Coming home

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E: "So this will be the last chapter. I hope you like the ending to the story. Small warning of depression (especially for Clawdeen)

Clawdeen's POV

I'm in my room. I haven't left or ate anything since I lost Harmony. Without Harmony I feel like I have no reason to keep on living. I want her back. I want to be with her but I know the only way to do that is to die. So yes I want to die but my sisters check up on me and make sure I don't do anything. I hear footsteps coming towards my room. Speak of the devils.

The door opens and my twin sisters enter. I don't look at them. "Sis we have something for you." Grace says. "I don't want it." I tell her. "It's from Harmony." Nana says. This peeks my interest. Something from Harmony? I look at them. "it's from Harmony? What is it?" I ask them. The bring over a book and give it to me.

"It's a photo book from the time you two met to her final moments." Grace says. I open the book and look though it. Seeing Harmony made me start crying. I look at a picture of us at a mall. I'm making Harmony try different dresses on. I'm sobbing. "I-I want her back." I say in between sobs.

My sisters hug me. "We know." They say. "L-Let me die. I'll see her if you do. I-I can be with her! I-If the gods won't let h-her be here than I'll g-go to her!" I say sobbing. I wanted Harmony. I couldn't live without her. She's my everything. My light. My love.

My sisters sighs and takes out their magic mirror. "Mirror mirror in our hands show us where Harmony lies of them all." The chant. The mirror ripples and shines but then shows Harmony and Serenity.

They were fighting monsters. They looked tired and hungry. I gasp at what I saw. "H-Harmony." I say horrified at what I saw. "Serenity! I need help!" Harmony calls. Serenity kill the demon and goes over to Harmony and helps her. "Who let the gates open?!" Serenity asks.

"They've been fighting for days with no break." Grace says. "This is terrible there has to be a way to stop this." I say. "Not even out powers are strong enough to do that." Nana says. I see them finish the battle. "So tired." Harmony says out of breath. "I know." Serenity says who is also out of breath. I cry. "If this keeps up she'll die!" I say sadly.

Pharaoh's POV

I don't rap or dance anymore. I lost all motivation to do so when Serenity left me. I see Qin come in through my window to check up on me. "Pharaoh I brought something for you." She says. "What is it?" I ask her. She sits besides me and shows me a picture book called "Pharaoh and Serenity's fun days." I was shocked. "A photobook?" I ask.

"Someone told me to get photos of you two together and with some help from my sister we got pictures of every moment you two had together." She explains.

I open it up and the first photo there is was when we first met in the subway. Another picture of us jumping from roof top to roof top. Another one shows them cuddling on the monster of liberty. Another photo shows them dancing on the roof while listening to the concert. I flip the the next page and see its the ball. I close the book. I can't bring myself to look at those photos.

Qin hugs me. "I miss her so much. Why did she have to die?" I ask. "She's a celestial angel it's her job." Qin says. "It's not fair that she has to put her life on the line!" I say upset. I look at my books and see one my mother gave to me for my last birthday and it gives me an idea. "That's it." I say. I grab it and look through it. "One of these spells can summon gods if I summon the right one maybe Harmony and Serenity will be released." I say. "Pharaoh that's suicide!" Qin says injecting. "SERENITY IS WORTH IT!" I yell. I chant the spell and pry I summoned the right god. Soon Anubis appears in my room.

"You dare summon the god of the afterlife?" He asks. Now let me get one thing straight. I summoned a god of death who could easily kill me if he wanted. Anyone in their right mind would be scared but I wasn't. "Yes I do!" I say. "Why? Speak quickly or I won't hear you out." He says. "I wants you to let Harmony and Serenity go." I say. "And what do you want with my daughters?" He asks. "D-Daughters?" Qin asks shocked. "yes they are my daughters." He says.

"I would give you daughter Serenity all that I can give. My love and loyalty. I'll make her happy and help her love the happiest life she could ever get. I'd give your daughter Harmony to the person who loves her. So they can be together happily and never have to worry about leaving them again." I say.

"Very well but know this when you two die you both will join my daughters and help them guard the underworld." He says. "I aceept your deal and I know Clawdeen would too." I say. Anubis nods.

I see a flash of light and Serenity is in front of me gasping for air. I hug her tightly. "Serenity!" I say happily. She hugs me back. "Pharaoh." She says. "My sweet Serenity you are back." I say. "I'm back?" She asks confused. "Consider this a gift my daughter." He says then vanishes. "I missed you so much Pharaoh." She says. "I know I missed you too." I say. She puts her head on my chest. "I'm really here." She says."yes and even in death I will be with you." I tell her. "What do you mean?" She asks. "When Clawdeen and I die we will join you and Harmony in your job." I explain. Her eyes widen. "Pharaoh you'll be stuck fighting with us for all of eternity with no rest." She says.

"I don't care as long as I'm with you it's worth it." I say. "Your too good for me." She says. "I see it more as loving you with all my heart." I tell her. "I love you so much." She says. "I love you so much too." I say and kiss her.

Clawdeen's POV

I'm going to do it. I'm going to kill myself to be with Serenity. I have my dagger and place it on my heart. I hear something in my room but I ignore it. I'm about to put the dager in my heart when I hear something I never thought I would again.

"Clawdeen?" A very familiar voice asks. I drop the dagger and see Harmony. I hug her tightly. She hugs me back tightly. "I missed you so much Harmony. I couldn't live without you." I tell her. "I'm back now don't worry." She tells me. "Please don't leave me ever again." I say. "I won't."


Pharaoh and Serenity sang their hearts out to many people and became famous. They got married and had children. Clawdeen became the most famous designer in the worlds. Harmony became the hottest fashion model and modeled all of Clawdeen's clothes. They also got married and adopted some kids. They all had the happiest lives in the universe.

E: "I hope you Enjoyed this story. This is the end like I said if your looking for someone to RP with them head to my main account exyami or Demon-Girl-17 the one who I RPed with me. I hope you all enjoyed this story."

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