Chapter 24

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When I wake up, Wyatt's arm is placed on my chest while his leg is on top of mine. The room is still a bit dark, but through the curtain, you can tell that it's already late in the morning. Probably around 10 or 11. I gently take his arm and leg off of me, and he lightly groans and mumbles incoherently.

Rolling off the bed, I watch him snuggle by himself and smile to myself. I look back on those times were he was harsh to me and looking at it now with my perspective today, I'm only seeing a boy who was once lost, who was once hurt. Wyatt may have not been on the right state of mind at the time, and regardless of whatever scenario he was in, he shouldn't have done that, but he just needed love, attention, care, and understanding.

Wyatt has overcome his fears and he grew into a gentleman. Well, not gentleman enough (because he still wanted to make my life harder when he became the CEO), but at least he's becoming a better person as each day passes by.

Leaving him at peace, I head over to the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of us. Wyatt hasn't told me yet of what he likes to eat in the morning - and as dirty as it sounds, I wish it would be me - but we can't have what we want. Wyatt works out and regularly goes to the gym, so he shouldn't have fatty foods. It seems like the safest option I have here is to cook eggs and bacon. Well, he doesn't have to eat bacon though. It also seems like he's going to spend most of his days here, so I better buy protein shakes and go grocery shopping for healthy foods and stuff.

After a couple of minutes, while I'm in the midst of frying eggs, a warm embraces engulfs me. A gentle groan escapes his lips as he rests his chin on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around me.

"What're you cooking?" he asks me groggily.

"Our morning breakfast: eggs and bacon."

He hums and buries his face in the crook of my neck, which slightly tickles me. He stays there, his chest pressed against my back, his arms wrapped warmly around me. Wyatt's soft breathing is like music to my ears. He doesn't say anything, doesn't do anything. It's like he has found his home, and he never wants to leave it.

"I hope you like eggs because that's the safest option I have here to cook," I say, chuckling.

"I like bacon, too." He unwraps his arms around me and proceeds to take a seat. "I like to eat what you make. And do you have coffee? I need coffee, please, baby."

The term of endearment catches my attention. A small smile plays on my lips, and a blush paints my cheeks. I'm glad that Wyatt is still sleepy and doesn't have the ability to notice small things yet. I purse my lips, preventing myself from grinning widely.

"Coming right up, sir."

"You should call me baby, too." I turn around and stare at him, only to find him sporting a smirk. I nod, hiding a smile. As I turn around, he says, "and you forgot to do something."

"What is it?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You, baby, forgot to give me my good morning kiss."

Wyatt stands up, walks towards me and stands in front of me, and crosses his arms across his chest. I just keep on staring at him until he takes another step forward.

"Aren't going to give it to me?" he asks me huskily.

I shake my head.

"Fine, you're not going to receive your salary then."

"You can't do that; it's against labour laws."

"Neither is our relationship against my company's policy, but here we are," He tangles his arm around my waist and pushes me closer. "So I guess you better give me my good morning kiss, or you won't receive your salary."

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