Bad Turns To Worse

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   It's been two weeks since Simone & I exchanged our I love yous. It feels amazing to be able to call her my mine. I have her all to myself and no one can tell me different. It's me and her against the world. She changed me. She brought out feelings I haven't had in a while. She showed me there's more to a relationship than just hurt. Look at me preaching to you guys.

   About 7:00 a.m

   It was about 7 when I heard a loud noise come from downstairs. My heart started pounding in my vagina because Simone wasn't in the bed. I quickly got up and looked for the metal bat I had in the closet. I had no idea what was going on. I wanted to jump out the window like the sensible black person I am. It was about a 2 story fall that didn't seem like a bad idea at the time but I had to see if Simone was ok. I kept telling myself this was a bad idea like I shouldn't be trying to be a hero but she was my girl.

   As I walked down the stairs I noticed the door was open and cracked in a couple spots. Holy crap!  Did someone break into my house? At this point I was basically crapping myself. I was freaking out and my breathing got heavy. There was a deep voice coming from over by the kitchen. I slowly crept over luckily there was a bar typish wall I could hide behind. I carefully peeked over and saw Simone tied to a chair. She was crying and trying to say something but she had a scarf tied in her mouth. She was looking over by the fridge but I couldn't see the guy from where I was. I had to think fast. I quickly ran outside the house to the backdoor. I was too afraid to peek through the mesh so I threw the trash cans around. I ran with all my might back to my original spot. The intruder was gone. I ran over to untie Simone but she wouldn't stop freaking out and moving. I tried to keep her calm so she'd stop long enough for me to get her loose.

   *Click click*

   I stopped dead in my tracks. I could feel the coolness of the steel on the back of my neck.

   "Get up and step away from her." the masked intruder commanded.

   I did as I was told and walked over towards the fridge.

   "Why are you doing this?!"  I shouted.

   "Shut up,"  he yelled back, "but since you want to know so bad I'll let you know. You see, Simone should've been mine and if I can't have her why should I let you."

   "Well you're a little late pal she's already mine." I said all matter-of-factly.

   "SHUT UP!"  He yelled again.

   "Screaming isn't going to help anything so you might as well stop."  I was definitely becoming more ballsy. I ran over to Simone while he was distracted by the faint sound of sirens which eventually died out.

   When he finally became aware that I had moved spots he raised his gun.

   "Move away or I'll shoot."  he threatened.

   I didn't comply with his orders. I stood right beside Simone. As he held the gun with both hands he was shaking vigorously as he pointed the gun from me to Simone. This was obviously his first time handling a gun.

   I barely stepped forward when he pulled the trigger...


   A large pool of blood started forming on the kitchen floor.

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