Chapter 9

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Author's Note: I've always been in love with the idea of me having an apartment in Brooklyn, or in New York. I haven't been in the US, really, but I wish to live there someday. That's why some of my stories' settings are set in Brooklyn. All my life, I've only stayed in the Philippines and I've only traveled once. Anyways, enjoy this chapter of Brooklyn Nights! Our little Pierce is getting confused already.

The picture below is Pierson Matthews | Cory Bower by Photography Anthony Amadeo
IG: cory_bower

The picture below is Pierson Matthews | Cory Bower by Photography Anthony AmadeoIG: cory_bower

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Instagram: JMSenar
Twitter: JMSenar


Chapter 9

Wyatt has his eyes on me, still glaring, and every second I get uncomfortable. His stare is so intense that it makes me cower and fear for my life. The whole time I'm fumbling with my fingers, playing with the hem of my shirt, and I can't keep my feet still. My legs keep pulling close together, as if I'm holding myself from peeing. I hang my head low, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"You are pissing me off," he says through gritted teeth and from the tone of his voice, I can hear how angry he is. I flinch, gulping inaudibly. I hope he doesn't hear the way my heart beats. I want to run away from this company, from him, because I'm really scared of my life right now. "I'm your boss and you ran away like that, leaving me?"

"I'm really–"

"I'm not done yet," he cuts me off and I let out a breath I realize I've been holding. He takes a step forward closer to me and my instinct tells me to take a step back, so I do. But the more I step back, the more he walks closer to me until my back hits against the polished mahogany table – his desk. I put my hands on the table and hiss from the coldness. He takes another step forward until we're close face to face. Teeth still gritted, eyes still narrowed, he looks at me in the eye and says, "Don't you ever do that again to me or I swear, Pierson, I'll put you in disciplinary action."

Running my tongue over my lower lip as I feel them drying, his eyes flick over it, and I catch my breath. I nod my head rather furiously, letting him know that it really won't happen again.

Wyatt moves closer to me, his body a few centimeters away from mine. I look down to his feet and suddenly find it interesting. I flush when he takes another step and my breath hitches. This Godzilla in front has the nerve! I silently pray to the angels above that he's just playing tricks on me, or pulling pranks, whatever. I just don't want him this close to me. He very well knows that I'm gay – and I'm sure he knows that he's really attractive, so why is he doing this? Sometimes a rush of courage hits me, and I like that. I like that it happens at random moments, but not today. Because if that courage hits my system today, I may be able to look up and God knows if I'm ready for a punch to be delivered in my face because I may kiss him.

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