Before the ball

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E: "so the next chapter will be the Comet Ball but for right now we're going to see what the gouls are up to before the party."

Pharaoh's POV

I'm raping my song for Boo York when I see Serenity. She stops and smiles and starts humming the song. I make my way over to her while rapping. I take her hand and dance with her. She smiles more and laughs while singing. I see people start to come after us. So I pick her up and run with her in my arms. This makes her blush and laugh.

"Pharaoh." She says. "Yes Serenity?" I ask her. "You don't have to carry me." She says. "I you want me to put you down?" I ask her. I want to carry her but if she doesn't like it or isn't comfortable in it then I won't. She giggles and kisses my cheek. "I like it." She says. I blush a little. I run with her in my arms until we are at the top of the monster of liberty.

I put her down. She hugs me and I hug her back. "I love you Serenity." I tell her. "I love you too Pharaoh." She says back and relaxs in my arms. "I'm sorry I didn't come find you last night. I had to do something for tonight." I say. She looks at me curiously. "Tonight?" She asks.

it's then Qin's words ring in my head "Remember Pharaoh you can't tell Serenity your Seth Ptolemy, just tell her your attending the ball." It's when she tells me this kind of stuff and give no explanation why she said it that makes me not like her as much.

I really want to tell Serenity but I guess I won't. "Yes I was making sure I could come to the comet ball tonight." I tell her. She smiles happily at this newz. "I'm going as well. With me and my goul friends." She says. "Really? I bet you'll be the most beautful girl there." I tell her. She blushes. "stop it. your embarressing me." She says. "It's true." I says.

"And I'm got some surpises for you tonight." I say. "Really?" she asks. "Yep but I can't tell you anything until tonight." I say. She pouts cutely. "ok." She says. "So what do you want to do?" I ask her. "I'm up for anything." she says. "I hear there's a concert going on now. I bet if we stay on the roof tops we can see and hear everything." I say. She gets up and starts running. "Race ya!" She says. "Hey!" I say and start running.

She giggles. I know I could easily win but I let her beat me. She looks at me. "Oh come on Pharaoh don't go easy on me. I'm pretty fast." She says. "I can see that." I say. Soon we're laughing together and running to see a consert.

Clawdeen's POV

I walk into a nice store and I see at Harmont is there looking at dresses. I go over to her and hug her from behind. "What are you doing?" I ask her. She blushes lightly. "looking for a dress for tonight." She says. "oh I see well if you want I could make you one." I offer. "But the ball is tonight." She says. "I could get it done but it's up to you." I really don't mind. I just want Harmony to be happy with her dress for tonight.

"Thank you but I already have a dress." She says and sets a dress aside. "Well I bet you'll look fangtastic in it." I say. She smiles. "Thanks Clawdeen." She says. "Your welcome my dear." I say back. "Hey will you be my date tonight? It may be out of the blue but I don't like going to crowded places alone." She asks. "I would love to be your date for tonight." I say. "Thank you!" She says happily. "Your welcome." I say.

E: "so everyone has a date to the ball. let's hope nothing monsterous happens. Please leave a comment! I'd love to hear what you think! I hope you enjoyed!"

MADE ON 10/24/18

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