Study Buddies

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   About 3 weeks into us being parteners for this project I decided to give Simone a call.

   *Ring ring ring*

   "Hello? TiTi is that you?"

   She sounds like she had been sleeping. The way she said my name made her all the more sexy.

   "You sound like you've been waiting by the phone for me to call." I laughed.

   "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. What's it to you?"

   "Getting a bit on an attitude I see"

   "Who me? Never." She said attempting to sound convincing.

   "Aright, bet. So what time do you want me to come over?"

   " about now?

   "Sure. Text me your address and I'll be out in 20 minutes."

   "Ok. Bye."

   Almost instantly I got a text from her.

   *I live a 76 - - - - - - - Ave. Can't wait to see you (;*

   I only live 10 minutes away from there. I'll see what she can do in 10 minutes.

   Simone's Perspective

   "Omg. I can't believe she's coming over. What am I going to wear?"

   I quickly took off my clothes and ran over to my closet to find something. Nothing in there would do.

   "Should I wear what I wore to school? What am I thinking? I don't want her to think bad of me."

   I started rummaging through my dresser when I hear the doorbell. I look out the window and who do I see? TiTi. Great, she's early.

   *There's a key under the welcome mat. Take it and come inside.*

   Eventually I hear the door open and close and the key drop on the glass table.

   "Shawty where you at?" I hear her yell.

   "I'm up here."

   She starts walking up the stairs. I should've told her to take off her shoes before she came in the house.

   "Hey sexy." She said.

   I nearly jumped out of my skin.

   "You scared me." I replied.

   "How? You're the one that told me to come upstairs remember?"

   As she was talking she couldn't keep her eyes off me. I saw her biting her lip. I knew she wanted me. I wanted her too. It's like she was testing me. My body ached for her and she could tell.

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