Why Me!

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Harry felt rather grateful for the arm slung round his shoulders, and he leaned slightly into Draco's side, unconsciously seeking the blond boy's support. He had not been exaggerating when he'd told Draco that he did not want to face everyone this morning.

The situation between him and Ron and Hermione was not good. Knowing the pull the two of them held in Gryffindor, he was rather certain that they had been badmouthing him at every opportunity.

The question was, how many had bought the tripe they'd been sprouting?

Both Dean and Seamus had been members of the DA the previous year. But Seamus had bought the crap the Daily Prophet and printed and had glowered at him darkly when he wasn't avoiding him. The youth had apologised, but Harry wasn't holding his breath, expecting him to stand by him if both Ron and Hermione turned their backs on him.

As for Dean, he had no idea where the boy stood in all this.

Neville had grown to become a very good friend the previous year, and from the few times he'd really talked to the other boy this year, it looked like Neville was on his side.

Ginny... She was an unknown. They had become friends, but she was Ron's sister. Considering Mrs. Weasley's opinion of him, and after yesterday's Howler, would she still side with him? Was she strong enough to go against her family?

Harry didn't know, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to force that choice on the redhead. You shouldn't have to choose between your family and your friends. Besides, considering how close the Weasley family was, Harry feared that he would come out the loser if Ginny was forced to pick sides.

As for the rest of the Gryffindors... he really didn't know them that well. He had never tried to become friends with them. He had been content with Ron and Hermione, and hadn't believed he would ever need anyone else but them. How naïve he had been.

Shaking his head at his own folly, Harry walked over to the edge of the Gryffindor table and sat down. He really didn't want to be here. But he wasn't about to give his house members the impression that he was scared by sitting at the Slytherin table. He had done nothing he needed to feel ashamed of. If they had a problem, it was just that, their problem. Firming his resolve, Harry grabbed a bowl and spooned some porridge into it, adding a drollop of honey.

"Don't worry so much, love. Things will turn out just fine, you'll see," Draco murmured watching his downhearted mate, filling his own plate with a large stack of waffles. He could understand why Harry was nervous, but he was also certain that things would blow over and settle down soon. They always did. No, Draco was more concerned about the teachers who would demand an explanation as to where the two of them had been all day yesterday. What was he to say to that? 'Sorry I missed class, but my mate was having a nervous breakdown'? That would not go down well.

"Morning, Harry, Draco," Ginny said, sitting down opposite the two boys.

"Morning," Neville echoed, sitting down next to the redheaded girl.

Harry looked up in shocked surprise before breaking into a grin. "Morning, you two. I'm guessing things didn't go too catastrophically wrong once Draco and I left?"

"Nah," Ginny said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Ron sprouted off a lot of nonsense about you and the Slytherins. I disagreed and spent the next fifteen minutes chewing him out, while Neville and Hermione tried to restore some order. It was great fun!" Ginny sniggered.

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