brunch disaster

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E: "ok so do you all remember the scene in the Boo York movie where Nefera makes a brunch for the gouls and the Ptolemys? well guess what that's happening now! it might be different from the movie though. oh and the picture up top is what they had to eat before desert."

Serenity's POV

I'm sitting with the others at a brunch Nefera made for some reason. The gouls are all here and so is my sister. I'm right now wearing my best dress right now and from the looks of it so is everyone else.

(this is Serenity's dress and her hairstyle but remember she has a dark hair color reference the picture in the first chapter if you need a reminder)

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(this is Serenity's dress and her hairstyle but remember she has a dark hair color reference the picture in the first chapter if you need a reminder)

"Where's Duce? I thought he got invited too." Frankie says. Harmony shrugs.

(harmony is wearing this dress and her hair is in the same style as this though she has the same color hair as Serenity oh and she DOESN'T have a sword)

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(harmony is wearing this dress and her hair is in the same style as this though she has the same color hair as Serenity oh and she DOESN'T have a sword)

"The traffic was bad today." Jenae says and is sitting next to Death like always.

(this is Jenae's outfit and that is her hairstyle while she's in this chapter but please remember Jenae has red hair not blonde)

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(this is Jenae's outfit and that is her hairstyle while she's in this chapter but please remember Jenae has red hair not blonde)

I then see Duce arrive in a bathingsuit and a snorkel. "oh my goul what is he wearing?" Clawdeen asks. I look at Cleo and she looks so embarresed. "Excuse me." I say and go over to Duce. "Duce please follow me." I say. I take him somewhere inside. "Duce this isn't a pool party. Nefera tricked you." I tell him. "of course she did. I don't have anything else to wear though." He tells me. I give him my cloak. "I can't keep this. it wouldn't be fair to you." He says. "i have extra clothes now let's go back." I say.

We start heading for the table when a waiter stops us. "i'm sorry but it's a rule here that all men must be wearing a suit." He says. I pull out a perfectly good suit and give it to Duce. "before you ubject this was made for emugencys and this is one so wear it." I tell him. He nods and leaves to change. I go back and sit next to Cleo. I see Nefera glaring at me and I happily glare back at her.

Clawdeen's POV

I'm sitting next to Harmony and I'm also wearing my new purple dress I bought. (the one from shopping gouls) She looks stunning in the purple gown she's wearing. "So Harmony how did you and Nefera met?" I ask her. "it's really funny actually. She was having a shopping crisis." She tells me. "A shooping crisis?" I ask her confused. "Nefera lost her credit-card so I payed for the clothes." She says. "That was so nice of you." I say. "After that Nefera gave me tips on fashion and how to dress. we've been friends since." She explains.

"So your into fashion i'm guessing." I say. "Yes. My sister prefers the boring stuff while I go for the dresses and heels." She says. I take my sketch book from my bag. "I actually happen to design fashion." I say. I'm about to show her when I'm inturpted. "oh look hear comes desert." Nefera says. I look up to see Duce actually wearing a suit and not a bathing suit and is sitting next to Cleo.

 The waiters come and bring out these delisous looking deserts.

(I know it's not the flaming scary cherries form the movie but these loked good! just pretend that there's a little flame on top that isn't melting it at all

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(I know it's not the flaming scary cherries form the movie but these loked good! just pretend that there's a little flame on top that isn't melting it at all.)

I'm about to take a bite of my desert when Duce pulls out a fire exitinguisher and puts out the fire and covering the deserts and all of us with the white foamy stuff that came out of it. (i don't know what it's called).  I see Nefera smirking for some reason. I hear coughing coming from next to me. I see Harmony coughing up the stuff from the fire extinguisher. I help her get it out of her then start growling at Duce.

"what? I put out the fire." He says ovously confused. "I know Duce but it wasn't nessesary." Harmony says while coughing. I see miss Ptolemys stand up. "Seth we are leaving." She says clearly upset. "Yes mother." He says and follows her.

I then see Cleo walk over to Duce angry. "Duce why in Ra's name would you do that?! The flaming oreos were suposed to be on fire!" She says. angrily. "I didn't know." He says. She's about to say something when she takes a deep breathe in and out. "ok let's just go on a walk." She says. Duce nods and follows her.

I look over to Harmony. "Are you going to be ok?" I ask her. she nods. I'm glad. I look over to see my book was ruined. Harmont also notices and tries to get the stuff off of it to save it. "Harmony you don't need to do that." I say. "But it's important to you." she says. "Your way more important to me." I tell her. She blushes lightly.

E: "so Duce messed up but will Duce break up with Cleo like he did in the movie that's the real question here. Please leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think! I hope you enjoyed!"

MADE ON 10/18/18

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