A Whole Lot of Trunks

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Harry was enjoying his cocoa and the easy banter between Lucius and Severus when he suddenly remembered. Putting his cup down, he rose to his feet and went to his room. Digging around in his bag, it didn't take him long to fish out the Transporter he had received from Abigail the day before. With everything that had happened, he had totally forgotten about it.

Returning to the living room, giving the other three a suspicious look at the anxious look they were giving him, Harry sat back down in his seat. Deciding that he didn't want to know, Harry began to toy with the stone disk.

"When I bought those two trunks," he began, nodding towards the two steamer trunks still sitting on the floor, "I was told the shopkeeper had several trunks tucked away in the attic. I was asked if I was interested in buying them, and after some thought, I did. I received the Transporter yesterday. The thing is, there are over twenty trunks coming, and there is no way we can put them in here. There just isn't room. Not to mention that Abigail has no idea what they contain. Any suggestions?"

Lucius and Severus shared a look. "I suppose we could use the spare room in my suite," Lucius mused. "Since we don't know what's in them, and considering the amount of potions ingredients present in Severus' rooms, I think that would be the least volatile solution."

"Great! Can we bring them here now?" Harry asked, literally bouncing in his seat.

"Why not?" Lucius agreed with a laugh. It was good to see that Harry still was capable of childish behaviours, especially considering recent events.

"Cool!" Draco cried in delight, already half-way across the room and practically out the door. "Well, come on! What are you waiting for? Who knows what treasures Harry has bought this time!"

The two men rolled their eyes, but they obediently rose from their seats and ambled after the hyper blond. To tell the truth, they were just as curious as Draco was, they were only better at hiding it. Having spent some quality time with Harry, they were learning to expect just about anything. And starting to know the Harry Potter phenomenon bit better, they were convinced that the trunks would hold either worthless junk, or treasures untold. Probably the latter.

Harry snorted and shook his head. It was good to see Draco acting childish and carefree. It gave him hopes that maybe he wasn't ruining things for the other boy, what with the weirdness that always seemed to follow him around.

Entering the set of rooms Dumbledore had given him, Lucius didn't hesitate as he walked over to an unused bedroom, motioning for the others to follow him. "Why don't we put the trunks in here until we've had a chance to look through them?" he suggested, throwing the door open.

Stepping inside, the four of them surveyed the room. It wasn't much to write home about, containing only a bed, a nightstand and a small wardrobe. With a flick of his wand, Lucius had the few pieces of furniture stacked along one wall, leaving the centre of the floor empty.

Harry stepped forward and placed the Transporter on the floor, tapping it twice with his wand. Moments later, twenty-three trunks had arrived, carefully stacked on top of each other. Lucius lifted an eyebrow and shooed the boys out of the room, while Severus cast several detection spells, examining each trunk the best he could considering a few of them were blocked from view.

"The good news is that there is not a trace of Black Magic here that I can detect. Dark Magic, I cannot say for sure. Several of these trunks have preservation spells on them, and I'd like to save those for later, when we know a bit more what the other trunks contain. Just to be on the safe side," Severus said, coming to stand by the door with the others.

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