Movie night, nicknames and chasing.

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“Okay then, what are we watching?” I asked as I sat down in the couch in front of the TV.

 “Nothing scary this time!” Gabe yelled from his bedroom

 “Damn it!” Everyone else said while I airpunched. Yes, no scary movie.

 “Let Nikki chose this time. You guys told me she has never chosen before.” David said and sat down next to me. I looked at him and of course he didn’t have a shirt on.

 “No! There’s a reason we don’t let her chose. She always chose chick flicks and we’re no chicks!” Will said and sat in the armchair.

 “Oh, come on, We can compromise. Lets take either Harry Potter or X-men.” I said.

 “That works for me.” Cole sat down on David’s other side.

 “What works?” Gabe laid down on the sofa with his feel in Cole’s lap.
 “Ew. Dude! Your feet stink. Get them off me.” Cole tried pushing them off, but without success.

 “You have no idea.” David muttered and I giggled. He glared playfully at me.

 “As answer to Gabe’s question, Harry Potter or X-men works.” Will said and Gabe nodded as an Okay.

 “Are we gonna start or what?” Dana entered and saw there’s was nowhere to sit. “Are you serious?!” We laughed at him.

 “The floor’s available.” I said and gestured towards the floor. He glared at me but sat down nonetheless.

 “Lets go with X-men.” David said.

 “Just because it’s from Marvel.” Will said and put the first movie in.

 “Of course.” David said and threw an arm over my shoulders and pulled me into him Making me crash into his bare chest. God, those abs!

 “You’re not exactly making this easy for me.” I whispered to him.

 “I know, that’s kind of why I’m doing it.” I just shook my head and laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat and just enjoying the movie.

 We were at the third movie, the last stand, and it’s the part where Jean kills Professor X and I’m seriously crying right now. Since my head is on David’s chest the tears landed on him.

 “This is so sad.” I whispered to him.

 “Yeah.” He whispered back and sniffled. I looked up at him.

 “Is the big, tough boy crying to a movie?” I asked in disbelief. David did not come off like the softy. He quickly wiped the tears away.

 “What? Pft, of course not. Only girls do that.” I looked at Will who was crying just as much as I do.

 “Oh, so in your opinion Will is a girl?” I asked him. He looked at Will and smirked.

 “Will, are you crying dude?” He asked and chuckled at the same time.

 “Oh, come on, it’s sad dude.” Will said, his eyes never leaving the TV screen. David laughed a little and pulled me closer.

 Throughout the movie I was drifting in and out of sleep and David noticed. Of course. I’m on top of him, it would be weird if he didn’t notice.

 “Come on, lets get you to bed.” He took me in his arms bridal style and started heading to our room.

 “We’re going to bed.” He said to the others over his shoulder and I could hear them whistling and hooting. I just rolled my eyes as I was carried to bed.

 When we entered the room David stopped. I looked up at him and saw his expression. I started laughing.

 “You forgot about my bed, right?”
 “Maybe.” He said and looked down at me. “We’ll just have to share.”

 “No, I so don’t wanna share a bed with my really hot roommate.” I said sarcastically and laughed as he put me down in the bed and laid down beside me.

 “You think I’m hot?” He asked but it sounded more like a statement.

 “Thought you already knew that from all my hints.” I said and turned my back to him.

 “I did, I just wanted you to say it.” He wrapped his arms around me from behind so that we were spooning. I slapped his arm

 “You’re a jerk.” I said playfully. He laughed.

 “But I’m your jerk.”

 “Goodnight David.”

 “Goodnight Angel.” He said and kissed my shoulder. “That’s my new nickname for you.”

 I smiled and was soon sound asleep.

 The next morning I woke up without anyone staring at me and whispering. That was a big improvement.

 David’s arms weren’t as tightly wrapped around me anymore so I could easily slink away from him and into the bathroom. I took the big bucket he had poured the water at me with. I filled it with new water and went over to him. No one gets away with a prank like that. I opened the door first though so that I could run away easily when he wakes up. I picked up the bucket and was just about to pour it over him but stopped to admire him a bit first. Wait, that’s just creepy, that’s a part of why I don’t like Twilight. I stopped thinking for a minute and just dipped the bucket over him. He sat up straight and gasped. I giggled a bit which made him snap his head towards me. Oh, oh. Time to run. I started sprinting towards the door and into the kitchen with him close behind.

 When I entered the kitchen I saw Will by the refrigerator so I ran and hid behind him.

 “Hide me!# I said to him.

 “What? Why?” He looked confused.

 “Angel? Where are you?” David said in a singsong voice.”

 “Oh, that’s why.” Will said, realising it. Then he looked down at me. “What did you do?”

 “I kind of poured water on him, but he did it on me first.” He sighed.

 “Then you’ll have to suit yourself.” He said and left the kitchen. A couple of seconds later David walks into the kitchen. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed and a big smirk on his face.

 “You need to learn not to trust Will with such valuable information.”

 “Know that now.” I said and tried to go around the table to get out. He walked in the way though.

 “Not so quick.” He said. We were now on either side of the table. Him in front of the exit.

 We spent five whole minutes with him trying to get to me and me trying to get out. But then he got a plan. He went to the door, closed it and locked Then he started running towards me. I squealed and ran the other way, but he was so much faster that he caught up to me in no time. I was now against the wall and he was a couple of feet in front of me.

 Then I saw a packet of flour on the counter and I made the fast decision to take a handful.

 “I’ll do it, I’ll throw it if you don’t let me out of here.” I said. He just looked at me suspiciously.

 “You wouldn’t.”

 “Try me.” He took a step towards me and I threw the flour in his face. He was now covered in white from his eyes to the top of his chest. I burst out laughing. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

 “Oh, it’s on!” And that’s when the food fight started, at 7.15 in the morning. 

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