Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Ouch!" Kevin groans out loud like a dog whining, stumbling to the ground as he's trying to put socks on his feet. He falls hard on his butt, rolling around, biting his lower lip and I manage to laugh at him despite us being late.

Yes, the alarm I set rang off several times, but that doesn't mean I was woken up by it. No, it even snoozed off several times until I managed to open my eyes and realized we're an hour late. I was somehow facing Kevin's feet, his face facing mine. His hands were wrapped around my legs. It's still a mystery to me how he ended up on that position. I remember well last night that he was snoring lightly, his head resting on my pillow. The comforter was all over us and I had to push Kevin off of me so I could stand up and prepare. When he fell on the cold ground floor, he hissed and stood up, muttering good morning under his breath. When he looked at the digital clock pinned on the wall, he said shit to himself and ushered me to go take a back quickly.

Kevin's wearing my polka dots white polo shirt and fitted jeans. It's also a good thing we're have the same shoe size or else he'd be walking around in the office using his Nike sandals, which is by the way, a clear violation of the Dress Code policy of the company. Somehow he was able to make a toast for the both of us, enough to fill us up and give us energy to survive the first hours of the work.

Truth be told, I'm freaking out. Because when I checked my phone, I had like another 5 missed calls from Wyatt and 4 messages asking where I was. I sent him a quick text, informing him that something urgent came up and how sorry I was to not be able to inform him in due time. I never received a response back. This is actually the first time I got a tardy, and now, I'm afraid Wyatt may use this against me.

"Is the Uber already here?" Kevin asks me as he checks himself out in the mirror, having the time to give himself a once over and I roll my eyes at him. I mutter a yes, and he takes my hand and leads me out of my unit. I take my hand from him. "Damn it. We're going to get fired for this."

Frowning, I cross my arms at him as we take the elevator. "For you, I don't think so." I claim, shaking my head as if finding the thought of him getting fired ridiculous just because of his first tardy. There's actually this thing called attendance policy, and you may have to have a lot of incidents for you to get fired. But my case is different; I work under Wyatt himself, and if he doesn't really like the way I perform or do things, that means me getting fired any time he wants to do so. "You'd have to have a lot of tardy incidents before you get fired for that. Before that even happens, your supervisor will interfere to know your commitments to your job and he will try to remedy it in case he sees conflicts."

"Oh right," he says dumbly as the elevator dings. Kevin knows I'm in a foul mood, but it's not actually his fault. It's my fault. I was quite in peace sleeping, and it didn't occur to me that I had a job to do today. Once we get outside of the building, the Uber is already there, parked in front of we run towards it. "I wish he'd never get upset."

It takes almost thirty minutes to arrive to our work due to the fact that we got stuck in traffic. I paid the Uber through credit card, and after we've arrived, we run inside the building like there's a fire going on and we're saving our lives. Even the security has to stop us as they thought we're some sort of criminals. I look at them apologetically and the guards immediately recognize me. He lets out a small smile before they release us and we get into the elevator again. Kevin presses his floor number and I press mine.

When I arrive there, I immediately knock at Wyatt's door and he opens the door. Once he sees it's me, his eyes harden and he motions for me to get inside his office. Wyatt is angry; his face is almost red, and the way he grits his teeth makes me realize that I'm in a deep shit today. I brace myself for the shouting, but Wyatt just takes a seat on his leather chair and turns around to face me, his face is still wearing that angry expression that makes me tremble a bit.

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