2.0: Things will have to wait.

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As Writer finally got into his seat next to Questioner, they both set off for the next location they were meaning to begrudgingly go for.

Or at least that was Writer's thoughts, as he never wished to travel –From his home to the shop was big enough for him– yet now he had to travel to a different country. He sat there, staring at the road ahead of them, hoping to find one, just one, excuse for them to not head to the airport yet. Luckily for him, the answer arrived in the form of a phone call.

"Who's calling at this time?" Questioner asked, still mainly focused on the road and the thoughts of where his journey will take him. "I'm guessing they must be one of our mates, unless you've been hacked again." He stated, knowing full well how unreliable technology could now be. Writer looked at his phone, and gave a sigh of relief, for the number on his phone meant that there were some more answers that had been discovered, or more leads to this mystery. Writer confidently said, "Well, it ain't no hacker to us! It's our mate know-it-all!" As he said that he happily answered the phone.

Peter Thompson, or know-it-all as he was known by his friends, sat comfortably in his little office, with his computer sat in front of him, brimming with research and theories. He leaned back in his chair, looking at what he found with joy, though still a bit upset at his use of technology. Peter was once discovered by Questioner and Writer when he tried to hack into their database, and was soon prevented. Yet Writer saw potential in him, and allowed him to help them with any on-going mysteries, and he even helped solve one question that they were both stuck on for months. Yet he was only a rookie at hacking, and still had areas to improve on, as he wasn't mainly good for hacking computers, but the mind. He sat in his work space, neatly tidied with file cabinets and draws with labelled papers with names. Though it wasn't his choice to keep it this tidy, he didn't want to aggravate some of his clients he saw periodically. His hair, though it looked a tad scruffy, was finely cut and even helped other's feel more relaxed around him. He always had this look of knowledge and understanding, and always craved for more answers. When his call had been answered, he turned the phone on speaker, and placed it on his desk. This was mainly because he would need both hands free to scan through what he had found, but it also allowed him to gesture his thoughts and what he was saying (even though no one was around to see it). He wore his smart casual get-up, clean and always ironed for his clients who had certain complaints, but now it was a bit more creased due to his jumping around when he found something new.

Writer held the phone in between him and Questioner, so that they could both listen in, "Hello, Peter! What's up?" Writer asked, glad to be hearing from him. Peter suddenly started speaking with energy, and had trouble keeping his excitement down, which meant the officers heard something like this:

"OhmygodyouwouldnotbelievewhatIhavefound!It'sbetterthanIeverimagined!Grantedthat'snottherightchoiceofwordsbutI'mjustsohappythatwefinallyfoundsomething!It'sastonishingasIdidn'tseeitatfisrt,butnowIcanseeitclearly!Andboywasitsomethingworthfinding!I -"

"Whoa! Whoa, slow down! Not only does this phone have bad reception, but you're speaking way too fast for us to catch anything!" Questioner exclaimed, cutting Peter off before he passed out.

Peter soon regained his composure, and then spoke, more slowly this time, "Right, sorry, heh! It's just that I found something that can help out a lot! So when I first went through everything, I didn't find much besides Spencer's involvement with Project. Yet now that I look again, I've found something else! Apparently there was this guy, called Will C. Raven, who was another very close friend! And previously, I could find nothing that would attract our attention, but now something came up! In his messages, it seems as though Project may have broken at one point, and left a lot, and I mean a lot, of information!" Peter then started to catch his breath, and allowed the gentlemen to reply.

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