2.1: The Chase

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Questioner's POV: 17:13pm

I dashed out of the house, legs burning with anger and adrenaline. Seeing Pessimist leaping over fences upon fences in the backs of people's gardens made me even more annoyed yet intrigued as to who they were. I just wish I was athletic so that I could catch up to him. Luckily enough, I had enough rage running through my veins to build up enough strength to begin the chase.

At first I was rusty, falling more than landing, only just clearing the small hedges, and adding more bruises to my side. After every grunt I made when falling onto the floor, I could hear Pessimist's cry of laughter directed towards me. Yet all this did was increase my anger, fuel my fury, and so the chase began. Pessimist, who was now a few gardens ahead, heard my sudden increase in speed and shortened lengths of pauses, and started to pick up his own pace. Soon enough, he had reached the road.

Every which way was deserted, and gave Pessimist many options to choose from. Soon enough however, the right side became less of an option, as I heard Writer come speeding towards him in the car. With options being shortened by the second, I see Pessimist carry on ahead, crossing the road just before Writer screeched past. By the time I had finally reached the road, all I saw was Pessimist's shadow racing through a small alley in the lamp light. Determined to catch him and bring justice, I immediately followed after him. Writer taking the long way around once more, hoping this time to successfully cut him off.

I ran, faster and faster than I had ever ran before, my legs and chest burning. Slowly but surely I was nearing Pessimist. Pessimist saw this, however, and began to drag bins, signs, anything he could find in between me and my mission. At first I had slowed down drastically due to the sudden obstacle course, but soon enough I was able to dodge every item thrown at him, my intuition kicking in at perfect times. Pessimist only grew madder with every item that missed, and I saw the frustration radiating off him. I knew he wanted to stop, settle this with a one-on-one showdown, but he had a different thought in mind. With this, Pessimist carried on, this time when in the open, taking a sharp turn left.

His next set of directions seemed like coordinated madness; taking rights and lefts, ups and overs. I nearly lost him a few times, and my stamina was wearing thin. My mind was now set on two things at once: Ways to catch Pessimist, and where I was heading in the first place. Geography wasn't one of my strongest suits, and I had only been in the major parts of the city, so little towns like this were like the English visiting Russia, or Earth visiting Jupiter. I tried to backtrack to the beginning, to Will's home, but my mind rejected any thought of the place, and how a dead body now laid in there. All I could do was hope I didn't lose Pessimist, and follow him to wherever he was leading me.

Soon enough in the chase, Pessimist made a right turn, and entered a building. What on earth is he doing? If he enters there, he's trapped. I entered the building as well, determined to end this. As soon as the door opened, people inside looked surprised. When one person wearing a mask entered, they were confused. When I entered yelling "STOP!" people began to think the storm was causing hallucinations. I ignored all the confused and shocked expressions that gawked at me as I ran by, and blocked out all the whispers of questions people wanted to ask. I had a Mystery to solve. I slammed open the door leading to the stairs, which Pessimist not so long before had entered in the same manner, and followed the sound of sprinting steps heading up the stairway.

I kept heading up, hearing no sign of Pessimist stopping. He carried on running, up and up the stairs until I hear a door open. At first I believed this was one of the doors to the many corridors that this office building had, but when I heard the sudden rush of rain enter, I knew that he went outside. Yet I couldn't figure out as to why. Was he trying to corner me? Was he going to jump across buildings, and lose me there? Or was he going to jump off to stop me from getting answers. I didn't want to take any chances, yet had nothing else I could do. As I reached the entrance to the fire escape that led to the roof, I glanced all around me, trying to find something that could help me if things got tough.

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