mine. He leans down, and gently places his lips against mine. We slowly sway to the synced beat of our hearts, my feet accidentally going on top of his, and we share a laugh.

"Ouch," Wyatt breaks away from the kiss, chuckling as he gives me a playful glare.

"I'm sorry," I mouth, smiling widely as I rest my head on his chest, listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart. His body is so warm, so perfect, and his hands are on the right place – where it really belongs: around me.

He plants a kiss on my forehead, and another, until we're both chuckling and goofing around. You can really tell that Wyatt is so happy; his smile is genuine, and his laugh is just addicting.

The sun is just about to come down, and the moon is just about to greet us. The sky is a shade of orange, spreading across the horizon, just above the city of Brooklyn. It's a majestic art that everyone should see. A beautiful hue, representing what I really feel. Calm. Loved. Happiness.

It's so nice to be with the person you love, to be with the right person, and to be in the right place. It's funny how this all started – from the bullying, the crush that I had on him way back high school, then we became adults and met each other. Better and more matured. Sometimes I even wonder if we didn't meet here, would we meet at another place at another point in time? Would we still up together? Maybe, who knows. But as I stare at him right now, I would gladly trade whatever I have for this person in front of me.

"All right, lovebirds!" Melody says as she enters the living room without alerting us. I shouldn't have given them the password of my unit. "I brought some wines from Nicolas Feuillatte to celebrate our get-together."

Kevin and Matt enter the room next, bringing some takeaway foods from McDonald's, KFC, and Domino's Pizza. They enter the room as they dance, and I laugh at their silliness.

Kevin, Matt, and Melody are still part of the company. They are pretty much bummed out that I no longer work with them, considering Wyatt has already approved and signed my shitty resignation letter. So as an official despedida party, we prepared for this evening to celebrate my farewell from the company.

Wyatt puts on some club music from 80s, and Melody approves. She enjoys this type of music as much as I do. I dance along with Kevin, and Melody with my man, to the tune of Never Give You Up by Rick Astley. Meanwhile, Matt is recording us having fun as he dances solo. Then we switch partners, and Matt joins us while still recording. The night hasn't fully arrived yet, but here we are, already having fun, and we know that this is going to be a long night. Melody gives Matt a long kiss on the lips, and Matt grabs her waist, pulling her closer. I roll my eyes playfully at them. I'm glad that my best friend is at her happiest. She really does belong with Matt.

"Hey, hey, all of us! Say cheese!" Kevin shouts over the loud music, and everyone scatters around him, and then takes a picture. "This is so nice!"

Wyatt's eyes meet mine, and I give him a wink as I dance. He makes a face at me, but walks towards me. The song switches to I Wanna Dance With Somebody, and Wyatt wraps his arms around me from behind. He gives my cheek a sloppy kiss, and Melody, Kevin, and Matt whistle. I laugh, shaking my head. Matt does the same, and Kevin hugs Matt as well. And from here, they look like they are about to have a threesome.

Kevin is basically the third-wheel here.

"I love you so much, Pierce." Wyatt whispers in my ears, and I look at him over my shoulder, head tipped forward. I give him a huge smile, mouthing the words back. "I'm thinking of going public about us."

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