Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Guess who haven't had enough sleep because he spoke with his boyfriend over the phone like a love-struck teenager that lasted for hours. Yes, it's me. Wyatt and I spoke for hours and neither one of us dropped the call. We talked about our high school life and how he plans to come out to his mom. I assured him that everything's going smooth and as planned, and it's alright to be nervous. Coming out isn't supposed to be a fairy tale. It's actually a mixed feeling. And when a person comes out or if he or she plans to, it's alright for them to feel nervous, happy, excited, sad, or worried.

By the tone of his voice, I knew he was shitless scared. But as he talked and spoke, his brave side was coming out. He was becoming confident and his voice wasn't wavering. Besides his good looks, his bravery is one of the things that I really admire. Strong people can be weak, and weak people can be strong. And Wyatt? He's in between, and it's alright.

Last night felt like forever. Wyatt's voice was music to my ears as he spoke and told me crazy stuff about his childhood and I just listened the whole time, until we both fell asleep and neither of us hung up. This morning, I heard his light snores through the phone and it made me smile. I didn't hang up still. I went to the bathroom to splash water on my face and brush my teeth, and when I came back to my bedroom, Wyatt was now awake and asking if I was awake. I told him yes, and then he greeted me good morning. He was just on the other line but it felt like he was beside me, and it made my heart flutter giddily. It's a feeling I want to cherish forever. I told him that we could hang up the call now so he could focus on what he would like to do today, and he asked me if I wanted to come there and have a lunch with them. I told him yes. After that, we hung up the call.

"You look tired," my mom comments as she puts a sunny side up egg on my plate.

I look at mom with an arched brow, and she rolls her eyes.

"Wyatt must have kept you awake all night,"

"Moooom," I whine, shaking my head.

Dad lets out a cough and sips his hot chocolate as he scrolls through his tablet to read some news. Mom grabs a bread, slices it in half, and places it on dad's plate. Dad grabs the sliced bread and dips it into his hot chocolate before munching on it. Mom lets out a knowing grin before taking a seat and ignoring my deathly look. We eat in silence, but my parents keep throwing me side glances. I know they want to know the update between me and Wyatt, but I won't give them that. Mom likes to pry about my love life, and she won't stop unless I tell her. Even my dad.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I quickly fish it out and open the text message Wyatt sent me. It reads: Mom is already preparing here, cooking. I told her you're coming, and she's been excited ever since. I miss you. The last part of the message touches my heart and a wide smile tugs on my lips. I send a reply, telling him that I miss him too and that I'll see him this afternoon, and when I look up, my parents are looking at me with a knowing look. I immediately drop my happy smile and put a poker face on. Mom arches a brow at me. I grab a bread, slice it, and stuff the sunny side up egg inside.

"Spilleth the tea."

"Mom, don't go Shakespeare on me."

"Spilleth the tea." Dad joins mom and I groan out loud, shaking my head. Dad has stopped paying attention on the news opened in his tablet, and mom puts her hand on her lap, looking at me expectantly.

I let out a groan again. "Okay, okay." I roll my eyes at the both of them. "Wyatt invited me to have lunch with him and his mother, and I agreed. And he just texted me that his mom is excited to see me. That's all."

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