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Lucius walked up to Hogwarts enjoying the beautiful day. He had spent the morning at the Manor taking care of business. He had only been interrupted only once, when Narcissa came storming into his study to demand money for a new dress robe and jewellery for some party or another. It had been a pleasure telling her that he had no intention of going to the stupid thing, and if she were so set on going she could find someone else to take her; meaning someone else would have to foot the bill. She had stormed off in a huff, and Lucius was happy to notice that he was no longer consumed with a desire and a need to satisfy her every whim. A fact his wife had used shamelessly in the past.

He entered the school and noticed a group of children coming from the dungeons. Severus' latest victims, the blond smirked. On an impulse he hid in the shadows, curious to hear what horrors the Potion Master had subjected his students to this time.

"Hiya Gin. You're looking pale, what did that greasy git do now?"

Lucius bristled at the careless words coming from the Weasley brat. How dare he treat a Professor with such little regard!

"Oh, Ron, it was horrible!" Gin moaned to her brother, accepting the comforting arm around her shoulders. "First he smiled at us."

Ron and Hermione shuddered.

"Then he gave us a pop-quiz!"

Both sixth years moaned in sympathy.

"I mean it was the first day of the term and he gave us a pop-quiz! Then he gave us the 'this is your OWL-year' speech and then he assigned us homework." Ginny paused dramatically, "A 4 foot essay! We are to find 5 potions that contain ant parts and discuss them!"

"Poor Ginny," Hermione said wrapping an arm around the girl's waist. "I've got a list of potions that has ant parts in them. I'll show it to you when we get back to the common room."

"Thanks 'Mione! I've got no idea where to even start looking for something like that."

The children began moving towards the Great Hall and lunch.

"Any idea when Harry comes back? I want to talk to him about the D.A." Ginny said, opening the door.

"He should be back tomorrow," Hermione replied.

"Good," Ginny smiled causing Lucius to smirk. It seemed the youngest Weasley wanted to do more than talk to Harry. Too bad the boy is already spoken for. However, I better warn Draco, I wouldn't put it past the brat to try something stupid.

Waiting a few moments, Lucius entered the Great Hall as well, disappointed to see Severus' usual seat empty. Settling into the chair next to Sev's Lucius piled some food on a plate and began eating. It was still early, maybe he was just detained?

"Ah, Lucius, just the man I wanted to see."

Lucius clenched his jaw and plastered on a bland smile. "Headmaster," he said pleasantly.

"I was wondering if Harry has changed his mind when it comes to D.A.D.A." Albus asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I'm afraid not. He still has no desire to subject himself to a new D.A.D.A. teacher and from what I understand the boy could take the N.E.W.T. exams tomorrow and pass with excellent grades. So why should he bother to follow a class that is beneath him?"

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