Talking, foot rub and eyes.

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The boy’s performance was as amazing as always and they ended everything with heartless, one of my favourite songs by them. When they came backstage I stood there with water bottles ready. All of them took one and said thanks but David, who came last, purposely brushed his fingers against mine while taking his making me shiver and him smirk. He knows what he’s doing and he’s enjoying it. Boys, I thought and shook my head.

 Once again we were all gathered in the boy’s dressing room and the boys took up the whole couch. Where am I supposed to sit.

 “Come here.” David said and stretched his arms out so that I could sit in his lap. I did and he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder.

 “You were awesome boys, as usual.” I said and leaned back into David’s chest. He sighed happily.

 “Thanks, and I bet you will be just as good tomorrow.” Cole, who sat beside me and David, said and poked my nose. I wrinkled it and he chuckled.

 “I’m lucky if I make it up on the stage without fainting.” I said and shrugged.

 “You’ll do great.” David whispered in my ear and kissed my earlobe. I smiled.

 “God! Just get together already!” Cole exclaimed, I scoffed at him.

 “And that is coming from you. It took you years to ask Cass out!” I left him speechless. I smiled triumphantly at him as David chuckled from behind me. Cole crossed his arms, pouted and sunk down into the couch.

 “Do you wanna head to the bus? I’m really tired.” Will said and yawned,

 “You’re always tired.” Gabe said and Will punched him on the arm. Gabe rubbed it and smiled.

 We all headed to the tourbus anyways and it appeared that it wasn’t only Will that was tired. Dana and Cole went to bed too. David and Gabe sat in the sofa and watched So You Think You Can Dance.

 “I would so win that.” Gabe said and pointed at the TV.

 “Not if you were up against me.” David said back

 “Yeah, sure. Ha, you wouldn’t even pass boot camp.” Gabe laughed.

 “I would be so good they would say that I didn’t need to go to Bootcamp, they would send me to the live shows in an instant.”

 “Pft, when it comes to dancing I’m better than you.” Gabe said. David looked at him.

 “You wanna bet?” David asked. Without hesitation Gabe nodded. “Babe! Who is the best dancer? Me or Gabe?” I had now entered the room since it was me he called for. I’m used to him calling me babe now, he’s been doing it all day.

 “You’re really asking me that?” David nodded. “But if it’s a bet then there has to be a price.” I said.

 They started thinking.

 “I know! The loser has to give the winner a foot rub.” David said and smirked. Gabe shrugged and nodded. Then they looked at me again.

 “Well then. Just start working then David.” I said and started leaving.

 “Wait, what?” David exclaimed. I turned around.

 “I have barely seen you dance David but I’ve seen Gabe dance his whole life. To me, he’s the obvious choice in this question.”
 “Oh, come on!” David groaned while Gabe put his bare feet on the table.

 “You chose the price man. Get to it.” David looked disgusted as he started. I laughed at him and started heading towards our room again.

 “You’ll regret this Nikki!” He yelled after me. Okay, when he calls me Nikki then it’s serious but come on. He look like a little puppy most of the time, what could he do?

 I went to bed, my own bed this time, and fell asleep almost instantly. Only to be awoken by someone opening and then closing the door.

 “How was the foot rub?” I asked with a smirk on my face.

 “You are in deep trouble miss.” David pointed at me before he headed into the bathroom to wash his hands. Was it really that bad. Okay, when it’s Gabe’s feet, then it probably was.

 I almost fell asleep again but someone *cough, David, cough* had to pour ice cold water all over me and my bed. I screamed and jumped out of bed only to see David stand on the other side of the bed, laughing his ass off.

 “David!” I exclaimed.

 “You deserved it!” He said when he finally stopped laughing.

 “I didn’t, you asked me and I answered honestly. Of course I’m going to chose my absolute best friend over a guy I’ve only known for two days!” I said, he started coming closer. Soon he was only some millimetres away from me.

 “A guy you already slept with.” He smirked at me.

 “Only because you made me.” I said and went around him.

 “Now you’re making it sound as if I raped you.” He said and I giggled. Then I saw my bed.

 “You’re sleeping in that one tonight.” I said and pointed at my bed.

 “Can’t we just share like we did yesterday?” He asked.

 “No, if the boys catch us like that again I will die.”

 “Why? Are you embarrassed of being close to me.” He looked close to tears now.

 “No, no. It’s not that, it’s just that…” His face cracked into a smile.

 “Calm down I’m kidding.” He laughed and I punched him in the arm. “Ow! That actually hurt.”

 “It meant to.” I smirked at him.

 “I’m still not taking that bed.”

 “Nope, either you sleep on the floor or beside me. I know which one I would prefer.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes as I followed him to his bed and lay down beside him. He quickly snuggled up to me.

 “You’re like a big teddy bear.” He said. “If I could, I would take you home with me.”

 “You would take me home just so you could cuddle with me.”


 “I’m not complaining.” I said and snuggled into his neck. It’s like how it was in the morning but the roles are reversed. This time, I’m on top of him.

 He started rubbing circles on my back and I just listened to his heartbeat.

 “Can I see you eyes?” He asked after a moment. I looked up at him and he looked intently into my eyes. “I like your eyes, they always have this happy glint in them.”

 “I don’t like my eyes.” I said and looked down. “They can never decide if the should be green or brown.”

 He took two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up again.

 “They’re both. More dark green but with brown spots in them. As I said I like your eyes.” I smiled at him and said thank you and that I liked his eyes to. His gaze travelled down to my lips. “I also like your lips.” He said and my breath hitched. His eyes started to travel in between my eyes and my lips. Then, finally he started leaning in and…”

 “Come on, come one, come on!” Dana burst through the door and we jumped apart. I landed on the floor. “Time for a movie marathon!” Dana took hold of my hand and pulled me off the floor and out of the room. I gave David an apologetic look and he just smiled at me and followed.

Best friend's bandmate ~ D.S (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now