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It was late afternoon by the time Lucius arrived back at the castle. He cautiously made his way through the large front doors, all too aware of the suits of armour standing nearby. He had faith in Harry, but things did not always go the way you'd planned, and he was not in the mood to be assaulted by yet another suit. The one he had encountered on his way outside had been enough, thank you very much. Lucius absentmindedly reached up and rubbed his shoulder. He and the armour had practically walked into each other when rounding a corner. The thing had managed to take one swing with its halberd, but fortunately for the blond, the suit had only severely bruised him and not killed him, as had been Lucius' first thought. He had not given the thing a second chance, shouting out the counter-curse, one of the most ridiculous phrases he had ever heard!

It had worked though, and the suit had stood down and ambled back to wherever it came from, enabling Lucius to make his escape. He had managed to flee the castle without any further encounters, to his great relief.

Walking swiftly along the corridors, Lucius noted that nothing seemed out of place, and unless he had witnessed the mayhem himself, he wouldn't have believed what had been going on here this very morning. Shaking his head in amazement, wondering how Dumbledore had taken the disturbance, the aristocrat made it to the boys' rooms unmolested.

Entering through the door, his eyes lit up at the sight of the two of them sitting peacefully side by side doing homework. "I take it you are pleased with yourselves?" he asked, walking over to them, taking a look at what they were working on.

"Of course, sir, wouldn't you be?" Harry asked, tongue in cheek, his green eyes dancing with merriment.

"Brat," Lucius replied with a laugh. "Spill it, how in Salazar's name did you manage to do that?"

"Sorry, Lucius, you have to wait until Severus gets here. The story isn't so thrilling that I wish to tell it three times in the same day," Harry replied laconically.

"Humph, it is fortunate for you, young man, that I like you," Lucius said with a sniff. "Very well, since it seems I have some time to wait, I suppose you can use the time trying these on," he added, pulling two packages from his pockets, enlarging them, and giving one to each boy.

Draco eagerly tore into his, while Harry subjected the blond to a suspicious look. Lucius merely lifted an eyebrow, daring him to make a fuss.

Realising the futility of making waves before he even knew what was in the parcel, Harry sighed and tore into it, groaning when he noted several sets of leather clothes. "Lucius, we have got to talk about your tendency to splurge on clothes for me. I already have plenty of clothes, I don't need any more!"

"Thanks, Dad, these are so cool," Draco said in delight, having unearthed several sets of leather outfits as well.

"You are most welcome, son." Lucius smiled. "As for you, Harry, I will overlook your comments, considering you grew up with heathens. A Malfoy never has too much clothes, besides, not even you can consider three outfits to be plenty."

"It's more than I've ever had before," Harry grumbled quietly, but his two companions heard him anyway.

"You are a Malfoy now, Harry, and you need to keep a certain standard. These outfits together with the ones you already have should tide you over until your real outfits are finished. It seems Mr. O'Connely has run into a few problems with some of your modifications," Lucius replied, sending a house-elf to get some refreshments.

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