The night before the comet

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 E: "So what do they do when it's the night before the comet? I have not idea but I bet Nefera is still trying to break Duce and Cleo up."

Harmony's POV (cause I'm not doing Nefera's POV)

I'm in the hotel room with Nefera and I'm unpacking my things.

(This is the hotel room only it's bigger and has two beds not one)

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(This is the hotel room only it's bigger and has two beds not one)

"Nefera that prank today was really uncalled for." I tell her. "I have no idea what your talking about." Nefera says pretending she had nothing to do with what happened earlier. "Nefera I would never judge you and it's only the two of us here. you don't need to pretend." I tell her.  "Well I was hoping it would turn out even worse but your sister ruined that." She says angrily. I laugh. "There's my friend and sorry about that." I say.

"I'm surpised Cleo didn't blow up in Duce's face like I though she was. Oh well I still have time to break them up." She says. I stop and look at her. She wants to break Duce and Cleo up? I know she hates her sister but this is a new level even for her. "Why may I ask?" I ask her. "I want power. If I can get Cleo to marry that stupid freak Seth then I get power. So I need to make her and Duce break up. If my sister is upset then that's just an added bonus. and if she is missurable there's nothing she can do about it. Once your married under the light of the comet that couple are forever married." Nefera explains.

"couldn't you just wish for power instead?" I ask her. "Where's the fun in that? besides it's worth it if Cleo's miserable for the rest of her life." She says. "I won't stop you my friend but I will warn you, what comes around goes around. If you fail than you'll be miserable instead of her." I warn her. "I won't fail. I know I won't fail. I do know that there are monster and one Normie that will try and stop me. "your sister and that annoying vampire Death. they'll both try and stop me which is annoying." She complains.

"I'm a Normie yet your ok with that." I say. I go over to Nefera and start to brush her hair. "It's not the Normie part I don't like. it's the fact she's stopping my plans. Once she tells Death that I'm trying to break Cleo and Duce up. Death will do everything in her power to stop me from hurting her friends." She says.  "Well look on the bright side at least your still prettier than your sister." I tell her.

"That is true. I'll always be prettier than her. Speaking of beauty who can you like that ugly mutt Clawdeen?" She asks me. I frown and continue to brush her hair. "She's cute why?" I ask her. "You can do so much beter than her. I mean she thinks she can design fasion when she clearly can't. She's super ugly and not even pretty. I don't get what you see in her." She explains.

I hate what she's saying about Clawdeen especially when it's not true. I start to think about Clawdeen and smile softly. "I got for the heart Nefera not the looks or statues ,if I recall that's how we became friends. I'm not good looking to get rich or boost my status. I helped you when you needed me and you helpped me when I needed help. even though I'm swarn to secercy never to tell." I say giggling.

"I know and you better not tell anyone. I still don't see what you like about her but I won't touch her or involve her in my plan since you care about her so much." She says. This is why I never interfer with Nefera's plans because I can always count on her soft and nice side. I hug her. To be honest we were kinda sisters at heart. "I swear on Ra's life that I won't. Not even when you tripped on a water bucket and got water all over you." I say whil giggling at the memory.

Nefera blushes embarresed. "Well anyway I need to come up with a plan on stopping your sister and Death from stopping my plan. Speaking of plans have you seen Toralei?" she asks me. "I think she went shopping." I tell her. "of couse." She says then gets out her phone and calls her.

Pharaoh's POV

I'm in my room and looking out at the beautiful moon and I can't help but think about Serenity.  I hear a knock at my window to see my fairy friend Qin at the window. I open the window and she flys in and turns to her normal monster form. "I got the picture you wanted." She tells me.

She hands me a picture of Serenity. She was wearing the dress she had on for brunch but her hair was down. "She's still wearing that?" I ask even though I new I was going to get no answer. "I saw your mother leave angerly." Qin says. "I'm not surpised. Cleo's boyfriend used a fire extinguisher on us and a desert that was supposed to have fire." I explain.

I look outside at the town. "I want to go see her." I say. "She's that important huh?" Qin asks. "She's my everything. I love her." I say. Qin smiles. "I'm happy for you my friend." She says. "What about you? Have you found anyone?" I ask. She blushes and nods. "Two werewolf twins." She says. "I've seen them with Serenity. They're her friends I believe. Maybe we could go on a double date......or is it triple since your dating twins?" I ask her.

Qin shrugs. "Either way their a ha-" She stops mid sentance and is looking at something. I turn to see what she's looking at. She's looking at the ring mother gave me. "no way." She says. "don't get too excited. Mother gave that to me so I could marry one of the De Niles." I explain. I look at it sadly. "I don't want to though. I'd rather die than leave serenity." I say.

"Any marrige under the comet light is bound forever right?" Qin asks. "Yea. why?" I ask her. "Pharaoh where do you see you and Serenity in the future?" She asks. "Making music together and married but that's just a dream." I say. Qin picks up the ring. "no it's not. You have to make that promise to Serenity." She says. "Qin your a genus!" I tell her. "I'm the smartest fairy remember?" She asks.

"I know. I don't know if I can wait until tomorrow night though. I want to ask her tonight and see her. It was killing me at brunch! I couldn't talk to her or even seem interested in her!" I say. "Yea. She looked dead on the inside." Qin says. "I know! I wanted to help her! Make her happy but I couldn't. I feel like I failed her." I say. "You'd only fail her if you cheated on her." Qin says. "I love her too much to cheat on her. i'd kill myself before I'd ever think about cheating on her." I say.

"Well then it's settled. I'll find her and tell you where she'll be tomorrow." She says. "No she'll be at the comet ball. I'll propose to her there. I don't care if mother sees. She needs to learn about the real me and needs to see the girl I love." I say.

E: "woah. Pharaoh's going to ask Serenity to marry him. will she say yes? and what's Nefera going to do about it? Please leave a commet i'd love to hear what you think. I hope you enjoyed."

MADE ON 10/19/18

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