New human friend

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E: "Hey guys. I know new account! Crazy right? anyway. I made this with Angel-of-Heartbreak. We rped this so if things don't make sense I'm sorry! anyway. Enjoy!"

No one's POV

It was a the begining of a normal day for monster high. everyone was at school and meeting up with their friends before class. Jenae was no exception.

Frankie's POV

I'm walking in with my friends when Jenae comes runing over to us. Her long red hair flowing behind her. Her tail flicks when she stops next to us. "Hey gouls." She says. "hey." We all say back. Jenae was our only werecat friend since the others were friends with Toroli. "Did you guys hear there's going to be a new student?" Death asks. Death is another friend of ours and happens to be Jenae's girlfriend. unlike Jenae Death's a vampire. Death is actually the most nomie looking out of us all. She has pale nomie skin color, brown eyes and hair. the only thing monster about her is her fangs and her neck which has a reddish skin that form a ring around it.

"A new goul? no way!" I say.  "Yea and." new voice says "do you." another new voice says "Want to hear about something?" they both ask. I turn to see Nana and Grace. the crazy werewolf twins of the school their always spreding romors. "what is is?" I ask. "Well turns out the new student is a normie!" Grace says.

"A nomie?" Death asks. "I thought nomies wheren't allowed at the school." Cleo says. "it's an exparment. to see if we can get along with humans." Clawdeen says. "That's an obvious no." Death mummbles. Draculura shyly smiles. "She also happens to be my normie best friend." She says.

"Well if you two are friends we know she likes monsters and is nice." Death says. "Yea." I say. "We'll give her the big monster high welcome." I say. "Oh before I forget. She has very sensitive hearing so don't be too loud." Draculaura tells us. "Finally another quiet goul other than Death." Jenae says. Death blushes a little.

Duce's POV

I'm running late. I'm runing to school when I see a beautiful girl walking in.

 I'm runing to school when I see a beautiful girl walking in

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I then remember we're getting a new student. I head over to her. "Hey your the new student right?" I ask her. She nods. She then moves infront of me super fast and catches a baseball a werewolf lost. She picks it up and tosses it over the fance which should be impossible!

The werewolf looks at her. "hey thanks and welcome to monster high!" He says. She nods and just looks at me. /The new student must be shy. I shouldn't talk to loudly and scare her./ "Hey I'm Duce." I tell her without talking loudly. "what's your name?" I ask her. She holds out her necklace which spells out the name Serenity. "Serenity. pretty name." I say.

She pulls out of her bag a small picture of her and Daculaura. She must be looking for her. "Daculaura? i know her. she's in my class and one of my goul friends. follow me." I tell her. she nods and follows me. I take her to the classroom where the others are.

Draculaura noticed her. "SERENITY!" She yells. Serenity covers her ears. Draculaura laughs nervously. "opps. sorry." She says softly. she goes over and hugs Serenity. She hugs her back. Death and the others turn to look at Serenity. "woah." Jenae says. "Her hair is as black as ink." Grace says. "Her eyes are as purple as the mist of a ghost." Nana says. "truely an odd look for a normie." They both say at the same time. "She's not a normal normie is my guess." Death says.

I see Serenity pull out a necklace that has Draculaura's name on it. "I love it." Draculaura says. she seems to be having trouble keeping her exciment quiet. She hugs Serenity and Serenity hugs back in her hand is a happy late birthday card. Draculaura starts jumpping up and down. "I'm so happy your at monster high!" She says. Serenity smiles a little. "You could introduce us." Frankie says. "Oh!" Draculaura says.

Serenity's POV

I smile at Draculaura's childish ways as she takes me to meet her friends. I see a girl with mint green skin with blots and stichiches smile at me."Hi I'm Frankie. Oh just a warning but my hand has a tedincy to pop out at random times so if you see a walking hand don't be alarmed." She says. 

A girl with brown hair and blue eyes. With egyptian makeup and clothes look at me then back to her coffen phone. "Cloe De Nile. The most beautiful monster in the school." She says. Clearly not interested.

"You know me. I'm duce." Duce says. His snake hair hisses I'm going to guess a hello.

A girl with brown hair and eyes. who looks like a human like me. Smiles a little at me. "I'm Death." She says softly. Seems she's shy or is it cause I'm a human? I don't know. The red haired girl her smiles. "Jenae screams.

Two werewolf twins  smile at me. "Grace nana." one introduces herself. "Nana Grace." The other says.

I nod and wave to them all. Draculaura looks at me concerned. "Serenity why aren't you speaking?" She asks me. I look down. "Let me guess. Did the normie school near by hurt you for going to this school and looking different?" She asks. I shake my head no. I pull my shirt down and show them a burn mark on my neck. Death looks surpised. "oh my goul." Frankie says.

Draculaura starts crying. Frankie hugs her. "We have fairies around here with healing magic. we can get one if you want." Clawdeen says. "I know how she got this. She got burned on hellsnight." Draculaura says. "Gouls anyone burned on hells night stays burned forever." Jenae says. "there has to be a way to heal it. we've done the impossible before what's stopping us this time?" Frankie asks. "Hells fire can only be healed by boiling mermaids blood." Grace says. Draculaura gags at the word blood.

"Goul you forget. We know lugona and Gill! They both live in the sea. if anyone's seen mermaids it's them. if we ask the mermaids might help us." Frankie says. "Serenity doesn't want anyone to go to any trouble for her." Draculaura says. "You can tell from a look?" Jenae asks. "You forget I grew up with her." she answers. "It's no trouble when it comes to helping out a friend." Frankie says. "You'll soon learn every goul here will do anything to help out a friend." Death tells me. I nod.

E: "What did you all think? good? or no? Please leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think! I hope you enjoyed!"

MADE ON 10/9/18

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