shopping gouls

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E: "so the gouls are going to go shopping! Let's hope Serenity can keep up with the biggest shoppers in the monster world!" (also there might be a lot of pictures in this chapter.)

Clawdeen's POV

I'm walking around with Serenity and the other gouls. looking for a good store to go in. I soon spot one not too far away. "Hey gouls how about that one?" I ask. Serenity looks at the shop and nods. that's all this wolf needs. I walk over with the others and start looking around. I soon see a very cute purple dress. This is so my style!

(the dress Clawdeen found and liked

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(the dress Clawdeen found and liked. the last driess with the short sleves)

I looks over to see Serenity looking at plain stuff but also kinda looking around. I go over to her. "Serenity you can get what you want. No that that's not good or anything." I tell her. She smiles at me then looks around. She find a cute leather jacket. She looks around the dresses for something that'll go good with it I'm guessing. I turn to the other gouls. "you gouls find anything?" I ask them.

"New silver bracelets." Jenae says. "Nice Jenae." I say. "A lot of voltagish clothes." Frankie says and has a pile of clothes next to her. Same old frankie. "Just looking. Dad would kill me if I buy anything." Death says. I nod. I always forget how strict her father is.

I look over and see Serenity looking at a white dress with a red belt. She tries to reach it but it's too far up for her to reach. She crouches down and jumps up. As if that wasn't cool enough she quickly looked through the dresses and found her size before coming back down and lands on her feet. "woah." is all I could say. "That was awesome! are we sure she's not a monsters?" Frankie asks. Serenity nods.

"That was a fangtastic jump!" The twins say.  "That was fangtastic." I say. I look at her and smile. /I can't believe I'm this but I think I love Serenity./ I see Serenity blush a little. Draculaura hugs her. "I know right!" she says. I see she's holding the white dress. That's cute. I bet it'd look good on you." I tell her. Draculaura sees the dress! "go try it on." She tells Serenity. Serenity nods and goes and tries it on.

"Clawdeen I've noticed you seem to be getting close to Serenity and you seem to be blushing a lot." Cleo says. "I don't know what your talking about." I say then look away. "You like her!" Draculaura says happily. "maybe." I say. I look over and see Death and Jenae. They've been together for a year now. I wish I could be with Serenity like that. together and happy.

Death's POV 

I see Jenae frowning. "Why are you frowning?" I ask her. "You get so little." She says and hugs me. I hug her back. "I don't care I'm used to it. but I don't mind since I have you." I tell her. She smiles. "The reason my father would kill me is because I got you something. I take out a necklace I got for Jenae. "I ordered it a week ago but it came in today. It's not much but it's all I could get." I say.

(This is the necklace Death get for Jenae)

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(This is the necklace Death get for Jenae)

"I love it." She says. I put it on her. "I'm glad it's the least I could do for you. You've always been there when I needed you the most. I wanted to get you something to say thank you." I tell her. "Well I am that awesome." She says. "You are that awesome." I say agreeing. "I know." She says and smiles brightly. I kiss her cheek making her blush. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you too." She says. I kiss her and she kisses back. I soon break it for air.

Clawdeen's POV

I see Nana and Grace smirking. "What? Why are you two smirking?" I ask them. They point to something behind me. I turn to see Serenity with the dress on and it looked stunning on her.

(this is the dress and the red belt things is attached to the dress so Serenity is wearing that too)

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(this is the dress and the red belt things is attached to the dress so Serenity is wearing that too)

"You look beautiful." I tell her. She blushes and rubs the back of her neck in embarrassment.  "I-I should go and try on my dress." I say stuttering a little bit. I go into the changing room and start to change.

Serenity's POV

Clawdeen seemed kinda nervous. I wonder why. I look at the other. My throat starts to hurt so I put my hand on it. Frankie seems to notice this. "You ok Serenity? oh wait." She says. She hands me a notebook with the monster high logo on it and a matching pen. "I bought this for you so you could talk to us without a voice." She explains. I nod and write down. "my throat hurts." "oh no that's not good." She says. Cloe looks at Death. "Hey Death don't you have healing powers or something?" She asks her. "Yea why?" Death asks.

I hold my throat. I see Jenae holding Death close to her like she doesn't want her to help me. Death turns to Jenae. "I'll be right back." She tells Jenae. She then kisses her head and comes over to me. She gently puts her hand on my throat. I see the others gasp. "Y-Your burn it's glowing." Draculaura says. It's glowing?! is that good or bad? Death soon takes her hand off my throat and it feels much better. "Vampires have quick healing so I'm able to use that to heal people. It's not the best healing power in the world but it's what I've got. I nod. Jenae comes up to me and hands me a bottle. "Here take this. it might burn but it'll help." She says. I take it and drink it.

She was right this thing does burn. I finish the drink but I don't feel any change. "that burned." I say softly. I freeze. did I just speak?! "You can speak!" Death says while holding Jenae close to her. Draculaura hugs me. "It's been so long." I say. "I know right?!" She says. "Yea." I say.

Just then Clawdeen comes out of the changing room. "Sorry it took so long. Did I miss anything?" She asks. "only that I can talk again." I say. "That's awesome!" Clawdeen says and hugs me. I hug her back. "It is isn't it." I say. "It is." She says agreeing. "Hey let's finish shopping." I say. She nods. We change back to our own clothes then check out.

E: "oh my goul! Serenity can talk again! This is fangtastic! I wonder what healed her though. Was it Death or what ever Jenae gave her. Please leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think! I hope you enjoyed!"

MADE ON 10/17/18

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