More Confrontations

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"You two look like you have been enjoying yourselves," Lucius said looking up at the two teens as they entered their rooms, looking windblown and happy.

"Hello father! Yes, we've been out riding with Blaise. We had a race to see whose horse was fastest and Harry's won," Draco said bounding over to the coffee table and the tray with refreshments. Pouring himself a goblet of juice, he drank from it eagerly, not pausing to breathe until he had finished.

Lucius looked over at Harry, an eyebrow raised in inquiry.

"It was my idea," Harry answered the unvoiced question. He shrugged slightly. "They were friends before I came into the picture. I'd hate for them to stop being friends because of me."

"I see. That is very mature of you," Lucius said once more thanking the deities for the kindness they had bestowed upon his son.

"Not really, I know how important friends are and how much it hurts when you loose one. Sometimes it is unavoidable and sometimes all it takes is some effort. Draco is not my slave. He is free to have whomever friends he likes." Eying the tray Harry changed the subject. "Are you hungry? I am starved."

"So am I," Draco piped in, pouring himself some more juice. "How about some more Italian? I'm in the mood for some pasta."

"That's fine with me, I'll just need to go and get cleaned up first," Harry nodded his agreement.

"I guess pasta it is," Lucius said with amusement to the empty room. At Harry's words Draco had rushed to his bedroom to shower and change as well, leaving the elder Malfoy alone.

"Hey dad! You are never going to believe what potion it was that Harry used when he pranked the Great Hall," Draco said eagerly once they were sitting down at the table, their plates loaded with food.

Lucius merely raised an eyebrow, it wasn't exactly a question he had lost any sleep over, but by the way Draco was fairly vibrating with excitement it must have been something spectacular that had been used. "Then why don't you spare me the effort?" he drawled with a teasing smile.

"Black Truth!" Draco crowed timing his reply to when his father put some pasta into his mouth, laughing in delight as his father promptly choked.

"Black Truth!" Lucius managed to wheeze out, grabbing for his wine glass in an effort to get his windpipe unblocked.

"Black Truth," Draco nodded in confirmation.

"Where, in Merlin's name, did you find the recipe for that thrice-cursed potion boy?" Lucius roared, turning his now blazing gaze on the brunet sitting next to his son.

Harry shrank back from the angry man, having a flashback to his uncle. The shout of 'boy' did not help him stay in the here and now. Sitting there, frozen in fear, Harry soon bolted from the room when Lucius suddenly reached out to grab him by the front of his vest.

Running into his bedroom, Harry threw up the strongest warding charms he knew before looking widely around the room. He shouldn't have run in here, now he was trapped! Cursing vehemently at his own stupidity, Harry dived into the wardrobe, slamming it shut and warding it as well. He hoped by doing so that either they didn't manage to break down the doors, leaving him alone, or that by the time they reached him they'd be exhausted and he would be able to slip past them and get away.

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