Eggs, thoughts and Singstar.

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 I screamed a little when I felt the cold milk run down my back. I heard David laugh behind me. I turned around and took the bag of oat flakes and dumped it on him.

 “Ewww!!!” I saw clearly how he shuddered in disgust. “I hate oat flakes!” Success. I giggled at him as he desperately tried to get the oat flakes off of him which made me laugh even more. He glared at me.

 He started coming at me with long strides, took hold of my waist and dragged me to the fridge.

 “Let’s see. What can we find in here?” He started mumbling to himself while he held me in place by his side. I tried to get away from him but damn, he’s strong.

 “Aha!” He suddenly said. I looked in his hand and froze.

 “No!” Do you know how hard it is to get syrup out of long hair?” He smiled evilly.

 “Pretty hard I hope.” And with that said he opened the bottle and poured the content over me. I screamed a horrified scream and he let me go.

 “Damn. You can seriously scream.” He said and looked at me. I took an egg of the table behind me. He shaked his head at me and turned around to close the fridge. I took the opportunity and threw the egg at his bare back. The sound it made when ot came in contact with his skin made me cringe. That must have heart.

 “Ow!” He jumped and felt on his with his fingertips. He took his hand away and looked at it, then he slowly turned around. “Did you just throw an egg at me?” I nodded and tried holding in my laughter. “Do you know how much it hurts to have an egg thrown at you?” I nodded. This wasn’t the first food fight I’ve been in.

 “Turn around.” I said and giggled a bit. He looked at me suspiciously but turned around anyways. There was a big, red mark on his back where the egg hit. “Oooh, that’s gonna leave a bruise.”

 “And who’s fault is that?” He asked sarcastically.

 “Your’s, you shouldn’t have poured syrup on me.” He scoffed.

 “Kiss it better?” He looked at me over his shoulder with puppydog eyes. Nooo, don’t do that. That is just so irresistible. I giggled and kissed the red spot on his back. I felt his muscles relax under my lips and I smiled. He turned around.

 “I smacked my face into the fridge to when you threw the egg at me, so my lips hurt to.” Oh my God, that’s cheesy. I laughed and started leaning in. I could feel his breath on my lips.

 “What happened in here?!” We jumped apart once again and I turned around to see Cole in the doorway looking at the kitchen in disbelief.

 “Eeehm, well, a little food fight erupted.” I said and scratched the back of my neck. Cole looked really disappointed. As I mentioned before, He is the most responsible.

 “Clean up and then go shower, both of you.” He lectured.

 “Yes mom.” David joked when Cole left. I giggled. Then we got started.

 30 minutes later we were finally done. We looked at each other.

 “I’m first!” I said and ran to the shower. When I entered and locked the bathroom I could hear David on the other side.

 “Or we could just shower together.” He said. I laughed at him.

 “In your dreams Honey.” I said to him and undressed.

 “That’s all I dream about.” He said. I rolled my eyes and entered the shower.

 I wonder what me and David are really. I mean, we flirt a lot but I don’t know if we’re just having fun or if there is another meaning behind it. Well, okay, we have been really close to kiss two times now. The others really need to chose their timing better. I just wonder if he was just caught up in the moment both of those times. I know I wasn’t, I want him to kiss me. I wanna know how those lips would feel against mine. They look so soft and are really plump and just irresistible. No, no. Urgh! I just met him three days ago, I can’t be falling for someone that fast. Right? Or am I. God! This is confusing. I don’t even know if I’m ready for a relationship yet, especially not since the Logan incident. No! Don’t think about it, you will just get so angry and sad and then you’ll break down like every other time. I mean, I haven’t even told Gabe about it yet, he’ll just kill Logan. No! Get it together! I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and just stay strong. That’s what I’ve been told my whole life. My mom always says “Stay strong whatever happens.” and that’s what I’m gonna do. Stay strong.

 I finished shower and wrapped a towel around my body and exited the bathroom to see David still standing in the middle of the room.

 “Have you been standing there the whole time?” I asked and he nodded.

 “If I sit down I will just make a mess in here too.” Then he looked me in the eyes. “Hey, are you okay?” I nodded.

 “Yeah, I’ve just been thinking in there. I tend to do that when I shower.” I said and cracked a smile which was as fake as Logan himself. No! Don’t think about it. “Go in and take a shower and I’ll see you later.” I shooed him into the bathroom under his protests and closed the door.

 “Okay.” I heard him through the door. He sounded really sad. “I guess I’ll see you later then.” I heard the water start running and started changing. Then I left the room and headed towards the living room. Before I entered I plastered a smile to my face and begged that Gabe wouldn’t notice that it was fake. He always got so worried and if he noticed I would have to tell him and I don’t think I would be able to do that without start crying.

 I entered and saw Dana in the sofa so I went and sat beside him.

 “Hey, Dana.” I said and smiled at him. He looked at me and didn’t notice the fake smile. Phew.

 “Hey Nikki.” He looked at me. “What’s up?”

 “Nothing much, I’m just bored.”

 “You too, huh.” I nodded. “ I know!” He suddenly exclaimed.

 “What?” I asked confused.

 “Let’s play Singstar.” I smiled evilly at him and this time the smile was real.

 “Ooh, you’re going down Dana.”

 “Wanna bet?” He asked cockily as he started the game.

 “Bring it.”

 “The loser will have to be the winner’s slave for the whole day.”

 “You’re on.” We shook hands. I can always trust Dana to cheer me up, even when he doesn’t know it.

 We started the game and the he won the first song which was one of his own. Well, shocker that he would win that one, huh. Do I need to say that he chose it.

 I chose one of my favourite songs; Look after you by The Fray. I won that one. We sang some more songs and in the end we were tied. By now everyone else were sat in the living room, cheering on. Will and Cole cheered for Dana while Gabe and David cheered for me.

 Lana, their stylist, came in for a chat and we asked her to choose the last song that was going to determine who won. She smirked and took Dana’s controller since he had the one that controlled the game. Me and Dana closed our eyes so that it was going to be a surprise.

 “Okay, open your eyes.” She said. Dana and I did. I cheered while Dana groaned. It was a rap song and let’s just say that I can rap while Dana can’t.

 “Do you wanna spare yourself the humiliation by saying I won already or do you wanna play?” I asked him, “You’re gonna lose either way.” He glared at me and put the song on. Stubborn boy.

 The game ended with me winning and a grumpy Dana.

 “Dana?” I said in a baby voice and looked at him with puppy eyes that weren’t even near as good as David’s.

 Dana glared at me.


 “Wow, no need to be a sore loser, I just want breakfast, so go.”

 “What, why would I make you breakfast?”

 “Because that was the bet. You are my slave for today so go make me breakfast.” Dana groaned, stood up and headed towards the kitchen.

 “Toast, chocolate milk and yoghurt please!” I called after him and he just scoffed. The others laughed at us.

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