6.1: The Tale of The Allies

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Thomas: Long ago...

"So yeah, I'd say that's pretty good." I state after another spiel of knowledge on space and time, "Well, not good as in easy, as it could just explode in our faces, but if we were careful, we could harness the power of the black holes." My friend simply stood there, their usual expression on their face. They went through their pocket, and drew out a card, which I have seen so many times: Yep, science am I right? I couldn't help but laugh at the statement as I always do, "Indeed, Project!"

We walk towards our PE lesson, something that both they and I have a common opinion with: It sucks. However, as we can't really ditch the lesson, we keep walking; besides, maybe there will be another hilarious scene from the idiots at this school.

As I presumed, it was practically the exact same thing it was last week, and the week before, and possibly next week will be just the same. I decide to ignore most of what happens; science is my thing, and I'm not one for great physique. Project does the same, but still keeps some motivation within themselves. We are put on different teams once more to my dismay, and we both comedically reach out as we part ways. I don't know why, but something about them always strikes me as weird... They claim to be a pacifist, but when it comes to dodge ball...

Man do they show no mercy at times.

The games begin, and many are picked off one at a time, including me. I go back to the bench, and spectate the game. One team starts to run low, another is picking off Project's team one at a time, until soon enough the dodging master themselves is left: Project.

I overhear one of the teachers yell at the top of their lungs amongst the chaos "FIREBALL!" and see a yellow ball get chucked to Project's quadrant. I'm half rooting for them, half expecting a ball to slam their face in. Surprisingly, though, their expression suddenly changes, becoming one of possibility and observation. His team begins to yell "LOB IT!" to them, whilst the team exactly opposite them waits in anticipation. Yet then something takes them by surprise:

One person from the side next to them throws a ball right to Project. With everyone who is a threat to them distracted, Project makes their move.

They're swift and agile, like an assassin finally mastering their techniques, and dodges the missile. With everyone surprised by the movement, no one sees them line up a shot for the leg of his target opponent. They ready their arm and throw in all but split seconds. Everything moves in slow motion at that point onwards, and I await the results with an eagerness I've rarely felt.

Their team lets out a roar of cheers. The team opposite them cries in disbelief. Project got a hit, and that team is out. Project's team all get up, ready to face the two teams that were still battling it out. Swiftly like a snake, Project glides to the fireball that laid on the ground. They pick it up and throw, almost as though they weren't even looking.

Another hit, they're on a role! I think, as another team takes to the benches. I can't help but let out a cheer, as does everyone else apart from the final team standing. Though this time it took longer, that team also went away, leaving Project and the remainder of their team standing. Even the teacher's, just as amazed as I was at this feat of agility, couldn't help but congratulate them on the win.

That's when I noticed something strange: Project looked almost bewildered at what they had done. PE was ending, and so we all were heading back, with everyone talking about the sudden surge of skill Project had shown today.

"Hey, what was that? You were on fire!" I say, bewildered just as much as the teachers and everyone that saw what happened. Project, being one of no spoken response, waited until they had their white board once more to write. What was what? They wrote. At first, I thought they were joking, but I soon saw the genuine confusion Project had on their face.

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