2- Your Gaydar Is Broken

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The three of us walk into school and there are only a few small groups of people scattered in the hall. I walk over to my locker where Ray is already waiting for Gee, Frank and I.

"What's up my dudes?" Ray announces rather loudly.

"Why so happy?" I ask, gesturing to his huge smile.

"I think I've got some ideas for that one song that Gerard has been working on the lyrics for lately," Ray responded, still smiling brightly.

"Really? That's awesome, I perfected the first verse yesterday. Can't wait for band practice tomorrow to put it all together." Gerard replied, the excitement practically radiating off of him. Unfortunately, Monday is the only day of the week that we can't do band practice, but I still have trouble keeping a smile off my face. It's really encouraging to see the guys be passionate about something we all love with all of our hearts. Then from out of the corner of my eye, I see someone that I'm sure I've never seen in my life.

"Guys," I whisper and nudge Ray's side, "who the hell is that?" The guy I don't recognize has short blonde hair and a giant warm smile. He is standing with a guy named Awsten, a dude known for being friends with everyone. Even me.

"No idea..." Frank admits quietly. "YO, AWSTEN!" He shouts unexpectedly. Gerard flinches as the loud noise right in his ear because he had his arm around Frank when he shouted. This gets the attention of Awsten and the boy with no name standing beside him. My eyes go wide. How could Frank be so stupid! Now this new guy's first impression of me is 'the one with the friend that shouts at people.' Awsten waves at us and turns back to the guy beside him to say something before walking over by himself and immediately putting his arm around me. The guy starts to walk the opposite direction down the hall and that's when I realise that I am staring at him. I quickly turn my gaze to Awsten before anyone could notice my staring.

"Hey, guys! How are you?" He chimed happily, throwing the arm not around my shoulders up in the air. Awsten always has too much energy. Seriously, I swear this guy is still smiling his classic charming smile in his sleep.

"Mikeyway wanted to know who the guy you were talking to was." Frank fills him in.

"Oh, that guy was Pete. He's new here obviously, it's his first day. He just moved here from Chicago and he seemed pretty cool so I went over to introduce myself and we got along really well. Why'd you want to know? Has someone got a crush?" Awsten chuckles while looking at me suggestively.

"He can ask who someone is without liking them you know. He's not even gay." Gerard states before I can answer Awsten myself. I open my mouth to speak again but I'm cut off by Awsten laughing so hard he has to use his sweater paws to cover his mouth so he doesn't get the whole hall's attention.

"Jellybean, if you think Mikey Way here is straight, your gaydar is seriously broken," Awsten announces through giggles.

"Mikey?" Gerard looks at me expectantly, eyebrows raised.

"I- uh... Well, I um- you see- I-"

"Spit it out bro!"

"Okay fine, I don't know! I've never actually thought about it before." I sigh. Awsten pulls his arm away from around my shoulders and instead takes my hands in his. He suddenly leans in and kisses me softly. It lasts about five seconds until he pulls away.

"Well?" Awsten asks and waits for my answer. I look around the little circle of my friends who all have shocked expressions on their faces. A mixture of shock from Awsten kissing me but also shock that I'm actually thinking over my answer instead of just denying it immediately.

"Well, it wasn't bad..." I finally answer.

"Would you do it again?" Awsten asks.

"Yes, definitely yes," I admit after thinking it over for a minute.

"Ahah! Gay, told you!" Awsten beamed and kissed me on the cheek before walking away to go talk to another group of people.

"Well... I didn't expect that... It does kinda make sense now that I think about it though..." Gerard admits.

"What I want to know, now that we know you're gay, do you have your eye on Pete?" Frank asks.

"What? No, I just didn't recognise him and I was curious. Is that not allowed?" I question. The guys just looked at me with unconvinced looks before laughing and heading off to class and leaving me at my locker. What the actual hell just happened?


That afternoon after school I was sitting in the library with Gerard just doing homework. We were sitting on a couch with books and worksheets spread out in between us. I was reading from my economics textbook when I heard Gee clearing his throat next to me. I turn to look at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you don't like Pete?" He asks curiously. My head immediately turns to frantically search the library for anyone who could have heard what my brother said. The only other people here are Awsten and Dallon who are in the far corner of the library. I let out a sigh of relief but my eyes widen when Pete walks out from behind a bookshelf beside them. I turn back to Gerard and hit his arm.

"You idiot! What if he heard you? God- I can't take you anywhere without you embarrassing me!" I whisper yelled at him furiously.

"Calm down bro, he didn't even look in your direction once." My expression kind of drops at that. Am I not good enough for him to even spare a glance in my direction?  "Mikey, you know I didn't mean it like that..." He sighs after noticing the worry in my expression. I know he didn't mean it like that. I know he didn't. It's just my brain likes to mix up my thoughts and make everything seem a thousand times worse than it actually is. It just feels so real that I can't help but believe it. "Hey, let's just head home. I can't see either of us doing any more homework today so let's just go back to my car and blast The Misfits until you're feeling better." I nod slightly at his suggestion and I'm already feeling slightly better. I couldn't have asked for a better or more caring brother. "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for bothering you about you know who, I won't tease you about him anymore, you don't like him and that's fine by me." He says as he stands up. 

I sigh slightly before standing up as well and helping Gee pack up our stuff. Shortly after, we start walking to the door that leads outside and I turn back to look at Pete over my shoulder. I didn't mean to but my body obviously did. I find him in the same spot he was before, next to Awsten and Dallon. He looks up from the book he's reading and our eyes lock from all the way across the library. It's kinda difficult to tell from standing so far away from him but I can still see the slight shy smile he's giving me. I feel my face heat up so I turn back around and I just pray that he didn't see my face going pink. Why am I blushing? I'm not embarrassed or anything, I don't feel anything apart from relieved that I'm not so physically revolting that he wouldn't even want to look in my direction. The thoughts in my head were proved wrong once again and at that thought, I smiled for the rest of the walk to my brother's car.

One thought stays on my mind though, I can't help but feel that our eyes were meant to meet. In a totally platonic way, of course.

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