Tears, dancing and a fight.

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The kiss was short but passionate. He pulled away too early in my opinion but it was still absolutely perfect.

 I couldn’t even finish my previous sentence since I was way too shocked. David just looked at me, he was still holding my face in his hands. Suddenly he let go off me and stumbled away. He shook his head and looked at me with eyes filled with… I would guess sadness. But why?

 He abruptly turned around and quickly left the room.

 What the actual hell!

 After the shock left my body I ran out of the room after him. I entered the living room and frantically looked around. Will was sitting on the couch, watching Top Model. Ok? He spotted me.

 “Hey.” He said. “What’s up with David? He just rushed through the room and out the door.” That’s when I noticed that the bus had stopped to refuel. I sighed. Should I tell him or not? I felt like I needed to talk to someone so I told him. From the mini fight to the kiss to David leaving without a word. While I told him he sat there listening with a concerned face. I was sitting down when I was done and my head was in my hands.

 “Honey. I’m so sorry to tell you this but… David has a girlfriend.” My head shot up.

 “What!” I exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

 “Because we only thought that you guys were playing around because that’s what you do and that’s what he does. We didn’t think it was serious.” I couldn’t prevent what happened next. I started crying. Hard. Like really sobbing and hiccuping. Will started comforting me and I was soon leaning against his shoulder. I heard the others enter the room and asking what was going on. Will spared me the humiliation of actually showing my face like this and told them instead. In the end I was once again in the middle of a grouphug.

 “I’m gonna kill him.” I turned to Gabe since he was the one who said that.

 “No, I got this. This isn’t exactly the first time this kind of thing happened to me.” I said without thinking. The guys froze.

 “What!?” Gabe looked shocked. “What do you mean?” I sighed and sat down. Can’t take it back now.

 “You might wanna sit down for this.” They sat down in the couch with Gabe and Cole on either side of me. I took a deep breath. “It was two years ago. Do you remember Logan?” Gabe nodded since I asked him. “He asked me out and I said yes, I mean, he was good looking and seemed nice so I thought why not. On the third date he asked me to be his girlfriend and, well, I had already fallen for him so I again said yes. After three amazing months of kissing and dates and cute moments and all those couple stuff I found out something terrible. I was at school pretty early because I had to finish a project and I heard Logan’s friends and Logan talk at his locker. I was about to head over there when I heard what they were saying. They were asking Logan if the “loser”, as they called me, had fallen for him yet. He said yes and told them about a plan to humiliate me in front of the whole school at lunch. I went up to him, slapped him and told him we were over.” I had to pause a little to catch my breath from all the crying. Soon I could continue. “I really loved him but he was just a jackass just as fake as Lindsay Lohan’s lips.” I couldn’t contain my sobs anymore but that was ok. I was done. They knew and I was really vulnerable. I felt someone hug me really hard from my right.


 “Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked and looked rather hurt. “I thought we told each other everything.”
 “I didn’t know how and you had the band to focus on. And the music and tour. I just thought you were too busy.”
 “I’m never too busy to help you.” Gabe said and hugged me even harder.

 “None of us are ever too busy.” That was Cole and soon we were group hugging again. I giggled a little. It felt nice to have shared this with someone and not just go carry it myself.

 “But I don’t think that David is like that. I’m just really sad and pissed that he cheated on his girlfriend with me. God, I feel so bad.” I looked down at my lap and fiddled with my fingers.

 “It’s not your fault. You shouldn’t feel guilty at all.” Will said. “It’s his fault that he didn’t tell you and he’s going to suffer from the consequences.”

 “Wow. Wise words from Will Jay.” Cole clapped his hands slowly. I giggled while the others laughed. Maybe this will be okay after all.

 “I know how to cheer you up!” Dana jumped up from the couch. “Let’s start the dance lessons now.”

 “Now?” I asked taken aback.

 “Yeah, now.” Dana pulled me from the couch and showed me some basic steps. Like how to move your feet and arms easily before starting with jumps and those kind of things. Let’s just say that I failed… big time.

 When we were done we fell back onto the couch in fits of laughter. That really boosted my mood. Dana always knew how to cheer me up.

 “You suck at dancing, did you know that.” Dana said, laughing his ass off.

 “Now I know. I’m never doing that again.” I managed to get out between my giggles.

 “Yes, you are. I promised to teach you so I’m going to teach you. By the end of this tour you will be a pro.” He said and pointed at me to strengthen his promise.

 “Okay then. Bring it.” I said and we laughed a little more.

 “Guys, where is David? We need to go.” That was the chauffeur. Everyone looked at each other.

 “Is there a starbucks near?” Dana asked. The chauffeur nodded and pointed to the right of the tourbus. The guys started leaving but Dana turned to me. “I guess you don’t wanna tag along.” I shaked my head.

 “I think I’m just gonna go take a nap.” Dana nodded and followed the others while I headed towards my room and laid down in the dry bed. I fell asleep in an instant.

 Gabe’s POV

 I was the first to enter starbucks and found David straight away. Before anyone of the other guys could stop me I marched over to him and punched him square in the face. He fell of his chair and his latte splashed everywhere.

 “Ow! What the fuck! What’s your problem man!?” He exclaimed and stood up. He looked pissed.

 “What’s my problem! My problem is that my best friend probably cried herself to sleep just because you played her. Fucking hell! You have a girlfriend David!” He looked down, ashamed.

 “Listen. I never meant for this to happen. I kind of forgot about Stella, ok. We haven’t talked at all since I left for tour. Hell, we barely talked while I was there. I felt something stronger with Nikki…”

 “Don’t call her that.” I interrupted.

 “What?” He looked confused.

 “Don’t call her Nikki. You don’t deserve it. From now on she’s Nicole to you.” He looked down but nodded. “And I don’t wanna hear what you have to say and Nikki certainly don’t. You’re just gonna come with us to the bus so that we can leave.” I turned around and headed for the exit. “Oh, and one more thing David.” I turned around. “You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” Then I just left and walked towards the bus with the guys after me. David in the back.

Best friend's bandmate ~ D.S (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now