spending summer... can't be good! 19

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In the morning, I was vaguely aware of something light brushing across my cheek. It felt good and pressed deeper into it not even realizing it until I heard a low chuckle. My eyes eased opened and I saw Bray looking down at me when an amused expression on his face. Shocked, I pulled away swiftly and felt my cheeks color.

"Sorry," I mumble as I stretch. I heard something weird coming from Bray and looked at his confused. I followed his gaze and it was directed at a small amount of stomach skin I was showing. Also, the lacy part of my panties had ridden up. I blushed again and pulled my top and aruptly stood up. I hurried up to my room and washed my face and then changed into gray and black plaid shorts and a white blouse. I combed through my hair with my fingers and then went back downstairs. By that time, Seth was already awake. He was still in his clothes his slept in and he was yawning.

"Hey," he mumbled as I brushed past him. I smiled and poured myself orange juice and finished it in one gulp before taking a bite of Seth's pancakes. He pulled his plate and away and glared at me. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Bray asked. He entered the kitchen looking as hot as ever. He was wearing cargo shorts and a white polo that fitted him just perfectly. His hair was it's usual wreck, but as always, natural and good looking.

"Nothing," I said. He raised an eyebrow and then helped himself to some breakfast.

"Any plans for today?" Seth asked.

"No, but I'm open to any ideas," Liv said. She came in wearing a short denim skirt and a red tank and purple tank over it. Seth's eyes flickered to her legs. He cleared his throat and looked away quickly. I smiled.

"No Anna today?" I asked.

"Nope," Seth said, shrugging. LIv looked ecstatic at the news.

"Well, what are you planning?" Liv asked, batting her eyelashes wildly at him. Seth was totally oblivious to her flirty gesture and instead just shrugged, not answering.

"How about just going to the mall?" I offered.

"Boring," Liv said, rolling her eyes.

"What's your idea then?" I asked.

Now, warning for any people that may in the future ask my best friend, Liv, what her idea is. Because about an hour later, we were at this place to go bungee jumping. She was nuts and she knows I absolutely hate heights. Not that much but I'm terrified of jumping of things. That, to me, is completely suicidal and I'd rather be shot than jump off something and plummet to my death. Uh, bad image!

"It'll be fun," Liv assured me as I kept screaming that I refused to get on. She wanted to split us in pairs. Obviously, she was going with Seth. I so did not want to burst into tears in front of Bray.

"Come on, Giselle. It'll be fine. I'll even go first," Seth said. He took Liv's hand, which I could tell she was happy about, and dragged her to the platform. They tied them up and they had to stand at an edge getting ready to jump off. Even if I wasn't the one jumping, my heart was already beating so hard and I felt like I was soon going to pass out.

"It'll be fine," Bray said and took my hand in his. Surprisingly, it calmed me a bit. But not enough to forget that I'm about to jump off. Minutes later, Liv and Seth came back with huge grins on their faces. They were still holding hands.

"Oh G, you have to try it. It's so much fun!" Liv exclaimed. I felt my palms start to get sweaty as they strapped me up. I was so hyperventilating and it was so embarrassing.

"Whenever you're ready," the bungee jumping instructor said. I multiple deep breaths to try and calm myself but it so wasn't happening. Bray took my hand and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I promise nothing will happen," he said, looking sincere. He hugged me and then we walked over to the edge. I took a peek down and felt like I could faint.

"I can't do this," I whispered, my voice shaky. He gave my hand a firm squeeze and edged closer to the edge. I'm going to die. Goodbye world. Right before we jumped off and possibly to our death, Bray's lips captured mine and then all I felt was bliss. It felt like I was soaring in the sky. It was beyond words and beyond comparison. When he pulled away, I noticed we were dangling by the cord. I smiled. We didn't die and that experience was actually very exhilerating. I feel like I just got out of my cage is now free.

"How did it feel?" Bray asked.

"Awesome!" I said, secretly referring to the kiss. He smiled.

After this experience, I'm more than sure that Bray is the one for me. I know I've always liked him. But I'm more than attracted to him. I trust him and after this, I know I can. I feel so safe with him and unbelievably comfortable. This is what a great relationship is. You have to be open with each other and trust, of course, is also an important part of it. I want so badly to tell him how I feel, but I don't want to be rejected. Especially by someone I could very possibly love.

spending summer with the guy i dream about and my boyfriend... can't be good!Where stories live. Discover now