Ten: Am I supposed to apologise?

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"Sierra," I said aloud and almost immediately the study door swung open and in entered a familiar expressionless face, the one of my mother's old personal maid. With gorgeous lilac hair and large red doe eyes, most wouldn't expect such a beautiful and innocent-looking woman to be a stone-hearted killer and maid/bodyguard to the former queen of Argonda. They would also be quite surprised to find out that this maid was over a hundred years old at this point.

I wasn't exactly sure how Mama picked her up (or if she was gifted her by her own mother as she did with me) but now that she had entered heaven, Sierra only worked under my orders. Even if Papa or the council ordered her to do something grave, it would have to be run by me. Apparently, Mama had made her promise not to bring anything up till I turned 15.

"Yes, Your Highness?" She questioned in her monotone voice, another thing that came as a surprise to many.

"Have a report on my desk by lunchtime tomorrow regarding every council member and their houses alongside anyone from Caroline's faction. Oh, also set up a time for me to go visit the Bernet household — I need to have a word with that family." 

"Yes Your Highness, I will have the reports by tomorrow and the date set up by the day after. Do you need anything else?"

I paused for a second, thinking.

"Have Lottie bring me some paper and ink as well as a pot of tea, I believe I will be receiving a visitor very soon."

Sierra bowed and with one last "Yes Your Highness," she left the room and shut the large double doors.


I was still sitting behind the desk but this time there was a piece of paper, some ink and a steaming pot of tea and a few sweets in front of me. Tapping the end of my pen against my chin for a second, I thought about what to write before dipping the pen into the ink.

Dear Lily,

It's been quite a while, hasn't it? I must apologise for disappearing all of a sudden and for such an extended period of time at that but I can assure you that I am perfectly sound. How have you been these past five years? 

Now I can't exactly explain what I've been doing in the time we've been apart (for I'm not really sure myself to be completely honest) but I would like to personally invite you to the welcome home ball that will be happening in Argonda next month on the full moon. Since to be reading this letter you would have opened it, you would also have probably found the invitation attached. Please feel free to bring your mother, father and even brother if you wish, the card will allow you all to come in and if not, just tell one of the maids your name and they will come to fetch me.

I'd love if you could perhaps come a few days earlier so we could catch up and perhaps go visit the town and some boutiques together? It would be so nice to finally have some nice girl-time after constantly being surrounded by men (except for Scorpio of course) these past few weeks.

Your friend,

Folding the letter neatly, I slid it inside the scented light gold envelope alongside a special invitation that had been prepared for my welcome home ball and sealed with my new personal royal seal.

Just as I was about to take a sip of the tea, the double doors to the study swung open and in stormed Caroline dressed in a gaudy and over-the-top gown. I raised a brow at her outfit, it looked as if someone had vomited ribbon and lace all over it, and not in a good way.

"Can I help you Caroline?" Holding the teacup to my lips in order to hide my smirk, I stared at her intently. Her ugly face was flushed red, brows knitted in anger as she stared at me with equally hateful eyes as I to her.

"You embarrassed me purposefully out there." She said, her tone cooler and more collected than I had expected it to be.

Chuckling, I placed the cup down and leant back in my chair, relaxing as I looked at her with a furrowed brow. "Embarrassed? Why I think you did that quite on your own."

Waves of fury rolled off her slightly trembling figure, she was obviously still quite annoyed at me for the little tripping stunt I pulled on her.

"You do realise that by embarrassing me, you are in turn showing a bad side to others? If foreigners are aware of disharmony in the royal family, who knows what they would try." She began to regain her cool, the redness of her face slowly disappearing and her eyes returning to their cold, calculating look.

Oh, so she was going to play this game. Bringing up my friends and my family is quite useless considering not a single one of them have a good impression of this snake.

"And you do realise that those foreign dignitaries you dare bring up are the same ones who support me? I'm sure they find it more amusing than not to see you and your minions suffer." I retorted.

Her eyes narrowed at me. "You may be able to disrespect me now but just you wait, I'll put you in your place just like your mother was."

I shot up, slamming my hands on the table.

"I'd like you to leave now Caroline." My body was tense and I was honestly ready to claw this woman's face off but I maintained my cool, instead, balling my fists at my side. She had no right to bring up my mother.

Smirking, the snake headed towards the door with arrogance in her step.

"Next time I catch you talking about my mother, I'll blast you into oblivion. I'm not so hesitant to use my magic anymore." I growled out, a ball full of dark, corroding magic covering my fists. Seeing her gulp and scurry away, I felt a sort of sick pleasure at her fear.

How funny, a woman made of pure evil is scared by the element that represents her.


Well hi, I updated. A rare event, I know.

So pretty boring but it explains a few things and shows a bit of the personality change Amaryllis is undergoing.

And yes, Lily (the lil pink-haired cutie from school) alongside some harem members will be making their comeback at this upcoming ball and one important ball it will be^^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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