The Past Chapter 13

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Everyone was shocked from what they just heard. Especially Shadow and Mephiles.

"It was you the whole time!?"

"That's right little bro."

"Why would you do this!?" Mephiles asked.

"I guess it's time for the story. It all started 18 years ago..."


Younger Sanctum was trying on the King's crown to see how he looks. When it fell off his head because it was to big, he laughed to himself as Mephiles walked towards him.

"Dressing up as King again I see."

"I sure am dad. I can't wait to be King one day."

"I'm very proud of you son but remember that you have a lot to learn about being a King."

"I know." Suddenly, Mephiles wife, Moonlight, came into the room with a smile.

"Honey! I'm pregnant!"

"That's great! Did you hear that Sanctum? You're gonna have a little brother or sister."

"Yay! I'll teach it everything I know!"

"That's my boy." Moonlight smiled as she kissed Sanctum on the cheek.

Sanctum smiled as Moonlight hugged Mephiles. A few months later, things started to change. Sanctum's parents were no longer paying attention to him.

Instead, they always talk about planning the future for their new son. They barely pay attention to Sanctum anymore and it makes it look like he didn't exist.

"Hey mom. What's for dinner?" Moonlight looked at Mephiles.

"What should we name our son?"

"We could name him Shadow."

"I love it."

"Mom? Dad?"

"He would make a great King."

"I agree."

"Mom! I'm talking to you!"

"Don't you dare speak to your mother that way!" Mephiles yelled.

"You guys never pay attention to me anymore. You said I would be King. He's not even born yet."

"Well the way you are behaving, I don't think you can become King with that attitude."

"But I'm older!"

"Go to your room. Now!" Sanctum glared at him and walked away. Later, he tried to talk to his mom about getting rid of Shadow.

"Mom? Do we really need to have Shadow here? I don't mind being the only child. You can get an abortion."

"Don't you dare say that about your brother. How could you say that about him? You used to be happy about having a sibling."

"That was before he took my place as King now can we please get rid of him?"

"No! Go to your room!" Sanctum growled as he walked away.

Later that night, Sanctum walked towards his secret chemical set and grabbed one that had a skull picture on it.

"If they wont get rid of him, then I will. Even if it means getting rid of mom."

Sanctum made his poison drink and sets it down for the morning. The next day, Moonlight noticed the drink and thought it was just an ordinary drink.

So she drank it and smiled. Sanctum waited for something to happen but nothing happened. He was shocked to see this. He read the label and it said,

'It takes it's time to effect.'

"Looks like I'll have to wait. Sorry mother. It was the only way." A few months later, Moonlight started to become weaker and weaker. Mephiles was getting worried. It was also time to deliver the baby.

Moonlight used all of her strength and then Shadow was born. Sanctum was shocked. Shadow looked perfectly healthy. It's like he had true royalty blood that doesn't die. But for Moonlight, after she gave birth, she had no more strength left.

Once everyone had to leave, Sanctum stayed and watched the heart monitor drop. Sanctum placed the poison bottle and the note he wrote that said,

'We killed your wife. -The Light Kingdom.' Sanctum looked at his mother.

"I might have failed to kill Shadow but at least I'll be off the hook." Sanctum said as he ran off.

*Flashback ended*

Note: I'm so sorry if this one seemed bad. I couldn't think of anything and this was the best I could come up with. I'll try to fix it later but for now, I hope you still enjoy it.

Here's a sneak peek for the next Chapter:

Sanctum: Don't worry Shadow. You'll join him soon.
Y/N: Shadow!
Shadow: How could you!?

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 14. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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