FIFA, confrontation and knowledge

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 Back to Nikki’s POV

 “Nikki? Come on, it’s time for you to wake up. If you sleep too much now you’ll never be able to sleep tonight.” I opened my eyes slightly and saw Will sitting on the bed beside me. I grunted and put the pillow on my face.

 “I feel like shit.” I said. Even though it was muffled by the pillow Will understood me.

 “I know honey. The boys and me are going to play some FIFA. Do you wanna join.”

 “David’s gonna be there. I don’t want to be close to him.”

 “We’ll make sure that he’s as far away from you as possible. You can’t kay in here all day. It’s not good for you.” He rubbed my arm. I sighed and took the pillow of my face.

 “Do I need to talk to him?”


 “Play against him?”

 “Look at him.”

 “Then fine. But if I try to kill him, don’t stop me.” Will laughed at that. After a while I started to since it’s really contagious.

 “Come on then.” He pulled me up from the bed and we left the room. I didn’t change before I went to bed so I had the same clothes as before.

 When we entered the living room (wow, we spend a lot of time there) David jumped up from the armchair he was sitting in and I froze by Will’s side.

 “Nikki! I…”

 “David, no. Just drop it and sit down. stay away from her for now, you don’t even know half the damage you’ve caused.” I looked up at Will who had interrupted David. The pissed off expression on his face shocked me. I’ve never seen Will angry, irritated yes, but not angry. David seemed just as shocked because he sat down slowly and quietly and didn’t say anything else.

 Will took a deep breath and lead me to the seat furthest away from David, which was the corner of the couch beside Cole. Dana had taken the seat beside him and Gabe on his other side. Which means that it was Will’s turn to sit on the floor. He didn’t complain though.

 After that we started playing. First it was me against Cole.

 “Haha! Sucker!” I exclaimed when I made the first goal.

 “Oh, it’s on.” Cole said and glanced at me.

 It ended with a tie.

 “Next was Will and Dana. I tried concentrating on their game but that’s a little hard when someone else is literally staring holes in your head. Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore.

 “It’s not nice to stare, Scarzone.” I didn’t look at him when I said it. It would have sounded flirty if it wasn’t for the irritated tone in my voice.

 “Are we on second name bases now?” I didn’t answer him and he sighed. “Look, I didn’t want this to happen. I’m sorry.” I snapped my head in his direction.

 “Sorry? You’re sorry!That doesn’t change anything!”

 “Then what do you want me to do!?”

 “To leave me alone.” I said, now sounding very broken. “There were so many times you could have mentioned that you had a girlfriend. I don’t know if you realised it, but you cheated David. Cheated! You don’t deserve her and you sure as hell don’t deserve my forgiveness.” I left him stunned with my little speech.

 “I didn’t mean to. I know this doesn’t sound very likely but when I’m with you I just see you. I forgot everything else, including her.” He explained. I was disgusted. What kind of person forgets about their girlfriend.

 “You think that’s gonna make this better? Telling me you forgot about your girlfriend. That’s even worse. You’re just coming with excuses.” I shook my my head. “Be a man and stand for what you did.”

 “I am standing for what I did. I’m just explaining why.” I stood up from the couch quickly.

 “I don’t wanna know why. What you did is called playing with someone’s heart. This isn’t the fucking first time it happened to me!” His eyes grew really big.

 “What?!” He stood up and looked as if he was going to cry. That makes two of us.

 “Just forget it.” I pushed past him and started running towards my room.

 “Nikki!” He was running after me and I got deja vú feeling. This scene had happened before just then I was laughing, not crying.

 I got to the door and locked myself in the bathroom. There, I broke down completely.

 David’s POV

 This kind of thing had happened before. No. It can’t have. How can someone do that to Nikki on purpose.

 I was banging on the bathroom door, begging her to let me in.

 “Please Nikki. Open up. We need to talk.”

 “Go away! I don’t wanna talk to you, I don’t even wanna see you. Can’t you just see that and leave me alone.” I sighed, this wasn’t making anything better so I left.

 I took my seat and saw the others glaring at me. Especially Gabe. I looked down, feeling ashamed.

 Nikki was broken before and I didn’t even see it. I remember when she came out of the shower and her eyes were completely bloodshot. As if she had tried not to cry. I should have talked to her then. See what was wrong, not just let it go.

 “Do you guys know what she was talking about when she said that this wasn’t the first time?” I asked the others.

 They looked at each other.

 “I don’t think you need to know.” Cole said and started putting away the FIFA and controllers.

 “Either I ask her or you guys tell me. I need to know. I wanna help.”

 “Yeah, you can’t help.” Gabe snapped at me. I sighed.

 “Guys, I think he should know, I mean it won’t make anything better or worse.” Dana said. The others hesitated but nodded.

 Then they told me everything. From this Logan guy and the dates to the early morning in school and Nikki beating him up. I felt the rage building up. How can someone do that. To Nikki of all people. I had to take a few deep breaths so that I didn’t smash anything.

 “I feel so sorry for her now. All this drama at the same day of her first show.”

 Oh yeah, right. The show. Damn it.

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