Nine: A reveal and change of personality?!

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AMARYLLIS' POV (I forgot to put the POV at the top of the last chapter, oops)

"You've been what?" I spoke slowly, tone slightly threatening and low in pitch. My eyes were narrowed at my family and though I appeared quite lax, anyone with a keen eye could see the tenseness in my posture. Both Lucian and Papa gulped and I could see beads of sweat trailing down the sides of their faces.

"E-engaged... The council believed it was best that the future — well, what was believed to be the future monarch since your disappearance — got engaged in order to produce heirs as soon as possible." Hearing the words 'the council believed' immediately made my suspicion rise; they were not ones to care for the future generations unless it directly profited themselves. 

"To whom?" I questioned, taking a sip of my tea.

Lucian gulped again, more audible this time and certainly more noticeable. "Lady Elliarana of Duke Bernet's household."

Immediately after hearing her name, I scowled. Lady Elliarana, or 'Lady Elli' as she was often addressed was quite an average person who did not particularly excel in any schooling areas and her magic talent and control was a tad above average at best. The only thing she was somewhat good at was forming connections and social etiquette. And even then, she was often much too friendly and trusting for being a candidate for such an important role.

Another thing? Her family's household — the Bernet's — were under Caroline's faction. They had never liked our family very much and had always wanted to marry into it to boost their power above that of the other Ducal households.

"A foolish woman under their faction, I can't say I'm surprised they would do this. They truly do want this kingdom to collapse, don't they?" I said, turning slightly and looking out the window. From here, you could see down onto the capital and the bustling streets alongside the gorgeous gardens surrounding the castle. Though many questioned Argonda's choice of capital (it was on a mountain after all), nobody could deny the absolute gorgeousness of the place.

A small smile graced my lips as I remembered the times when mother used to bring me here to listen to her boring talks with nobles as a child and how I would usually end up gravitating to the window with a book because I didn't want to listen. Thinking about it now, she was setting an example for me to follow when I reached of age and especially if I inherited the throne or married into another royal family. She had even told me some people to never trust and the families that were truly loyal to the royal line. Sometimes I even wondered if it was my father that headed the country and instead, mother was the real head.

"There is still time to dissolve the engagement and you have my word, this marriage will not go through. And I'm sure if I have a little... chat with Elliarana and her mother, the family will view the error in the ways." I turned back to Lucian and Papa and the two of them looked slightly relieved but there was still a cloud of doubt in their eyes.

Papa looked at me, concern filling his eyes. "Amar... What you did earlier will anger both the council and that snake, you absolutely must be careful from now on or I'm afraid they'll try something." His voice was full of worry and I couldn't help but smile a bit at the concern.

"Papa, they also know — Caroline more than anyone — that the people there are my close friends and there would be no point in calling me out. Plus, the only proof they have is circumstantial evidence and against the princess, would they dare pull it out?" And it was true, the council wouldn't dare pursue this and call me out for misconduct, especially with foreign royals around.

"Do not worry yourself Papa," I leant across the table, taking his hands in mine. "I will remain safe and I will not submit to their cruelty. And I will most certainly not let them harm my family any more than they already have. Now, I will take my leave and if you could, please inform the others that I feel ill and will not be attending dinner." Letting go, I stood up and smiled at them before moving towards the door and walking out of the room.


'You know Amar, I never expected this from you of all people. As a rather regular person from earth, I cannot begin to imagine what you must be feeling especially with those snakes lying in wait to ambush you.' Arty spoke up, nearly causing me to drop my cup. 

I chuckled quietly, scanning the room to see if any of the maids had remained. 'They all left, do not worry.'

Letting out a sigh of relief, I kicked my shoes off and tucked my legs up against my body. 'I mean, I always planned to crush the snake and her serpent friends and it just so happens that right now is a great opportunity. I promised her hell after what she did to my mother and though I was unable to give her it as a child, I can now. And anyway, it was about time I started acting my role out properly.'

Arty chuckled and I could imagine him shaking his head in amusement. He then stopped mid-laugh, pausing for a few seconds before speaking again. 'Wait... your role? You can't possibly mean...'

'It's exactly what you're thinking.' I interrupted. 'I think it's time to play the part of a true villainess~ After all, I am dealing with little snakes, aren't I?~'


I wanted to make her kinda evil so I did.  

Reincarnated Into the Otome Game as  the Princess Villainess?! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now