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"Comin here wit the violence.." I trailed off.


I pushed the gun up in  Kori, Andrè chest.


"They dead". Squeak said grabbing the gun outta my hand

"Youn have to like me". I muttered


I pushed the gun up in  Kori, Andrè chest.


"They dead". Squeak said grabbing the gun outta my hand.

"Don't have to like me". I muttered.


I forgot that I was in pain when I saw Herbo stop breathing, which made me stop breathing, then he jumped up.

I felt two sharp pains in my stomach which made me yelp.

"Shit I hit you in yo stomach." Herbo said rubbing my belly. I quickly shook my head. "No ."

"I think I need to go to the doctors." I said slowly getting out of the bed so the sharp pains wouldn't come back again. "Girl it's 2:00 in the night."

I smacked my lips. "Bitch I ask you to come wit me?" I smacked my lips, put on my slides, got the car keys and left. Soon after Herbo came out looking pissed.

"Man lemme drive." He said grabbing the car keys out my hand.


"So how long have you been feeling these pains for of have you just started feelin them?." The doctor asked.

"Oh they just started." Herbo answered for me and I looked away from him. "Um it's actually been on and off but constant for around three weeks now."

The doctor nodded and I carried on writing in his note pad. I didn't look back over at Herbo but I could feel his eyes burning holes at the side of my face.

"Could you pop your legs upon the bed please and widen your legs." The doctor asked. "I have to check your Cervix."

I nodded and did as he said.

Whilst he was down thereeee I felt mad uncomfortable to look at Herbo.

Soon after I felt another sharp pain and then felt water.

"I've accidentally broken your water." The Doctor said now looking up on me. "You'll be giving birth in a couple off hours." He smiled. "Do you have any questions." He asked.

I shook my head and so did Herbo. "Okay, the nurse will be with you in a minute." He got his note pad and left.

I can't believe that I'm actually giving birth now. I'm going to be a mother. I'm gonna have kids.

"This all happened so quick." Herbo muttered. I raised my eyebrow. "What do you mean." I asked. "I mean this whole pregnancy."

I didn't reply because I hid half of my pregnancy to him and felt a little bad.

"Yes." I agreed with him.


"Amarie and Jewel on they way, I'm finna go get the baby bag." He said putting his phone in his pocket. "Get my robe aswell." I told him and he nodded and went.


"So you and Herboooo." I trailed off and raised my eyebrow. "Sis no we only talking cause of the twins." Mulani rolled her eyes. "That's what they all say." I chuckled.

"You always thinking sumn goin on." Jewel eye'd me and smacked her lips.

"Am I missing something here." Mulani asked

I looked at Jewel raising my eye. "Yea is something missing her." I chuckled.


Ive been at the hospital all day, it's already 9pm damn.

"The times coming." A voice in my head spoke which made me stop in my tracks, on the dark quiet road.

"Give me more time." I pleaded. "I need time to spend with my kids." I waved my hands.

"You've made your choice." Another voice said.  "You made a deal with the devil."

I shook my head. "I gave him my body (don't think nasty ya'll lmfao) what else he want." I shouted.

"Your soul." A voice that sounded like Myles said.

"It was either your kids, Mulani or you." Another voice said.

"Give me some time." I begged. "Please." I cried.

The voices didn't talk back to me. My time was coming to an end. And real soon to.

Mulani going into early labour was definitely a sign.

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