The big news Chapter 9

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Tobias POV

Tris just told me how she really feels. I'm so glad because I feel the same way. When she told me all of this I was tearing up. I almost never cry in front of Tris. But this is are wedding day. We will remember this for the rest of our lives. Then the priest says the most amazing words ever,

"By the power vested in me I now pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Eaton. You may kiss the bride." And, of course, I do. I feel the tears on Tris' cheek when we kiss. Then we pull away and I see those beautiful eyes.

" I love you Tris. With all my heart." I tell her because she deserves to know the truth.

"I love you too Tobias. With all my heart." She tells me with the biggest smile on her face. We then go to an after party at Zeke's place. It's just Uriah,Christina, Lynn, Marlene, Shauna, Will, Zeke, Tris & me. Then of course we go & play the famous game, candor or dauntless? Zeke scans the room & picks Tris.

"Candor or dauntless?" He asks my wife with a evil smile on his face.

"Candor." She says strong. He has to think for a moment. Them finally he says

"When did you fall in love with Four?" Still only Tris knows my real name. She doesn't even hesitate.

"When he saved me from Peter." She then kisses me on the lips roughly.

"NO PDA!" Uriah screams from the other side of the circle. We break apart. Now it's Tris' turn.

"Uriah candor or dauntless?" Tris says with the devilish look in her eyes.

"DAUNTLESS OF COURSE!." Uriah screams.

" I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with your crush." He then goes pale. All he does is stare at Tris. She doesn't seem to notice so when Uriah looks at me I give him the 'touch her & your dead' glare. He immediately looks at Marlene & takes her into Zeke's room. When the seven minutes are up, Zeke goes into the room screaming TIMES UP! He then runs back to are little circle.

"Are you ok Zeke? You look like you just saw a ghost." Tris says worried. Then Christina goes into the room Uriah & Marlene are in and screams. We all go to see what is happening & it turns out they are both naked & asleep with no covers on. We all scream & run out so they can get up. They come out & are bright red. So it's Uriah's turn.

"Four, candor or dauntless?" He asks me.

"Duh, dauntless." I say.

"What's your real name?" I immediately take off my shirt. Tris just stares into my deep blue eyes as she says & kisses me. Again, Uriah screams NO PDA! We break apart.

"Christina, candor or dauntless?" She picks candor.

"What is your biggest secret that nobody knows?" Her face goes pale. It must be a big one because Tris has that needy look in her eyes when she wants to know something.

"I..I'm....pregnant." She says quietly. Will is in shock. So is Tris. We all clap & congratulate her.

"Tris, candor or dauntless?" Christina asks her.

"Dauntless." Christina's fade lights up.

" I dare you to tell me Four's real name." Without even thinking Tris takes of her strapless shirt. She looks amazing. I then see Will, Zeke, & Uriah looking at her. Christina slaps Will. Shauna punches Zeke. I go up to Uriah & punch him across the face. Everyone laughs.

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